JTableHeader « JTable « Java Swing Q&A

1. How do I display the header row in a JTable that uses AutoBinding against model    stackoverflow.com

For some reason my header row is not visible. I am using SwingBindings.createJTableBinding to bind a pojo to the table. My table is showing all the rows however the header row ...

2. How can I change the font of a JTable's header?    stackoverflow.com

I want to set the JTable header's font. Do you know how?

3. Nimbus TableHeader was not highlighted as 'pressed'    stackoverflow.com

The JTableHaeder has no 'pressed' highlighting by default. (Nimbus) NimbusDefaults says it has a default [Pressed] background painter. What should I do, to see this when i click on the TableHeader?

4. event for check box in jtable header    stackoverflow.com

hi i have a jtable with checkbox in column and column header problem is if i click on the first column header, the first column header is select and the the second one


5. Look-and-feel issue when centering JTable column header    stackoverflow.com

I am using the following code:

public final class TableCellRendererCenter extends DefaultTableCellRenderer {

    public static final TableCellRenderer INSTANCE

6. How can I put a control in the JTableHeader of a JTable?    stackoverflow.com

Given a JTable with a column of type Boolean.class, the default renderer is a JCheckBox. It's easy enough to select individual cells based on a

7. Correctly sizing the header for one column of a JTable    stackoverflow.com

I have a table with 3 columns and want the first one to be the minimum size needed. The header is "Level" and seems to be 25-29 pixels depending on the ...

8. JTable Right Align Header    stackoverflow.com

Basically, I have a JTable containing columns with right-aligned cells but left-aligned headers which looks really bad. I would like to right-align the headers of these columns without altering the ...

9. How to center content of JTable Headers at Nimbus Look and Feel    stackoverflow.com

How can i center the content of JTable Header which has a nimbus look and feel? I tried to use DefaultTableCellHeaderRenderer, but it look like this; JTable Header with ...</p></div></td></tr><tr><td><br/><br/><style>.example_responsive_1 { width: 320px; height: 100px; }@media(min-width: 500px) { .example_responsive_1 { width: 468px; height: 60px; } }@media(min-width: 800px) { .example_responsive_1 { width: 468px; height: 60px; } }</style><script async src=

10. How to render JTableHeader when using headless mode?    stackoverflow.com

I'm trying to render a png image from JTable and using headless mode. JTable's main area is rendered. But JTableHeader area can't rendered.And when I call JTableHeader#getPreferedSize(), JVM is crashed by ...

12. customizng JTableHeader    coderanch.com

13. JTableHeader not showing    coderanch.com

import java.awt.*; import javax.swing.*; import javax.swing.table.*; class TableTest extends JFrame { TableTest() { setTitle("TableTest"); setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); JPanel contentPanel = new JPanel(); String[] rowData = { "abc", "def" }; DefaultTableModel model = new DefaultTableModel(); model.addColumn("Col A"); model.addColumn("Col B"); model.addRow(rowData); [B]JTable mainTable = new JTable(model); JTableHeader header = mainTable.getTableHeader(); TableColumnModel colModel = header.getColumnModel(); TableColumn column = colModel.getColumn(0); column.setHeaderValue("Column A Header"); //???[/B] contentPanel.add(mainTable); JScrollPane contentScroll ...

14. regarding JTableHeader    coderanch.com

15. regarding JTableHeader    coderanch.com

16. regarding JTableHeader    coderanch.com

17. regarding JTableHeader    coderanch.com

18. regarding JTableHeader    coderanch.com

20. regarding JTableHeader    coderanch.com

Here is the code for how to rotate the text.. class RotatedTableCellRenderer extends JLabel implements TableCellRenderer { protected int m_degreesRotation = -90; public RotatedTableCellRenderer(int degrees) { m_degreesRotation = degrees; } public Component getTableCellRendererComponent(JTable table, Object value, boolean isSelected, boolean hasFocus, int row, int column) { try { this.setText(value.toString()); } catch(NullPointerException ne) { this.setText("Nullvalue"); } return this; } public void paint(Graphics g) ...

