Height « JTable « Java Swing Q&A

1. Increasing Cell Height with multiline,without Scrollbar in Jtable    stackoverflow.com

Hai I am developing a standalone application using Java in which I am using a JTable.The problem is when I enter a multiline text,the entire text is not displayed in the ...

2. Auto adjust the height of rows in a JTable    stackoverflow.com

In a JTable, how can I make some rows automatically increase height to show the complete multiline text inside? This is how it is displayed at the moment: I do not ...

3. How can I correctly calculate the height of a jTable row to ensure that the contained jLabel containing HTML is entirely displayed?    stackoverflow.com

I have a JTable instance, containing a number of rows. The columns in this table are JLabel instances containing an HTML-formatted string. One of my requirements is that all the data in ...

4. How to implement jtable with variable row-height    stackoverflow.com

None of the answers to two previous questions (here and here) resolve my problem. I have a multi-column jtable for which I want to display string-content of some columns over ...

5. Adjusting individual row height using cursor on JTable    stackoverflow.com

I have a JTable, on which I want to adjust the row height using mouse cursor(like in excel). Could you suggest how do i go about achieving this task.

6. JTable row height    coderanch.com

Can I have rows in my table with different heights? What I hope to achieve is a table which resembles the table which shows your new messages in MS Outlook when message preview is turned on. Some rows height will be larger than others. I haven't seen any examples of JTables with this behaviour. Frank [This message has been edited by ...

7. Height of JTable    coderanch.com

Well, inherited from Component you have method setSize(int, int), and if you want you can override getPreferredSize and/or getMinimumSize() which are inherited from Container. The latter will prevent the table being resized to something you don't want. None of these will give you ten rows - they'll just set the size of the whole table, and depending on the font size ...

9. varying JTable Row Height, not Homogeneously    coderanch.com

Welcome to the Ranch Venkata. This program can resize row height either dragging or via ctrl-s when only one row is selected. import javax.swing.*; import java.awt.event.*; import javax.swing.event.*; import java.awt.*; public class Table1 extends JFrame { Object[][] data = { { "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6" } , { "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6" }, {"1", "2", "3", "4", ...

10. table row height    coderanch.com

11. Code to chage the JTable Height    coderanch.com

12. JTextArea row height    coderanch.com

13. Modify the height of rows in swt Table    coderanch.com

Event sendMeasureItemEvent (TableItem item, int row, int column, int hDC) { int hFont = item.cellFont != null ? item.cellFont [column] : -1; if (hFont == -1) hFont = item.font; GCData data = new GCData (); data.device = display; data.hFont = hFont; int nSavedDC = OS.SaveDC (hDC); GC gc = GC.win32_new (hDC, data); RECT itemRect = item.getBounds (row, column, true, true, false, ...

14. SWT - different height in table rows    coderanch.com

15. To set Jtable height when the number of row increased?    coderanch.com

Hi All, In jtable,i have given "setPreferredScrollableViewportSize".but i need to chnage the size of the table if the number of rows increaed. Problem:: Since i have given the "setPreferredScrollableViewportSize",its taking only that size.I am increasing row by giving one button,if i change the "setPreferredScrollableViewportSize" in jbutton listener,there is no effect. Please kindly help to resolve this. Thanks, Raj.

16. Help with JOptionPane Combobox max rows or height    coderanch.com

My apologies for the late reply. I am trying to make the SSCE, but removing all "superfluous" code seems to solve the problem. It works in the SSCE I almost posted, giving me a decently tall listbox when I pass in an array of a hundred strings, but in my actual code, it still presents a listbox one entry high. I ...