Editor « JTable « Java Swing Q&A

1. JTable with a complex editor    stackoverflow.com

I have many custom editors for a JTable and it's an understatement to say that the usability, particularly in regard to editing with the keyboard, is lacking. The main reason for this ...

2. JTable Editor Change with Live Data    stackoverflow.com

I have a table model that is populated by live (external) data source that updates every xx seconds. The data is displayed in a JTable. The user can override ...

3. how to add different cell editors for one column in JTable?    stackoverflow.com

I have a JTable with two columns and both are JComboBox, for this purpose I implemented my own Model and overrode methods. One of the method which I overrode ...

4. Is there a convenient way to use a spinner as an editor in a Swing JTable?    stackoverflow.com

I deal with numeric data that is often edited up or down by 0.01*Value_of_variable, so a spinner looks like a good choice compared to a usual text cell. I've looked at ...

5. Java Swing jtable cell editor doubles E numbers    stackoverflow.com

Hi I an issue with editors in a JTable. I have a column which displays data as 26,687,489,800.00 ie: Double. When the user clicks the cell to edit the data it is displayed ...

6. JTable - multiple cell editors in one column    stackoverflow.com

I would like my JTable to use different cell editors for different cells in a single column. Think of a two-column label-value table like:

Name        ...

7. JTable - compound editor focus    stackoverflow.com

I have a custom editor composed of several components. Something like:

class MyCellEditor extends AbstractCellEditor implements TableCellEditor {
    JTextArea textArea;
    JButton button;
    JPanel ...

8. JTable cell editor bug    stackoverflow.com

I write a cell editor of JTable. Now it has a bug. I want it to show default value when first time loading. After editing, it will show user input. Run ...

9. Probability cell editor    stackoverflow.com

I have class Probability. I want use custom renderer for it (already done) and double like editor. But I can't even find double editor (only Number), so I really have no ...

10. Problem with deleting a row from JTable with custom cell editor    stackoverflow.com

I have JTable with custom model (subclass of AbstractTableModel). This table contains buttons in the fourth column. To render these buttons I use custom renderer (implement TableCellRenderer). Then the user clicks ...

11. how to force cell editor in jtable to accept edits    stackoverflow.com

i have a jtable with multiple editable cells when someone presses the "save button" on the menu, it doesn't save the last value that is still currently being edited. (unless they tab ...

12. JTextArea Editor in JTable    coderanch.com

13. Validating jtable cells with different editors    coderanch.com

Hi all, I am having a rich jtable of 6 columns with different column cell editors of checkbox,combo,custom control, textfield etc. I need to validate all the cells on lost focus of the cells(tab or mouse) and put back the cursor to the table cells if not valide. I am struggling a lot with this. Can anyone guide how to professionally ...

14. JTable cell Editor/Renderer Question    coderanch.com

Hi All, I am trying to put two components(a textField & a combobox) in one cell of a JTable. Using the renderer I can display both the components in the cell. Using the editor I can bring both the components in the editing state but now to store the values,also to pass the edited values to the renderer what should I ...

15. Problem with column editor in JTable    coderanch.com

i have a Table with 3 Columns and 2 Rows ,with a column editor for 0,2 set to textfield and column editor for for 1,2 Now if u move the mouse directly from row with column editor comboBox to column with textfield, instead of the text field i get ,comboBox. how to obtain a text field there Thanks and Regards vinaya ...

16. Cell editors and Renderer    coderanch.com

Hi elid, First off you need to change your display name to a first and last name as is the policy here at JavaRanch. Cell editors are just that: they give you control on what the user enters into a cell and exist through the life of the table. Cell renderers render or "draw" the cells and also live as long ...

17. JTable and Combobox editor    coderanch.com

I have set Combobox editor on one of the columns in my JTable.This combo box is editqable and has a combobox editor is set to it.Please see the code below. JComboBox comboBox = new JComboBox(); comboBox.setEditable(true); comboBox.setEditor(new CustomComboEditorForGrid(comboModel, comboModel.getSize())); comboBox.setModel(comboModel); Column = subTableOne.getColumnModel().getColumn(k); Column.setCellEditor(new DefaultCellEditor(comboBox)); When I tab off from another cell to this combobox cell, I have click with the ...

