Edit 2 « JTable « Java Swing Q&A

3. Turn off editing in a JTable    coderanch.com

4. JTable Editing    coderanch.com

5. TableCellEditor - edit value of last cell before table focus lost    coderanch.com

If, inside of this method, you can see the new value for that cell, then the problem must be elsewhere I can't see the value inside that method. OK. Don't let the class names fool you, it's for a translation software for our website. code for the table model public class WebsiteDataModel extends TranslationDataModel implements TableModelListener{ PHPPair phpp; public WebsiteDataModel(){ super(); ...

6. JTable & Edit Button Click    coderanch.com

Dear All I am using JTable. I need suggestion regarding following. Please help me out. I need suggesgtion that at background what should i use to know that a particular row is added,edit,delete or a certain operation is done. All the following operation are done after clicking Edit Button. 1. I have add button to add row into jTable. 2. I ...

7. JTable & Edit Button Click - Plz Help    coderanch.com

Dear All I am using JTable. I need suggestion regarding following. Please help me out. I need suggesgtion that at background what should i use to know that a particular row is added,edit,delete or a certain operation is done. All the following operation are done after clicking Edit Button. 1. I have add button to add row into jTable. 2. I ...

8. To Change focus between columns after editing values in a column    coderanch.com

Hi Everybody, I have a JTable which uses a table model and an editor .The table has two columns .I need to enter some value in one column cell and then I have to press button ,where some validations are being done with the value entered before in the Jtable.Moreover I have used table changed event.The porblem I faced is the ...

9. Editing a cell in JTable - urgent    coderanch.com

10. JTable cell editing    coderanch.com

11. Problems with JTable editing (error message included)    coderanch.com

Hi folks, I've been asked to post this message here after discussion on the intermediate forum, you can check out the other post here. My table model is from a class which extends AbstractTableModel. The error occurs every time the following sequence of actions is taken.. Double click in a cell (to put it in editing mode) then without changing the ...

12. how can edit in the JTable??    coderanch.com

13. Editing a custom Cell Renderer without clicking    coderanch.com

Hello, I have a table which displays rows of a custom TextAreaRenderer I have. I want to be able to click the button to add a row, and have the user be able to start typing immediately, however, I HAVE tried selecting the row I just added and using the editCellAt command to no avail. The row selects just fine, but ...

14. JTable editing    coderanch.com

15. JTable Custom Editing    coderanch.com

I have a JTable and I want to add in two different forms of customization. First, I want to validate that the String they enter into a date column is a valid date and not allow them to stop editing until they either enter a valid date or hit a key to clear the field and move on without putting anything ...

16. making a selected cell editable in JTable and removing a selected row from JTable    coderanch.com

hi all, guys i'm having a problem when i want to remove a row from a JTable.i did get the selected rowIndex and passed it to the method remove(int index) of my ArrayList of type array os strings but remove() returned false so i did change the Array List to a Linked List so i do have the ability to remove ...

17. JTable - editable columns    coderanch.com

18. Want to Edit cells in a JTable    coderanch.com

19. stop JTable cells editing    coderanch.com

import java.awt.*; import javax.swing.*; import javax.swing.table.*; class Testing extends JFrame { public Testing() { setLocation(400,100); setDefaultCloseOperation(EXIT_ON_CLOSE); String colNames[] = {"Name", "Age"}; Object[][] data = {{"joe","21"},{"fred","31"},{"mary","22"}}; DefaultTableModel dtm = new DefaultTableModel(data,colNames); JTable table = new JTable(dtm){ public boolean isCellEditable(int row,int column){ return false;}}; JScrollPane sp = new JScrollPane(table); sp.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(300,100)); getContentPane().add(sp); pack(); } public static void main (String[] args){new Testing().setVisible(true);} }

20. Add an editable row to an non editable JTable    coderanch.com

import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import javax.swing.*; import javax.swing.table.*; class Testing extends JFrame { String colNames[] = {"Column 1", "Column 2", "Column 3"}; DefaultTableModel dtm = new DefaultTableModel(null,colNames); JTable table; public Testing() { setLocation(200,100); setSize(200,300); setDefaultCloseOperation(EXIT_ON_CLOSE); table = new JTable(dtm){ public boolean isCellEditable(int row, int column){ if(row == table.getRowCount()-1) return true; return false;}}; JScrollPane sp = new JScrollPane(table); JButton btn = new ...

