Populate « JTable « Java Swing Q&A

1. Populate JTable from a Hashtable in Java    stackoverflow.com

I have a function which gets a key from the user and generates a Hashtable (on a pattern specified by the key). After creating a Hashtable, I would like to populate ...

2. java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 0 >= 0 attempting to populate JTable    stackoverflow.com

I'm subclassing JTable and using a DefaultTableModel to model my table data. The following class sets up the JTable, and adds one row to the model.

import java.io.File;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Vector;

import javax.swing.JTable; ...

3. Populating Empty Tables in Java Swing    stackoverflow.com

I would like to have a JFrame window with an initial empty table of say, 10 columns. An action event generated by a mouse click should then populate the table with ...

4. Populate a jTable Using MySQL    stackoverflow.com

I have a project with a jTable called AchTable, that is like this:

| File  | Type |
|       |      |
| ...

5. Convert a ResultSet String Into a Workable Variable to Populate a jTable    stackoverflow.com

I'm building a application that needs to convert a ResultSet String(rs.getString(Names);) into a workable variable to populate a jTable, only one collumn, then the rest I think that I could try ...

6. create TableModel and populate jTable dynamically    stackoverflow.com

I want to store the results of reading lucene index into jTable, so that I can make it sortable by different columns. From index I am reading terms with different measures ...

7. What is the best way to populate a JTable using MYSQL table?    stackoverflow.com

I read about 2 ways actually :

  1. looping through the resultset and use a table model . (This is slower ?)
  2. netbeans uses other techniques(which seems a bit ...

8. Populate JTable using one object per row    stackoverflow.com

I'm sure this is possible but I am having trouble finding the appropriate documentation or a simple example for this situation. For example's sake, lets say I have an object such as ...

9. The easiest way to populate JTable from query    stackoverflow.com

|  name | level| score|  
|  data | data | data |  
This is how I would like to show in ...

10. Populate table from database    stackoverflow.com

I'm trying to retreive rows from my database and populate a table. I don't understand where the problem is with this code:

if ((report.getMsg()=="selectEventoAll") && (report.getEsito()==1))

    DefaultTableModel dtm = ...

11. Question about populating JTable with a class extended from AbstractTableModel    stackoverflow.com

Well, I tried to make table with data from database. first I need to populate the data from database into the table but somehow I'm getting nothing. Here's part of the codes ...

12. Populating Jtable    forums.netbeans.org

Hi All, I am running a query and passing a parameter value to the query at runtime. My question is how can I populate a jtable with the returned rows from the query? This is what I have so far: //Searching on a p code //call the query nSimpleproductQuery = entityManager.createNamedQuery("NSimpleproduct.findByCode"); //set the parameters temporarily for now - will return parameter ...

13. how to populate a JTable from database    coderanch.com

Number FoodItem Quantity Price Description ************************************************** 1Rice 1 bag 5000 Carbohydrate 2Beans 1 bag 4000 Protein 3Palm Oil 1 bottle 500 Fats & Oil i have a table like this in my database,need help in populating my list with "FoodItem" from the database when my GUI comes up. import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import javax.swing.*; import javax.swing.border.*; import javax.swing.table.*; import static javax.swing.GroupLayout.Alignment.*; ...

14. Populating a JTable from a text file    coderanch.com

15. Populating JTable from an Oracle DB    coderanch.com

16. Populating JTable from Oracle DB    coderanch.com

18. Populating A JTable with data from vectors    coderanch.com

Hi folks, I'm new to JTable. I looked at the possible constructors and I decided to go for the one that takes two vectors mainly because of my situation e.g. table = new JTable(Vector rowsData, Vector columnNames). Now, I think that the column vectors contains the strings for the column headers. Is this true? If so, then how do I loop ...

19. Populating data into JTable    coderanch.com

20. How to populate, clear and append records into JTable    coderanch.com

Originally posted by Deepa Raghuraman: hi friends, I have a table (JTable) with 3 buttons. when clicked on button "populate", the table must get populate with records, when clicked on button "clear", the table must get cleared (no records shuld be displayed) when clicked on button "add", a new record must be added at the end of the table. how to ...

21. Populate a JTable    coderanch.com

22. how do i populate Jtable from my sql    coderanch.com

23. probem with populating JTable    coderanch.com

/* defining columns Object dataValues[][]; String columnNames[]; String columnNames[] = { "Type", "Artist", "Title", "Product Info", "Price", "region", "category"}; for (int i = 0;i

24. How to best populate a JTable question    coderanch.com

25. how to populate a large record set into JTable    coderanch.com

I am accessing a database and trying to display them in JTable using count of 100.The resultset may well be very large (over 1,00,000 records). The problem here is that I want to give user an illusion that He has got all the available data (for example,total number of record:5000), It means that scrollbar on the scrollpane should behave as if ...

26. A question about JTable and populating a DB    coderanch.com

hello, the more direct (coupled) this connection between table visualization and database table is, the less flexible and maintainable and the more complicated it is. In many cases a logical record is stored as a row in a table. You would have an interface for that type, for example Person or Animal or House or Book. Your data tier should be ...