18. JTables and Cell Editor    coderanch.com

19. JTable doesn't display cell data with custom editor applied    coderanch.com

Hey everybody, I've got a JTable that is editable, and one of the fields is a promo code (which is essentially just a letter from A-Z). Because of the finite number of codes, I've used a JComboBox as a custom cell editor and applied it to that cell: TableColumn promoColumn = tcm.getColumn( modelRight.getColumnNum( modelRight.ColumnPromo) ); JComboBox promoBox = new JComboBox ( ...

20. JTable Cell Editor    coderanch.com

Hi All, I have a JTable where user can enter their address information. Table has street, zip, city, county and state as Columns. (I save these info to AddressTable) Once user enters the zipcode I have to populate the city , state and county information from the database. (from ZipcodeTable) So far I have a ZipEditor for the zip column, which ...

21. Jtable .. cell editor    coderanch.com

Hi, I have a question about setting the default cell editior for each column. I need to know if it is possible to set two different cell editors for the same column on two different rows. in the sense I have two combo boxes (A and B) and for column 1 on row 1 ... i want to set the default ...

22. Cell editors bigger than the Cell ?    coderanch.com

23. JTable and JCombox as the cell editor    coderanch.com

JTable and JComboBox Author: sandsouza Apr 29, 2004 10:43 AM Hi, I have a JTable with a JCombox as the editor for a couple of columns ... The JComboxes are editable comboboxes. I am having two issues with this . would really appriciate if somebody could help me with this one 1. When the user types any letter .. the option ...

24. Setting a cell editor for a single cell.    coderanch.com

I am trying to change some code that deals with a JTable and the contents of each cell in the first column. Each cell in the first column contains a combo-box and the contents of these combo-boxes is setup via setCellEditor. The problem I have is that this process sets the contents for EVERY combo-box in that column all at once. ...

25. Table and cell editor    coderanch.com

26. JTable Cell Editor Problem    coderanch.com

I have created a TextField (NumericTextField) component which allows only numbers to bt typed in. Using this component I have created a TAbleEditorComponent (EvenNumberEditor) which allows only even numbers to be entered. I install EvenNumberEditor as a default editor for a testTable componenet which extends JTable. This code is supposed to allow entry of only characters when the editing starts in ...

27. Using Mutilple Cell Editor on single column of JTable    coderanch.com

I just did this (I think my method is kind of a hack, but it works). I created another column in the table that holds the celleditor (drop down box or JText field) and I overrode the getCellEditor method to return the one that is in the adjacent column. Of course you want to remove this column from the table before ...

28. JTable Cell Editor    coderanch.com

Hi All, I have to use combobox as JTable cell editor. In the first cell from the combobox when some item is selected based on that the corresponding second column cell will be populated with different data. Exa : 1st combobox of the first column has the following data : "ABC","DEF" ABC has following data : "aaa", "bbb", "ccc" DEF has ...

29. JTable Custom Cell Editor Problem    coderanch.com

Hello :-) I am having trouble working out why cell editor part doesn't work. In the JTable part, the cell renderer works fine but the cell editor throws an "IllegalArgumentException : Cannot format given Object as a Number" when I double click either currency cells in the JTable. NumberFormat numberFormat = NumberFormat.getCurrencyInstance(); MyCurrencyRenderer myCurrencyRenderer = new MyCurrencyRenderer( numberFormat ); TableColumnModel tableColumnModel ...

30. Cell Editor not working    coderanch.com

Hello everyone, I'm trying to allow a user to insert up to eight digits into a cell. The following code doesn't seem to work, am I missing something? DefaultCellEditor editor = null; JTextField ownerField = new JTextField(); //allows only eight numbers ownerField.setDocument( new NumericLengthDocument( 8 ) ); ownerField.setHorizontalAlignment( JTextField.RIGHT ); editor = new DefaultCellEditor( ownerField ); //OwnerCellListener defines the editingCanceled() and ...

