1. How to enable GUI behaviors for sorting a JTable when SQL does the sorting? stackoverflow.comHow do I enable JTable icons and behaviors for sorting table rows by a column, without letting it use a comparison predicate to do the sorting? That is to say, ... |
2. Displaying entity-attribute-value data in JTable? stackoverflow.comHow can I use a JTable to display & edit attribute properties for entities retrieved from an entity,attribute,value (EAV) store (a relational DBMS)? I know this is a question with a ... |
3. ResultSet in JTable stackoverflow.comHow display ResultSet in JTable. i using this code
4. Inserting a resultset into jtable directly stackoverflow.comIf is there any way to insert a resultset into jtable directly? |
5. JTable not showing output stackoverflow.comHere's my code:
6. JTable with custom JTableModel and it's errors stackoverflow.comI've written an app. with J2SE that uses JDBC and |
7. how to display all the data from the database to jtable? stackoverflow.comwe had a table called data in database and we want to retrieve and display all the data in a JTable component using NetBeans IDE. Every rows in the database ... |
8. How would I change this code to make the data group properly? stackoverflow.comHere is my code, it does its job, mostly but it isn't grouping like I told it to using an SQL statemnt. Also I was wondering how I could make a ... |
9. JTable doesn't show the newly inserted row/data stackoverflow.comI have a JTable and I populte the table as follows:
And the following is a static method in a class named DBControler which retrieves all the data from the database(Oracle).
10. Displaying a database table using Swing coderanch.com |
11. cells in Jtable coderanch.com |
12. regarding JDBC,Jtable& Oracle(Urgent..Please) coderanch.com |
13. Refreshing JTable trouble coderanch.comI have a JTabe which reads from an access database using a seperate class ResultSetTableModel.Once I add, delete or update a record the changes occur but the table doesn't reflect the changes.I created a seperate button to re-establish the query.the problem is that I don't want to have to click the button everytime I manipulate the DB. I even call the ... |
14. JTable update Problem coderanch.com |
15. Update records using a JTable coderanch.com |
16. storing values from JTable coderanch.comAre you asking about how to update the changed values in Database? If you display all the records from the DB table and allow the user to edit anyone including the primary key of the table then it will be difficult to update the record in the table. If there is a situation that you should allow all the values to ... |
17. JTable & Database , design question, what do you think? coderanch.comHi guys, Q: I have a JTable 5x10 I need to insert the content into a database (and later on retrieve it). Every record has a JTable and every record is unique (there are many records) the JTable will have its own table in the database (segmentsTable) and a KEY. So: how do I place all the content into the table??? ... |
18. Displaying data using JTable coderanch.com |
19. JDBC connection with JTable coderanch.com |
20. displaying data from JDBC to JTable coderanch.com |
21. JTable and ResultSet coderanch.com |
22. Storing Values in Database from JTABLE using JDBC coderanch.com |
23. JTable - JDBC - Vectors coderanch.comHi Peter, In my project, I have several tables to display the data which I retrieved from the database. I have 2 type of tables. In one table each row is a vector. This kind of table is to display data only. Another type of table each row is an object. If you don't mind, post your code and let us ... |
24. (jdbc+jtable+oracle) urgent please!! coderanch.com |
25. jdbc and jTable coderanch.com |
26. JTable and JDBC coderanch.com |
27. getting column names from JDBC and display it in JTree coderanch.comif i can get some code or extract a code just to be my guide......i know how to get the column name from and extract it to jtree but my problem is how if one of my column has a child, automatically it add on the last column name i created. for example col_1, col_2, col_3 will be the node for ... |
28. JTable & JDBC coderanch.comMichael Thanks again. I guess I should restate what I mean. I understand the textfield and the button. My problem is the dynamically creating the new JTable every time with a new query. Do I have to erase and recreate the table or can I remove everything from the table and repopulate? How can I delete all of the elements and ... |
29. How to insert data from database in jtable coderanch.com |
30. Need help in Connecting my MySQL Database to JTable in Eclipse. coderanch.comGood morning everyone. I am having trouble connecting my MySQL database to a JTable in Eclipse. I keep on getting an exception and receiving this message "Unable to find and load database driver". Here is a sample of database code for the program: class QueryTableModel extends AbstractTableModel { Vector cache; int ColCount; String[] headers; Connection db=null; Statement statement; String driverName="com.mysql.jdbc.Driver"; //String ... |