21. making cells in one column editable    coderanch.com

The soul is dyed the color of its thoughts. Think only on those things that are in line with your principles and can bear the light of day. The content of your character is your choice. Day by day, what you do is who you become. Your integrity is your destiny - it is the light that guides your way. - ...

22. Editing in a JTable    coderanch.com

I have a JTable with its associated table model and a table model listener. I have 3 columns in it and columns 2 & 3 are editable. When the user edits column 2, I would like to access the new value that the user entered for validation purposes and if valid I update the table else throw an error dialog. I ...

23. Editing a Table Cell    coderanch.com

You stated - "Everything's fine, but how can I tell (Whom?) sth like editingStopped? Now I have to select another row to get rid of the Textfield." OK, I looked at this a few times and I am confused by what your question is, i.e. I dont understand it as it is phrased. What are trying to do and what is ...

24. edit cells    coderanch.com

25. JTable column that can be both editable or non-editable    coderanch.com

Extend your TableModel to turn on/off editing based on columns, then add a listener to the checkbox to call these methods... import javax.swing.*; import javax.swing.event.ChangeListener; import javax.swing.event.ChangeEvent; import javax.swing.table.DefaultTableModel; import java.awt.*; import java.util.Arrays; public class TableTest { private EditableTableModel model; private JTable table; private JCheckBox editYear; public TableTest() { String[] columnNames = {"First Name", "Last Name", "Sport", "# of Years", "Vegetarian"}; ...

26. JTable editing event    coderanch.com

Hello guys, I need some guidance on what approach to do this task. i wish to use a JTable that is editable. in which a data validation can be checked, like if the length of the string is 0, so pop up an error message , and if that data already exists, in which im planning to perform a data check ...

27. Multi-cell edit of JComboBoxes in JTable    coderanch.com

import javax.swing.*; import java.awt.*; class Testing { public void buildGUI() { String[] cities = {"London","Madrid","New York","Paris","Rome","Sydney","Tokyo","Toronto"}; JComboBox cbo1 = new JComboBox(cities); JComboBox cbo2 = new JComboBox(); JComboBox cbo3 = new JComboBox(); cbo2.setModel(cbo1.getModel()); cbo3.setModel(cbo1.getModel()); JFrame f = new JFrame(); f.getContentPane().add(cbo1,BorderLayout.NORTH); f.getContentPane().add(cbo2,BorderLayout.CENTER); f.getContentPane().add(cbo3,BorderLayout.SOUTH); f.pack(); f.setLocationRelativeTo(null); f.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); f.setVisible(true); } public static void main(String[] args) { SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable(){ public void run(){ new Testing().buildGUI(); } }); ...

28. Inserting, Editing, deleting rows in JTable    coderanch.com

Hi All, I am new to swings, and i am working on a swing application. I have developed some screens, in 1st screen i am showing the rows in the JTable, and i have 3 buttons Add,Edit,Delete. For all the 3 actions(Add,Edit,Delete) I will select a row in the Table, and then click the Button. 1. When i click the Add ...

29. Editing Cells in JTable    coderanch.com

30. How to active my button when editing JTable?    coderanch.com

Thanks.I write a sample as you said, but it doesn't take effect. import java.awt.BorderLayout; import java.awt.event.KeyAdapter; import java.awt.event.KeyEvent; import javax.swing.DefaultCellEditor; import javax.swing.JButton; import javax.swing.JFrame; import javax.swing.JScrollPane; import javax.swing.JTable; import javax.swing.JTextField; import javax.swing.SwingUtilities; import javax.swing.event.TableModelEvent; import javax.swing.event.TableModelListener; public class EditingTable { private static void createAndShowGUI() { JFrame frame = new JFrame("Editing Table Demo"); frame.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); JFrame.setDefaultLookAndFeelDecorated(true); final JButton button = new JButton("OK"); JTable ...

