TableCellEditor « JTable « Java Swing Q&A

1. Error Dialog Not Being Destroyed

I am working on a project that is using a JTable to display, among other things, a column of dates. We needed validation for the user input for dates, so I ...

2. reusing TableCellEditor objects

So I have lots of tables and lots of cell editors, with lots of stuff in them. I figured I should be reusing them, not doing new() every time since ...

3. Focus traversal within components in a Cell Editor

i´m trying to make easy edit to a table thas uses a custom component for displaying info. Each Cell hast 3 data texts. What i want is:

  • if a cell gets focus, start editing ...

4. Use JSpinner like JTable cell editor

i'm using a JSpinner like a table cell editor, i have one annoying problem: The cell remains in NON-editable mode until i click into it, for NON-editable i mean that ...

5. Losing first character in JTable panel based cell editor

I have a cell editor that contains a little button and then a textfield that can be used to edit the value inline I use setSurrendersFocusOnKeystroke(true) and a focus listener in ...

6. Java: Why doesn't JTable use TableCellEditor?

The intention of MyTableCellEditor is to make a JTable cell behave like an Excel cell, IOW, entering a value after single clicking in a cell overwrites rather than appends to the ...

7. JSpinner Update

I creates a dataTable and cellEditor form one column. This column is simple jSpinner. I have the following problem. When I enter some value in the spinner and select the another ...

8. Table Cell Editor in a calendar

I'm making a calendar in Eclipse and I want to able to edit the cells, adding events etc. Right now, I can write stuff in the cells, but it doesn't look ...

9. How to store multiple values in a JTable row as a JCombobox

Hashmap contains key and value(result of parsing an XML). Hashmap contains things in the way that key is a string and value is a vector. A key may have single value ...

10. JTable + TableCellEditor: Buffer changes on data

my questions targets at editable JTables (using TableCellEditor). Some tools (like SQLDeveloper) allow the user to edit multiple records, create new one or delete existing records. The table shows the modified ...

11. JComboBox not opening in a jTable

I have created a table where in a cell of each row a combo box is displayed. I have used the following two classes as cell editor and cell renderer respectively. ...

12. adding JComboBox to a jTable with specific data per row

I am trying to add a JComboBox to the last column of my JTable. The JComboBox isn't for editing purposes but for traversing the JTable itself. Each row can have 0-many ...

13. Swing JTable reset TableCellEditor

JComboBox in TableCellEditor remember last selected value among different rows and even different TableModels. For example select a value on one row, then go to another row, start cell editing and ...

14. How do I get the CellRow when there is an ItemEvent in the JComboBox within the cell

I have a JTable with a column containing a JComboBox. I have an ItemListener attached to the JComboBox which acts upon any changes. However, ItemListener does not have a method for obtaining the ...

15. Problem in obtaining the focus of JTable?

This is the scenario: I have a JTable of nxn. In the Col(0) of each cell, have a slider with two thumbs each for min and max,two JTextField to represent min ...

16. Default Cell Editor Class Query?

This is how my JTable is reconstructed from the serialized data:

table = new JTable(){
    public boolean isCellEditable(int arg0, int arg1) {

17. How to mark JTable cell input as invalid?

If I take a JTable and specify a column's classtype on it's model as follows:

   DefaultTableModel model = new DefaultTableModel(columnNames, 100) {

18. Cell editor not exiting when row is deleted

I have a JTable with a several columns, one of which is has a custom renderer to display 3 buttons in a JPanel as well as a custom editor to allow ...

19. JComboBox as a Custom TableCellEditor

I have a table. Changes on that table update database. One column is edited by a JComboBox in that table. Clicks to any cell in that column fires a tableChanged event. ...

20. JTable Cell Update doesn't work

In my application I have use a java table which is similar to this example. My problem is when I change a value of a cell (even in above ...

22. HTMLEditorKit as TableCellEditor

23. TableCellEditor ComboBox in JTable

Originally posted by John Forsyth: I'm working on getting a JTable to display a different combo box in each row. I have successfully had this happen, however, there is initially nothing shown in the table cell until I click and select from the options. My process is to create a new JComboBox with all the options then attach it to the ...

25. tablecelleditor doesn't call setvalueat

26. Loosing TableCellEditor Component Focus

Hi,Iam using editable combobox as a table cell editor in my table .I added some search mechanism to the editable combobox to find the elements starting with particular letter or some string .But when i type one word in cell editor[editable combobox] combo box is loosing its focus and focus is going to table and search mechanism is not working.But when ...