JTextField « JTable « Java Swing Q&A

1. How to focus on JTextField within a table    stackoverflow.com

I'm writing a search & replace function in a kind of spreadsheet program. What I want is that if you search for a string, the program shows a table with the ...

2. How to Mirror Edits across a Table Cell and Text Field    stackoverflow.com

The desired behavior is akin to the mirrored text editing field provided in Excel when a given cell is selected, allowing more space to view the contents of the cell. I ...

3. how to fill JTextFields with the columns of a JTable search?    stackoverflow.com

I have a master/detail form with a JTable on top, and all the JTextFields corresponding below in the JPanel. I'm trying to make a search in the JTable, so that ...

4. Why does a JTextField shrink in size to 0 when passed a large column's number?    stackoverflow.com

Apparently if the columns size is more than 70 the field get's displayed with a size where you cannot even type a single character? I'm talking about:

new JTextField(70);

5. jTable swing get input problem    stackoverflow.com

I've getInput method that takes string from text field on enter click. I've created while loop to wait until onClickListener returns true (pressed Enter). Here's my code:

public String getInput(){

6. JTable & JTextField used for input. JTable is updateable. DocumentListener used for JTextField. Event doesn't fire. How to get event?    stackoverflow.com

import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.Component;
import java.lang.*;
import javax.swing.*;
import javax.swing.event.TableModelEvent;
import javax.swing.event.TableModelListener;
import javax.swing.event.*;
import javax.swing.text.Document;
import javax.swing.text.*;
import javax.swing.JComponent;
import javax.swing.JTable;
import javax.swing.table.JTableHeader;
import javax.swing.table.TableColumn;
import javax.swing.table.AbstractTableModel;
import javax.swing.table.*;
import java.util.*;

public class Test1 extends JApplet

  Object dummya [][] = new Object [9][9];   ...

7. How to make the cursor in a JTextField span multiple rows in FlowLayout?    stackoverflow.com

enter image description here How can I make the cursor start at the top left of the JTextField? The text just stays centered when I adjust the height with .setPreferredSize(). ...

8. Setting size of JTextField inside a JTable    stackoverflow.com

I've set the size of my JTable column to 200 (using setPreferredWidth()), and the size of my JTextField inside it to 100 (using setSize()). Still, I see my text field stretched out ...

9. Click on JTable Model Updates JTextfield    stackoverflow.com

I have a JTable with a custom Abstract Table Model and I would like to select a row in my table and that information to appear in the textboxes to the ...

10. JTable filtering with JTextField doesn't work    stackoverflow.com

I have a JTable (DefaultTableModel) and a JTextField. I'd like to filter the JTable with the regex I put into the text field. When I start the program, all entries are ...

11. Listening to many JTextFields and calculate value sum in a Row    stackoverflow.com

I have an application that gets input from user;
it has 8 rows of JTextFields with 3 columns:

| Field 1-1 | Field 1-2 | Field 1-3 |
| Field 2-1 | ...

12. Filter JTable based on a jtextfield NON Case Sensitive (Java)    stackoverflow.com

I already can filter the JTable using a JTextField, the problem is that is case sensitive. For example, I got this name in the Jtable: "Guillian Fox", if I write "guillian ...

13. charset in JTable and JTextField    forums.netbeans.org

hello, i have problem with charset in JTable and JTextField which i created using Java Desktop Application wizard that it connect to mysql db ,where it showing uncorrect text, while the output Sql Command window in netbeans IDE show correct text , i connected to mysql from Service>Databse i am using netbeans 6.9.1 mysql ver : 4.0.18-nt (db charset =utf8) so ...

14. JTABLE + JTEXTFIELD....    coderanch.com

I realize this is somewhat late, but I have an answer to the question to limiting the input in a JTextField. Maybe someone else searching for the same answer will find it. You can extend the DefaultStyledDocument class which will allow you to test the data being entered into a JTextField as it is being entered. You will need to declare ...

16. JTable cells change to JTextField    coderanch.com

18. JTable, JTextField and focus    coderanch.com

TableModel tableModel = table.getModel(); // Store the text fields for linking them together for traversal textFields = new ArrayList(); for (int index = 0; index < tableModel.getColumnCount(); index++) { if (someFunkyCondition) { TableColumn column = table.getColumnModel().getColumn(index); JTextField field = new JTextField(); complete.setField(field); column.setCellEditor(new DefaultCellEditor(field)); } } // See below for explanation. for (int i = 0; i < textfields.size(); i++) { ...