31. Editing a Cell in JTable    coderanch.com

32. cell edit in JTable    coderanch.com

33. Missing last edit on a JTable    coderanch.com

When I enter data in a cell and move the cursor to click on "Ok", the last data entered is not received by the table. To handle this problem, I added a mouse motion listener to the table with the following code: jForeignKeysTable.addMouseMotionListener(new MouseMotionAdapter() { public void mouseMoved(MouseEvent ev) { if (ev.getID() == MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVED) { int editRow = jForeignKeysTable.getEditingRow(); int editCol ...

34. edit only one column in JTable    coderanch.com

35. Editable Cell in JTable    coderanch.com

Hi, I have a JTable in application. One cell in my table in editable. That cell will take integer as value. Say if some one has entered '10' in that cell. If someone wants to change that 10 to 30 (or something else), once that user selects that cell and start typing 30 what is happening is 30 gets appending to ...

36. JTable cell editing    coderanch.com

37. while user edit the cell in jtable    coderanch.com

i have a jtable. in my jtable while cell is edit then user chages cell value after user click ok button i have to take chaged value. but i am getting old value. i am using table.getValueAt(row,column) how can i get user changed value at edit cell [ May 29, 2008: Message edited by: ramesh kancherla ]

38. Making a cell in JTable in Editing Mode by default    coderanch.com

Hi, I have a JTable of 5 columns. 3rd column of my table is alone editable. We have a validation logic for the value entered at the 3rd column. I have put that validation logic in setValueAt() method of my table model. Once the validation fails(say user was editing 2nd ROW and 3rd COLUMN), I show a warning popup that has ...

39. cell editing in JTable    coderanch.com

40. Moving editable columns in a JTable    coderanch.com

41. Making Cells Editable in JTable    coderanch.com

I have specified that the cells of my JTable not be editable in my DefaultTableModel. I want to prevent users from editing the vlaues in the cells unless they use the correct password. When a user clicks anywhere on the JTable, a JFrame pops up with a JPasswordField in it. How can I make the cells editable again if the correct ...

42. about cell editing in JTable    coderanch.com

43. DefaultTableModel cell editable    coderanch.com

44. Editable JTable selection Versus editing row/cell    coderanch.com

Hi All, I have an editable JTable and was wondering if there was a way to distinguish between a row simply being selected opposed to the cell being edited? At the moment I have: private class RowListener implements ListSelectionListener { public void valueChanged(ListSelectionEvent event) { if (event.getValueIsAdjusting()) { btnSave.setEnabled(true); // *** Button is enabled when row is selected not only when ...

45. Display and Edit JTable after Deserialization    coderanch.com

I'm using a Jtable as an "excel like" sheet for work use to build a schedule for my fellow employees. I'm serializing the model (defaulttablemodel) and need to have the ability to open, display and edit it (numerous times). I think(?) it's opening (being read) but I can't display it. Here's partial code listing (thanks in hopeful advance): private void jButton4ActionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent ...

46. Editable cells in a JTable    coderanch.com

Rob Camick wrote:The isCellEditable() method of JTable (or the TableModel) controls whether a cell is editable or not. By default it just return "true". So you can override the method to return a boolean value that is set by your "Modify" button. Hello, OK, I tried that method, but am messing up somewhere... the code compiles, and runs, without the desired ...

47. Jtable cell editing question    coderanch.com

Hi, I've run into some problem with JTable. All of my cells are editable, and I would like to provide an easy way to edit cells. First I used single click as the edit mode activator, but that is not too good, since whenever a user selects a row, it immediatlly starts to edit that cell. I also tried double click, ...

