Save « JTable « Java Swing Q&A

1. Saving a JTable

Have you looked at poi? Jakarta Poi I had to do something similar to what you're asking. Poi has an excel table represented as a high level class (you can modify cells, rows etc. easily without worrying about the low-level event model). All I did was extend the HSSFWorbook class (it represents a workbook). You could make the extended workbook take ...

2. Saving JTable Values

I am trying to use the command getValueAt(i,0) to save all of the values in column 1, rows 1 to i. Those values come out as objects. How can I save them to the format double[] and int[] so that I can save them in an another class? object date = jtable1a.table.getValueAt(i,0); data.ext_dates = Double.valueOf(date[i]); // This line obviously doesn't work; ...

3. Saving Jtable settings

Hi, There is a table (Jtable) that's already exists. I like to add a feature that when the table closes, all the table settings are saved (column width, position of each column, which column is sort and which direction etc) into a file. The next time when the table is opened, I can open this file and use these saved settings ...