Search « JTable « Java Swing Q&A

1. Creating and using Multiple Filters/Searches using JTable or GlazedLists

I looked up how to use multiple filters on here with a regular table and the answers all pointed to GlazedLists. However, the answers didn't specify how to use ...

2. Search in JTable

I have created with Java Swing a dialog window which presents in a JTable a list of items. I would like to implement some sort of search functions. Can anyone suggest ...

3. How to display search result in jtable?

I am using netbeans IDE. I like to check how canni actually search from a jtable which is mapped to a table using netbeans binding. I want to refresh the jtable ...

4. Filter JTable only one one column

I have a JTable and I would like to do a filter from a JTextfield but only filter the results based on one column and not to search all columns. I have ...

5. how to search jtable in netbeans?

hi everyone! i'm new to netbeans,and trying to create a simple desktop application with database connectivity. i'm using MySql as the backend,and have achieved basic connectivity,i i.e. connecting to the table ...

6. JTable Searching

class AbsTab extends AbstractTableModel ... AbsTab rset2; ... //A method that searches value "Sunday" from first column. public void ShowMeSundays() {for (int i=0;i (Less Than)rset2.getRowCount();i++) {Object obj = rset2.getValueAt(i, 0); String objStr =(String)obj; if (objStr.equals("Sunday")) System.out.println("Row number "+i+" is Sunday"); } } In this case I know where to look Sundays, but You get the point.. Hope this helps! [This message ...

8. searching a JTable that has editor

not sure what overrides you have in place, but best way to do this is probably to write a custom cellrenderer. One way might be to override 'setValue' for the colorable columns. (Another way, not discussed here, might be to override getTableCellRendererComponent in the component) if your colorable cells are JLabels, for example, you could test the combobox value, and setForeground(someColor) ...

9. Searching Jtable

10. jtable mysql search

Hi guys, I've followed this tutorial to create an application: A simple MySQL client in NB Everything works fine. I was trying to add a search feature by allowing the user to input the search in a textfield and choose an option from a combo box to search in a specific column then hit the search button. but it doesn't seem ...

11. pls> Doing a search in jTable??