48. Problem in Editing/Rendering a CheckBox in a JTable    coderanch.com

Hi, I am rendering a JCheckBox in a JTable using the following code:- TableColumn column1 = table.getColumnModel().getColumn(0); final JCheckBox checkBox = new JCheckBox(); final JCheckBox disabledCheckBox = new JCheckBox(); disabledCheckBox.setEnabled(false); checkBox.setBackground(Color.WHITE); checkBox.setHorizontalAlignment(SwingConstants.CENTER); checkBox.setBackground(Color.WHITE); checkBox.setHorizontalAlignment(SwingConstants.CENTER); disabledCheckBox.setBackground(Color.WHITE); disabledCheckBox.setHorizontalAlignment(SwingConstants.CENTER); disabledCheckBox.setBackground(Color.WHITE); disabledCheckBox.setHorizontalAlignment(SwingConstants.CENTER); column1.setCellEditor(new DefaultCellEditor(checkBox)); column1.setResizable(false); column1.setPreferredWidth(3); column1.setCellRenderer(new DefaultTableCellRenderer() { public JCheckBox getTableCellRendererComponent(JTable table, Object value, boolean isSelected, boolean hasFocus, int row, int column) { if ...

49. Help for assertion failed error in handling editable TableViewer column data from and to database?    coderanch.com

Hi all, In my project I would use the tableviewer to apply the capability to edit the data from database and update them back to the database through hibernate 3.2, and H2 database server mode , but assertion failed occors as below: org.eclipse.core.runtime.AssertionFailedException: assertion failed: at org.eclipse.core.runtime.Assert.isTrue(Assert.java:110) at org.eclipse.core.runtime.Assert.isTrue(Assert.java:96) and the simple code is: import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.List; import org.eclipse.jface.viewers.CellEditor; import ...

50. No update/repaint with editable Panels in JTable    coderanch.com

Hello, I have a JTable (initial: 1 column, 0 rows) with a custom cell renderer and cell editor. Rows are added dynamically. Each cell value is an Object that extends JPanel. Each panel has a close-button, which actionPerformed method calls getTableModel().removeRow(rowIdx). This should result in a new (table) view without the row whose panel invoked the close method. Attached an example ...

51. programatically editing jTable cell based on another cell value    coderanch.com

gonna give it another try, but still i cant color just one single cell anyway i also have a custom sorter and i noticed that when i sort the colored rows stay still (dont respond to the order modification), so if i sort an uneven number of times the information gets messy...

54. JTable Editable column issue.    coderanch.com

Hi, I have created one JTable. In that Jtable one of the column is editable. I'm able to edit that column. Below this Jtable i have one button to export the table data. While editing this column(still the cursor focus is in the same column) if i click on the export button I'm getting only empty space as the value for ...

55. JTable editable cell    coderanch.com

56. Table cells not editable    coderanch.com

I'm not sure why this isn't working, the table displays fine, I can sort the columns, I can select a cell, but I cannot change the contents inside. I can't see anything that would be turning editing off. Hopefully this is a small enough contained code to work with. import java.awt.*; import java.io.*; import java.text.*; import java.util.prefs.*; import javax.swing.*; import javax.swing.table.*; ...

57. Restrict editable jTable cells except for top row    coderanch.com

Hi! I am developing a SWING application in JDeveloper11. There is a jTable that needs to be enabled for edit by the user. The real critical thing is that user must only be able to insert positive doubles or natural numbers (zero accepted) in all editable cells (a few are set to be non-editable), except for the top row. He should ...

58. Validate JTable edit    coderanch.com

Hi, i have my Jtable ( ypu saw the other post ) and i want that the user receive a message of confirmation before to update the row "value was xxxx, change it?" how can i do? i think i have to work in setValueAt method, but how? ( my jtable retrieve data frmo a jdbc ) public void setValueAt(Object value, ...

59. Edit cell with another JTable    coderanch.com

Hello. I have a JTable with a cell that contains another JTable. I can edit both. When I edit the inner table and click in the outer, the inner table is away. I think the reason is, that the method public Object getCellEditorValue() of my custom cell editor always returns a JTextField. Right? I have no ideas anymore. How can I ...

60. Editable JComboBox in JTable not working without hitting Enter Key    coderanch.com

Rob, Tried this. but no change... If you have an examples of editable Jcombobox in JTable working without hitting enter key... I searched in this site as well.. but not found useful links. please post that if you have any. Example : Jcombobox has 3 choices. On selecting 3 rd choice, it should become editable and user should key the value. ...