31. Custom renderer/editor for table cell    coderanch.com

Hi, I am instantiating a new object(A JPanel, with 2 TextFields) for some cells that hold a value of type X, to be returned by the getTableCellRendererComponent/getTableCellEditorComponent calls. I understand doing this is not suggested in Swing, but, I only have few cells that will qualify for this editor/renderer. However, my problem is that, I need to access the object that ...

32. Render,set editor to JTable Cells    coderanch.com

Hi Guys, Iam new to swing & had to make 2 Gui controls as follows: [1]1st GUI Control ******************* Its like a table having 4 columns. The 1st column is a fixed column,the 2nd ,3rd & 4th column contains comboboxes(All cells in the columns). [2]The 2nd GUI control *********************** Its also a table having 2 columns. The 1st row is a ...

33. JTables editor/renderer ?    coderanch.com

Hi, I just created a sample program after reading the tutorials. The second column has JTextField as an editor. It converts all the text into uppercase and renders it the same way. But, I want to have the cell in the second column to change based on a condition. For this I have the ChangeUpperCaseEditor class. When I use this as ...

35. Using cell editors in JTable    coderanch.com

Hi, I actually searched to do the same as what you have suggested. But I couldnt find any such way to set the editor/renderer to a specific row/cell other than for the entire column. Could you please send me some useful link on this or explain how this can be done? Thanks in advance!!

36. JTable ComboBox Cell Renderer/Editor    coderanch.com

37. JTable Cell Editor    coderanch.com

Originally posted by shansi raj: I have a custom cell Editor which works fine on double click.It has a textfield and a button as the column,the button becomes enabled on double click and textfield in editing mode.But my requirement is when I select a row in the JTable,only the button should be visible but the textfield should remain uneditable.Only on double ...

38. Setting Cell Editors in J(X)Table    coderanch.com

Hello! I have table (JXTable) which has columns of type: String, Date and some custom objects. So I created TableModel for table and set table cell editors by calling: myTable.setDefaultEditor(MyCustomClass.class, new DefaultCellEditor(new JComboBox(new MyCustomClassComboBoxModel()))); myTable.setDefaultEditor(Date.class, new JDateChooserCellEditor()); I recently noticed that if I want to edit some String column I can normally double click on it and it would go to ...

39. Apply JTable Cell Editor for a specific row/column.    coderanch.com

I have constructed a Property Sheet using a JTable. The property sheet is 2 columns Name and Value. The some values in the property sheet are editable. In one instance the value in a specific row/column can be one of a list of values a great place for a ComboBox. I have seen lots of examples of setting a ComboBox editor ...

40. Problem in JTable Renderer and Editor    coderanch.com

Renderer Class public class TestRender extends JPanel implements TableCellRenderer { public Component getTableCellRendererComponent(JTable table,Object value,boolean isSelected, boolean hasFocus, int row, int col) { JLabel lbl= new JLable((String)value); JButton but=new JButton(".."); add(lbl); add(but); setOpaque(true); return this; } } And The Editor Class public class TestEditor extends JPanel implements TableCellEditor { public Component getTableCellEditorComponent(JTable table,Object value,boolean isSelected, boolean hasFocus, int row, int col) ...

41. Jtable with a customerizedRender and Editor    coderanch.com

hi,folks I have a Jtable displaying data from database,and in some fields,like language,I attached a customerized cell render and editor,everything is fine when I started Jtable,but When I drag and drop language column to other place,the editor is fine,but the render is rendering data with a wrong way,I suppose english and french will render green,others will be red,but after drag-and-drop the ...

42. Cell Editor Font    coderanch.com

43. Create JTable custom editor to validate againts string data type    coderanch.com

Hi, I am trying to implement the IntegerEditor class at the swing java tutorial; but instead of an integer, I would like to validate against a string. In other words, I want to make sure that the user does not input an integer but a string. I cannot figure out how to chack for string input and the code does not ...

44. Event after comit the value in cell editor    java-forums.org

Sub.: Event after comit the value in cell editor after pressing 'Return'/'Enter' key I am creating my own EditableTable (Bean component) which extends JTable. This table will bring us to next editable cell with editor focused when user press Enter key. I have 3-problems:- 1. How can I invoke my source code when user press 'Enter' (Return) key. Which function should ...

45. Confusion in jtable cell editor    java-forums.org