Look Feel « JTable « Java Swing Q&A

1. JTable custom header renderer that looks like other headers with nimbus look and feel?    stackoverflow.com

Any time I create a custom header renderer for a JTable it ends up not looking correct with the nimbus look and feel. The default table headers have a silvery gradient, ...

2. Customized JTable look    stackoverflow.com

I want to create a JTable with few columns which has JButtons on it. I can create JCheckBoxes and also JComboBoxes in the JTable cells but not the JButtons. How do ...

3. Change a JTable's Look and Feel    stackoverflow.com

I have a JTable and need to change some of it's properties, such as it's Highlight colour. This website indicates there are fields in the table such as "highlight" and ...

4. Trying to create JTable with proper row header    stackoverflow.com

I am trying to create a JTable that has a row header that looks just like a column header and I have spent altogether too much time on it :/ My situation ...

5. Disabling the rollover effect on tables with the Substance L&F    stackoverflow.com

Is there a way to disable the rollover effect of the Substance look and feel on the hovered rows of a table? I tried to disable the animation but the rows are ...

7. JTable look and feel.    coderanch.com

you gotta post some of your work, before asking someone for help. This place is to try and learn things. You have to be more specific in what you want. I don't think anybody would be willing to simply send you stuff, without knowing that you tried something and were stuck in it, be it examples or code. :roll: And if ...

9. Custom LookAndFeel and JTable problem    coderanch.com

Hello, I am trying to create custom Look And Feel by extending BasicLookAndFeel and I would like to use JTable but I am not able to do so. Firstly I did not create any class that extends BasicTableUI because I thought that the basic one should be used when i set my LAF, but when i want to create JTable this ...

10. Nimbus LaF doesn't recognize javax.swing.JTable?    java-forums.org

This has nothing to do with L&F and your problem is elsewhere. Show your code, show your actual error, show the actual line that throws the NPE (NullPointerException) because it absolutely cannot be the lines you are posting above unless perhaps the model is null. By the way, your English is fine.