61. Help me in getting the value of a cell after editing in Jtable    coderanch.com

Hi All, Can any one please help me in getting the value of the cell after editing it My main idea is to update the database after editing a cell in the Jtable, I am able to edit it with a JTextField but When I am getting the edited value I am getting the error , Can you please help me ...

62. Editing JTable    coderanch.com

63. JTable - multiple lines in a cell AND cells not editable?    coderanch.com

Hi all, I have a bit of a problem. I'm using JTable for displaying a calendar. It is important that more than 1 line is displayed in a cell. To do this, I wrote class MultiLineCellRenderer that extends JTextArea and implements TableCellRenderer (solution I found on the Internet). Then I realised that the cells should not be editable. For this, I ...

64. how to make JTable editable    coderanch.com

65. JTable date edit problem    coderanch.com

Why are you creating a custom model? Just use the DefaultTableModel: import java.awt.*; import java.util.*; import javax.swing.*; import javax.swing.table.*; public class TableBasic extends JPanel { public TableBasic() { String[] columnNames = {"Date", "String", "Integer", "Boolean"}; Object[][] data = { {new Date(), "A", new Double(1), Boolean.TRUE }, {new Date(), "B", new Double(2), Boolean.FALSE}, {new Date(), "C", new Double(9), Boolean.TRUE }, {new Date(), ...

66. JTable AbstractTableModel Edit Date Problem    coderanch.com

Hi, This si the code for my previous post. I can edit string and Integr value cells; but cannot edit date cell. Must date cell be set to editable with another kind of code? Thank you, Giuseppa allRows = new Vector(); while(rs.next()){ newRow = new Vector(); for(int j = 1; j <= columns; j++){ switch(md.getColumnType(j)){ case Types.CHAR: case Types.VARCHAR: case Types.LONGVARCHAR: ...

67. Updating Database by editing jtable    coderanch.com

Hey all, I am new to java and i have a problem which i want to resolve. I recently saw a code which basically lists the values of a database in a jtable, so i modified it and used it in my own app. The problem which i have now come across is the updating of the database by editing the ...

68. Updating Database by editing jtable    coderanch.com

Hey all, I am new to java and i have a problem which i want to resolve. I recently saw a code which basically lists the values of a database in a jtable, so i modified it and used it in my own app. The problem which i have now come across is the updating of the database by editing the ...

70. Editing last cell in JTable    coderanch.com

71. Editing in ABstractTableModel    coderanch.com

72. JTable editing with Mouse    java-forums.org

I have just posted my problem on http:\\forums.sun.com Here is direct link to jump at problem:- http:\\forums.sun.com\thread.jspa?threadID=5338865 Please provide me solution, I will be very thankful to you. {Note replace '\' with '/' in hyperlink due to restriction of this forum, I can not paste link because I have not posted 20 or greater post.} Faithfully, Gajesh Tripathi

73. Auto updation of Editable Column Indexes    java-forums.org

editableTable1 = new gajesh.widget.EditableTable(); editableTable1.setModel(new javax.swing.table.DefaultTableModel( new Object [][] { {null, null, null, null, null}, {null, null, null, null, null}, {null, null, null, null, null}, {null, null, null, null, null}, {null, null, null, null, null} }, new String [] { "Title 1", "Title 2", "Title 3", "Title 4", "Title 5" } ) { Class[] types = new Class [] { java.lang.Object.class, ...

74. editing jTable then writing new values to database!    java-forums.org

hi every one .. i'm wondering how can i detect that jtable is currently editing and then store the new values to my data base? i have used the following code: if(jTable1.isEditing()) { int index=jTable1.getEditingRow(); if(index!=-1) { jTable1.getValueAt(index,0); sql = "INSERT INTO announcement (ann_txt,cNo) VALUES ('" + jTable1.getValueAt(index,0).toString()+ "','"+ GlobalData.courseNo+ "');"; res = st.executeUpdate(sql); } } was that the right code...if ...