31. Help: Connecting MySQL Database to JTable coderanch.comHello everyone. I am trying to connect my MySQL database to a JTable in Eclipse. Here is a sample of the database code for the application: class QueryTableModel extends AbstractTableModel { Vector cache; int ColCount; String[] headers; Connection db=null; Statement statement; String driverName="com.mysql.jdbc.Driver"; //String driverName="com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.SQLServerDriver"; //String driverName = "com.jnetdirect.jsql.JSQLDriver"; //String driverName = "com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.SQLServerDriver"; String SQLLoadDatabaseQuery = "SELECT * FROM HouseHoldApplianceDatabase"; String ... |
32. Table data does not appear after inserting it to the JTable coderanch.comGood morning, everyone. I am having a problem displaying the data in the JTable once I have inserted the values into the database. After I press the submit button, only blank rows are inserted into the JTable. It seems the insert functionality is working but the problem is it is not displaying the data like it should. I am inserting data ... |
33. JTable display problem coderanch.comhi experts,i have struggle for the past three days.. i cant display the oracle data through JTable... ArrayIndexoutOfBounds error displayed..... please help me............ import java.awt.event.*; import java.awt.*; import javax.swing.*; import java.io.*; import java.sql.*; import java.lang.*; import java.security.*; // public class Calc3 extends JApplet implements ActionListener,RootPaneContainer { //String colhead[]={"name","dept"}; //String value[][]; JTable stu=new JTable(); JTextField t1; JRadioButton r1,r2; ButtonGroup ... |
34. Cannot display rows in JTable coderanch.comHi all My application is unable to display the rows which i inserted using the application itself. When i query the database i can see the data over there. When i inserted the data manually i.e using the query and used the application to display the rows then i could only see the rows which i have inserted through backend. When ... |
35. Java JDBC jtable only displaying one record coderanch.comHallo I am trying to display data from my ms SQL 2000 database in a jtable, the problem is that it only displays one record, though I know there should be 21 records. I think the problem has to do with the while (rs.next())??? but I just cant seem to fix it. Please help me out import java.awt.*; import javax.swing.*; import ... |
36. Save data and Delete rows from JTable coderanch.compublic void save(Visit vInfo) throws SQLException{ PreparedStatement ps = null; Connection cn1 = null; try{ Class.forName("sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver"); cn1 = DriverManager.getConnection(url, userid, pass); String q = "INSERT INTO VisitTable(PatientNo,IDNum,Firstvisit,Subsequent,TypeofService)" + " VALUES(?,?,?,?,?)"; ps = cn1.prepareStatement(q) ; ps.setString(1, vInfo.getPatientNo()); ps.setString(2, vInfo.getID()); ps.setString(3, vInfo.getFirst()); ps.setString(4, vInfo.getSub()); ps.setString(5, vInfo.getType()); ps.executeUpdate(); }catch(Exception e){ e.printStackTrace(); //these give blank lines why? System.err.println(vInfo.getPatientNo()); System.err.println(vInfo.getID()); System.err.println(vInfo.getFirst()); System.err.println(vInfo.getSub()); System.err.println(vInfo.getType()); } finally{ if(ps!=null) ... |
37. Getting Last Record in Jtable coderanch.comI am getting last record only in the jtable my code is here public class BookDatabase { URL databasePath=getClass().getResource("src/book/Database/ContactBook.mdb"); String databaseName="jdbc:odbc:DRIVER={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};DBQ=src/book/Database/ContactBook.mdb;",Driver="sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver"; Connection con; ResultSet rs; Statement st; public Object record[]; String a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j; ResultSetMetaData rsmd; int ColCount; public String[] headers; public String abc; public java.util.List list; public BookDatabase() { try { System.out.println("Loading driver"); Class.forName(Driver); System.out.println("Driver loaded"); System.out.println("Connecting......"); con=DriverManager.getConnection(databaseName); System.out.println("Connection ... |
38. Jtable and database results coderanch.compackage desktopapplication1; import java.awt.*; import javax.swing.*; import java.awt.event.*; import javax.swing.table.*; import java.net.*; import java.sql.*; public class TbEvent implements ActionListener { private JButton addButton; private JButton editButton; private JButton searchButton; private JButton removeButton; private JButton ingredientsButton; private JButton howToButton; private JButton emailButton; private String url; private Connection c; private JTable t; public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event) { try{ if ( event.getSource() == addButton ... |
