JEditorPane « JTable « Java Swing Q&A

1. hyperlinks in JEditorPane in a JTable

I swear... i hope this is the last question I have to ask like this, but I'm about to go crazy. I've got a JTable using a custom TableCellRenderer which uses a ...

2. JEditorPane do not respect html table height 100%

i have got a problem, my JEditorPane do not respect HTML-Table style="height: 100%;" do you have an idea?

JEditorPane jEditorPane = new JEditorPane();
JScrollPane scrollPane = new JScrollPane( jEditorPane );
jEditorPane.setPage( url );
JFrame frame = ...

3. How to insert JEditorPane into JTable cell?

I want to put JEditorPane in JTable cell. I've written this:

jTabel1.setDefaultRenderer(String.class, new StringEditorPane());
class StringEditorPane extends JEditorPane
    implements TableCellRenderer {

public StringEditorPane() {

 public Component getTableCellRendererComponent(

5. Get Row/Column In JEditorPane

Is it possible to get the row and column when you click on a spot in the JEditorPane. My current thought is to get the position of the click event and do a few calculations based on the row height and column width but I wanted to know if there is an existing way that is less likely to incur errors. ...

6. JTable + JEditorPane