19. Sharing document between JTable Cells and JTextFields    coderanch.com

import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import javax.swing.*; import javax.swing.event.*; import javax.swing.table.*; import javax.swing.text.*; public class UpdateTest { JTable table; JTextField[] fields; public UpdateTest() { table = getTable(); ListSelectionModel model = table.getSelectionModel(); model.setSelectionMode(ListSelectionModel.SINGLE_SELECTION); model.addListSelectionListener(new SelectionListener(this)); table.addMouseListener(new TableMouseListener(this)); JFrame f = new JFrame(); f.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); f.add(new JScrollPane(table), "North"); f.add(getEditPanel(), "South"); f.setSize(400,240); f.setLocation(200,200); f.setVisible(true); } public void populateEditor(Object[] data) { for(int j = 0; j < ...

20. JTable JTextField value    coderanch.com

First you should be clear where 10 is actually stored. If 10 is in database you can fetch the value from the database and you can compare it with the updated value in textfield. If you 10 is generated at run time you have to store the 10 in a variable before updating.

21. [JTable] problem with edition in a JTextField    coderanch.com

Hi there, I have a JXTable that contains a column called "Delay". Delay is a Label when it is not edited, and a JTextField upon edition. I have a few lines in my JXTable. When i click on my first Delay cell, i enter a value, then i press Enter and i get the focus on the next JTextField, and all ...

22. JTextfield data in JTable row    coderanch.com

Hi to all, My problem in the code is that if i enter text in textfields and click on the button we get the data from textfield and displayed it on table row,can you please suggest me how it is possible ?? Here is the code .... public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae) { if(ae.getActionCommand() == "ABC") { String st = _drug1.getText(); String ...

23. Calculate sum in jtable and display the sum in jtextfield    coderanch.com

If you go through the API, you would find that JTextField has a method called setText. If you delete a row, just calculate the total from the new contents again. Ideally you would take the total and subtract the value for the row, but once it is deleted you loose that entire row before the event is triggered. Come to think ...

25. JTextField In JTable Value Update Problem    coderanch.com

JTextField codeType = new JTextField (new PlainDocument() { public void insertString(int offs, String str, AttributeSet a) throws BadLocationException { if(str.equals("")) return; int overlapSize = getLength() - offs; int overwriteSize = str.length() <= overlapSize ? str.length() : overlapSize; if(overwriteSize > 0) { remove(0, overwriteSize); } if("chp".indexOf(str) < 0) { return; } super.insertString(0, str, a); super.remove(str.length(), str.length()); return; } }, "", 1);

27. adding jtextfield to jtable    go4expert.com

28. Using input from JTextField to adjust column size of another    java-forums.org

import javax.swing.*; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; public class TxtTest extends JFrame{ private JTextField txtField = new JTextField(10); private JTextField clmnSize = new JTextField("Type Anything"); //Main Method public static void main (String[] args){ JFrame frame = new TxtTest(); frame.setTitle("TxtTest"); frame.setLocationRelativeTo(null); frame.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); frame.setSize(500,110); frame.setVisible(true); } public TxtTest() { JPanel panel = new JPanel(); JPanel panel2= new JPanel(); setLayout(new GridLayout(2,1)); add(panel = new JPanel()); ...

29. JTable vs JTextField - which to use for creating "Search" screen    java-forums.org

Hi all, I have a work project that needs a GUI for users to input their search criteria that the program will create the database search queries from. Our search GUI needs the capability for multiple search criteria under any particular field. I know that JTables are used for displaying the data returned from a database. Could a JTable also be ...

30. Jtable and JTextField    java-forums.org

31. Jtable And Jtextfield / Sql Problems    java-forums.org

Jtable And Jtextfield / Sql Problems i have a JTable which data is called form a SQL database when a button is pressed i take some variable from a combobox and a textfield for the SQL query. it works the first time and loads up what i want correctly then when i click a record it should fill some ...

32. Using Columns With JTextField    java-forums.org

They do specify the definition of the textfirld with the columns but nowehere is there any information concerning how to uniquiley add a peice of data to a particular column or of how to access data specifically from a column in a specific textfirld. will be glad if neone can help. cheers.

33. Storing content of jTable in jTextField    forums.oracle.com

34. JTextField with JTable    forums.oracle.com

35. Updating a jTable depending on a jTextField content ! :D    forums.oracle.com

Hi to all !!!. I thought I'd never recover my password back but well here I am... My name is Agustin and I am from Argentina... I am studying system engineering at: www.frc.utn.edu.ar and I have the following problem: I promoted a subject and they told me I could make a project about something we haven't seen on the signature's programs... ...

37. JTable, TableCellRender & JTextField with a caretlistener.. all in one    forums.oracle.com

This is getting on my nerves! This is what I want to do: Have a JTable with a custom rendered column af JTextFields. Why? Cause I can put a caretListener on a JTextField. So i do my table and i do my model I get the table to display Textfields in the cells Now i've tried adding the caretlistener in the ...

39. jTable to jTextField    forums.oracle.com

40. JTable and jTextField!    forums.oracle.com