21. JCheckBox in JTableHeader hides standard sort up/down arrow icon    coderanch.com

Hi Moojid, You are right. CheckBoxHeader Class is just a sample that I tried to use. I do have a TableRowSorter and what I'm trying to do is to subclass DefaultTableCellHeaderRenderer Class AFAIK to keep up/down icon functionality and add a chekbox into it. I am pretty new to Java. Maybe, without giving me entire solution, you can show me what ...

22. JtableHeader with two separate listeners, one for each component : classic label and extra checkbox    coderanch.com

Hi Rob, Sorry, I read a bit fast your answer and I missed a part of it. I agree, I can retrieve the Jtable column and row from the point. But the question is that in column header, there are the classic header label plus an extra checkbox and I do not know which one was clicked... Thank you again for ...

23. Icon needed in JTableHeader for Sorting    coderanch.com

Getting this Error Exception in thread "AWT-EventQueue-0" java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: column beyond range of TableModel at javax.swing.DefaultRowSorter.checkColumn(Unknown Source) at javax.swing.DefaultRowSorter.setComparator(Unknown Source) at com.manualloader.view.ManualLoaderView.getManualDataTable(ManualLoaderView.java:764) at com.manualloader.view.ManualLoaderView.getJScrollPane(ManualLoaderView.java:714) at com.manualloader.view.ManualLoaderView.getTableViewPanel(ManualLoaderView.java:684) at com.manualloader.view.ManualLoaderView.getManualDataPanel(ManualLoaderView.java:578) at com.manualloader.view.ManualLoaderView.getJMainPanel(ManualLoaderView.java:385) at com.manualloader.view.ManualLoaderView.initialize(ManualLoaderView.java:204) at com.manualloader.view.ManualLoaderView.(ManualLoaderView.java:168) at com.manualloader.services.ViewController.getManualLoaderView(ViewController.java:22) at com.manualloader.services.ViewController.initiateManualLoader(ViewController.java:107) at com.manualloader.view.LoginView.loginButtonActionPerformed(LoginView.java:186) at com.manualloader.view.LoginView.actionPerformed(LoginView.java:135) at javax.swing.AbstractButton.fireActionPerformed(Unknown Source) at javax.swing.AbstractButton$Handler.actionPerformed(Unknown Source) at javax.swing.DefaultButtonModel.fireActionPerformed(Unknown Source) at javax.swing.DefaultButtonModel.setPressed(Unknown Source) at javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicButtonListener.mouseReleased(Unknown Source) at java.awt.Component.processMouseEvent(Unknown Source) at javax.swing.JComponent.processMouseEvent(Unknown ...

25. JTableHeader Problem    coderanch.com

Greetings, When the mouse cursor is over the boundary between the headers of two adjacent [J]table columns, it changes to a double headed arrow, indicating that the column width can be changed by dragging the mouse. In my swing application this is not happening. I added calls to "System.out.println()" in my code via mouse and mouse motion listeners in order to ...

26. Issue with Jcheckbox on JTableheader    java-forums.org

Hello , I have used below code to add checkboxes on Jtableheader.In my table i can resize column width(resize).I feel that is the problem. XML Code: package com.ibm.report; import java.awt.event.ItemListener; import java.awt.event.MouseListener; import java.awt.event.MouseEvent; import java.awt.Component; import javax.swing.JCheckBox; import javax.swing.JTable; import javax.swing.UIManager; //import javax.swing.ImageIcon; import javax.swing.table.JTableHeader; import javax.swing.table.TableCellRenderer; import javax.swing.table.TableColumnModel; /** * Add a JCheckBox to the Renderer * @author Jan-Friedrich ...

27. JTableHeader not refreshing    java-forums.org

I didn't have enough code to test so I made up something simple that does what I think you are trying to do. Java Code: import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import java.util.Vector; import javax.swing.*; import javax.swing.table.*; public class RemoveColumn { JTable table; private void removeColumn(int colIndex) { CustomModel model = (CustomModel)table.getModel(); // Get model index of selected column. Using the // modelIndex ...