27. Populating Database values in to JTable    coderanch.com

The soul is dyed the color of its thoughts. Think only on those things that are in line with your principles and can bear the light of day. The content of your character is your choice. Day by day, what you do is who you become. Your integrity is your destiny - it is the light that guides your way. - ...

28. Populating JTable from a textfile    coderanch.com

29. Pagination using resultset to populate a tablemodel    coderanch.com

I am new to Java and need some help in pagination using a Resultset to populate a Tablemodel I have a class that creates an Object called Resultsetframe which is extended from Jframe On this I put a combobox with a list of database tables from a database that I connect to using JDBC. When I choose a table, The ActionPerformed ...

30. Populate a JTable    coderanch.com

31. populating 2-D array dynamically with JTable    coderanch.com

Well, you should not be using a 2D array for this purpose. You don't know how many rows are in your database so you don't know how big to make the array. Instead you should be using a Vector of Vectors. The main Vector is used to hold the rows of data. Then for each row in the ResultSet you create ...

32. JTable not populating    coderanch.com

I have an Issue here I am trying to Populate the JTable by bring the Data from Database but it is not getting populated , am I doing some mistake... /** * This method initializes userResultTable * @return javax.swing.JTable */ private JTable getUserResultTable() { if (userResultTable == null) { userResultTable = new JTable(new UserDataTableModel(userList)); userResultTable.setShowGrid(true); addHeader(); userResultTable.setFont(new Font("Dialog", Font.PLAIN, 11)); userResultTable.getTableHeader().setReorderingAllowed(false); ...

34. Populate a JTable from Database    coderanch.com

35. Unable to populate Data in Jtable from Sparql result    coderanch.com

package tutorial; import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream; import java.io.File; import java.io.FileInputStream; import java.io.FileNotFoundException; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.InputStream; import com.hp.hpl.jena.datatypes.xsd.XSDDatatype; import com.hp.hpl.jena.graph.query.Query; import com.hp.hpl.jena.query.QueryExecution; import com.hp.hpl.jena.query.QueryExecutionFactory; import com.hp.hpl.jena.query.QueryFactory; import com.hp.hpl.jena.query.ResultSetFormatter; import com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model.Model; import com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model.ModelFactory; import com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model.Property; import com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model.Resource; import com.hp.hpl.jena.sparql.resultset.ResultSetFormat; public class RdfHello { private String abc; public String output; com.hp.hpl.jena.query.ResultSet results; /** * @param args * @throws IOException */ public void getString(String abc){ this.abc=abc; ...

37. populate jtable from jtextboxes and jcombo    java-forums.org

hi there, just like to say hello to every one first. what i have is a jtable, i want to be able add data to it by taking values from jcombobox and jtextfields, when a jbutton is pressed. it's a bit like filling a form, wen the form is filled in you press sumbit and the data is save to a ...

38. Populating JTable with 2 arrays (Netbeans)    java-forums.org

It's hard to tell what is wrong based on the information at hand. My guess is that while it's likely that the jtable object that you're creating with the new default table model and the jtable that is being displayed used the same JTable variable, the JTable objects themselves are different. My recommendation to you is to create the simplest program ...

39. Populating Jtable from database - better way?    java-forums.org

Hi All, I have a table in MySQL database. Is there a way where I can populate a JTable with values from a java bean obnject, which would be getting the values from MySQL table. Say I have a table named EMPLOYEE with the following details: 1. ID 2. Name 3. Age 4. Address 5. Dept 6. Phone Number and my ...

40. Jtable cells not populating correctly    java-forums.org

Jtable cells not populating correctly I'm creating a table with 2 columns. All cells in the table are editable with combo boxes. I supply a list of possible values for the combo boxes which is specific to the column. The table is initialized with 1 row. That row contains NULL values. It will always be the case the the ...

41. populating jtable with resultSet - help needed    java-forums.org

trying to populate a jtable with a resultSet from a query. the method takes two sql date types in....been searching around a lot and finding it hard to get working, anyone point me in the right direction? Java Code: public static void createResult(java.sql.Date jsqlStartDate, java.sql.Date jsqlEndDate)throws SQLException { String query = "SELECT s.shift_date, st.start_time, st.end_time FROM Shift s, Shift_Time st WHERE ...

42. Populating a JTable    java-forums.org

43. POPULATING THE JTABLE FROM DATABASE!!I need find out where im going wrong?    forums.oracle.com

for some reason wen i run the program the fields dont populate!!! no errors in my output monitor nothing? im puzzled! no errors in the code either!!! im using Netbeans IDE 6.0 with no code generators watsoever! i type out all type code myself! i have checked and rechecked and rechecked! been stuck here for two days! if anyone has code ...

44. How to Populate the JTable Object programatically with SQL Results    forums.oracle.com

/** This method is called from within the constructor to * initialize the form. * WARNING: Do NOT modify this code. The content of this method is * always regenerated by the Form Editor. */ // //GEN-BEGIN:initComponents private void initComponents() { jSplitPane = new javax.swing.JSplitPane(); jScrollPane1 = new javax.swing.JScrollPane(); jPanel3 = new javax.swing.JPanel(); jScrollPane2 = new ...

45. How to populate JTable with resultSet?    forums.oracle.com