39. Passing Database query results through a method to a JTable coderanch.comI am in the process of writing an application and am stumped on the best way to accomplish a task. I have two classes one handles the Database (Connection and Query) the other class handles the GUI (Swing based) which includes a JTable. I can connect to the Database. but am having trouble figuring out how to send the results through ... |
40. Connecting JTable With Microsoft SQL Server 2005 or Oracle java-forums.orgHello everyone. I have a JTable with the columns first name, last name, address, etc. I am thinking of using Microsoft SQL Server 2005 or Oracle for the backend portion of this table. It will perform the add, delete, and edit functionality. It will also save the information and save it into the program's database. Is it possible if I could ... |
41. how to refresh data of the JTable java-forums.org |
42. Jtable Sum of Sales based on criteria. java-forums.org |
43. update a change in a Jtable directly to the mysql table java-forums.orgtry { rs = st.executeQuery( "SELECT * FROM " + sqlTable ); ResultSetMetaData rsmd = rs.getMetaData(); int n = rsmd.getColumnCount(); collumns = new String[n]; for( int i=1; i<=n; i++ ) collumns[i-1] = rsmd.getColumnName(i); values = new Vector[collumns.length]; for(int j = 0 ; j < collumns.length; j++){ values[j] = new Vector(); } while( rs.next() ) { for( int i=1; i<=n; i++ ) ... |
44. JTable with ColumnWidth = LEN the contents of the Fields java-forums.org |
45. hi please teach me how to serch data in jtable java-forums.orghi i have a jtable that have all the information from ms access.. I want to add a search button that can search for first name or last name, so when i click the seach button the data in the jtable will be change depends on the search condition.. please teach me please |
46. JTable java-forums.orgHi guys.......... I am working on a Inventory System witch has JTable linked with mysql the table able to display all the information witch mysql table has.. the JTable has 2 column (item and price ) and a JTextField to show the total and a JButton (sub total) my problem is when I press the sub-total button. the program should add ... |
47. unable to add JTable data into microsoft access!!! please help me with the code! java-forums.orgJava Code: import java.util.*; import javax.swing.*; import javax.swing.table.*; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import java.sql.*; public class MyCoursework extends JFrame { Connection conn; Statement s; private String[] columnNames ={}; private Object[][] data = {}; ArrayList records= new ArrayList(); JPanel panInput= new JPanel(new GridLayout(3,1)), panAdd= new JPanel(); JTextField txtid = new JTextField(5), txtName= new JTextField(10), txtCost= new JTextField(5), txtType= new JTextField(5), txtDesc =new ... |
48. updating jtable using jdbc forums.oracle.comupdate Table2 set CUSTID = "4" where SNO=2 java.sql.SQLException: [Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Too few paramet ers. Expected 1. at sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbc.createSQLException(JdbcOdbc.java:6106) at sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbc.standardError(JdbcOdbc.java:6263) at sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbc.SQLExecDirect(JdbcOdbc.java:2525) at sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcStatement.execute(JdbcOdbcStatement.java:337) at sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcStatement.executeUpdate(JdbcOdbcStatement.java: 287) at JDBCTableModel.setValueAt(JDBCTableModel.java:275) at javax.swing.JTable.setValueAt(JTable.java:1782) at javax.swing.JTable.editingStopped(JTable.java:3118) at javax.swing.AbstractCellEditor.fireEditingStopped(AbstractCellEditor. java:124) at javax.swing.DefaultCellEditor$EditorDelegate.stopCellEditing(DefaultC ellEditor.java:328) at javax.swing.DefaultCellEditor.stopCellEditing(DefaultCellEditor.java: 213) at javax.swing.JTable$GenericEditor.stopCellEditing(JTable.java:3449) at javax.swing.JTable.editCellAt(JTable.java:2488) at javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicTableUI$MouseInputHandler.adjustFocusAndS election(BasicTableUI.java:510) at javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicTableUI$MouseInputHandler.mousePressed(Ba sicTableUI.java:494) at java.awt.AWTEventMulticaster.mousePressed(AWTEventMulticaster.java:21 8) at java.awt.Component.processMouseEvent(Component.java:5018) at ... |
49. please help me sort out Swing/JDBC problem... forums.oracle.comMight be that in your delete based on your sName value, you have not placed the single quotes around sName, as you have everywhere else. But you should always print out these SQL statements to the console when you are debugging. That said, whether you fix this or not, you should look into PreparedStatement. |
50. jdbc abstract Jtable model problem forums.oracle.com |
51. JTable & JDBC forums.oracle.comHello all! I need your help! I have soon a deadline in Java Programming and I have to get the data from the MySQL Database into the jtable. The data has to be editable, so I need a TableModel, which extends AbstractTableModel. There is a perfect example of such a table in the sun tutorial, but the table is initialized in ... |