75. Non-Editable Table Column    java-forums.org

Hello, I'm writing a small test application that allows the user to add different columns which cells are then populated automatically. The thing that I've been struggling to do is to make the added columns non-editable. Ideally, the user is only allowed to change the values in the first column as it is the variable column. I know that TableModel.isCellEditable() method ...

76. How to make the column of Jtable editable    java-forums.org

77. Start editing in a cell in JTable on gaining focus    java-forums.org

Hi, I have defined cell editors for the two columns in my table in the following manner: Java Code: JComboBox combo = new JComboBox(); //code to add items to the combo box goes here. JTextField textField = new JTextField(); textField.setHorizontalAlignment(JTextField.RIGHT); TableColumn column = myJTable.getColumnModel().getColumn(0); column.setCellEditor(new DefaultCellEditor(combo)); column = myJTable.getColumnModel().getColumn(1); column.setCellEditor(new DefaultCellEditor(textField)); The problem I am facing is that when a focus ...

79. please help me in editing a table cell in AWT    java-forums.org

This is not a code-production service. If all you need is the code, then you probably want to pay for it at rent a coder . com. If on the other hand you want help from volunteers, then please show us your work and ask specific questions regarding your code. edit: I also deleted your hijack post in the other thread. ...

80. Stop editing jtable cells programatically    java-forums.org

Hi people, I'm developing a program that involves a lot of tables, of course I want to save in a file what the user does, so I save the tables as objects in a file. Problem: when the cell editor is not working, this is, when the table has no focus at all (and I mean at all because when the ...

81. jTable Cell editing    java-forums.org

82. updating JTable in another frame after editing the data    java-forums.org

Please help me how to fix my code I have a frame, with a JTable on it, displaying a list of employees. I have a button to add and edit a selected employee on the list. WHen I click the Edit or Add buttons,edit the employee or add a new one, after clicking the Save button and going back to the ...

83. editable row in jxtable    java-forums.org

I have a jxtable. I overwrote the isCellEditable() method to return all false so the whole table is non-editable. I also have setCellSelectionEnabled(true); Now I want to add a modify button. When this button is clicked, the entire row where the cell was clicked will become editable. Once the cursor moves outsides of this row, the entire table will become non-editable ...

84. JTable font while editing cell    java-forums.org

Hi guys, Having a problem figuring out how to change the font of the a cell while editing. So, I have cells which are 12pt font, when I'm editing a cell, I want what the user types in to be larger than that, but I can't seem to achieve this. The user's typed text is default size, then when they're done, ...

85. Jtable get edited contents    java-forums.org

Hi, I have a Jtable with two columns. I have an array of names for both the columns eg: First column A[]="John1","John2","John3" Second column B[]="GOOD","BAD" Could someone please clarify how to create a listener so that if I enter 'John1' in the first column, "BAD" should be there in column 2. and if I erase this first column and put John2 ...

86. Editing a Component using JTable    jfree.org

Hi, My name is Kailash. I am currently enrolled for CSC 517 class at North Carolina State University. Myself and my team partner are working on JFreeChart and trying to implement below requirement in JFreeChart: "Write an editing component that uses a JTable to display the values in a PieDataset and allows those values to be edited (added, deleted or modified). ...

87. JTable cell editing    forums.oracle.com

I find the JTable to be grossly insufficient. I subclassed JTable and set up the ability to register a set of non editable triggers. Values which when found prohibit the cell from being edited. I did this by overriding the isCellEditable( ) method. I also used this subclass to add abilities like assigning table header properties globally across all columns and ...

88. editing cells in a JTable    forums.oracle.com

I have a program in which data in an ArrayList is displayed in a JTable... each row displays each Object in the ArrayList and each column shows the different parts of the Object. Some columns are influenced by each other, meaning when the numbers are changed in one cell, the other cell also changes correspondingly. At least that's the way I ...

89. JTable editing    forums.oracle.com

I have a JTable that displays the data in an ArrayList. When I double-click on an individual cell and change the values, the only thing that is changed is visual. What I want to happen when I double-click on an individual cell and change the values is for the JTable to update the ArrayList. So for example... if I have a ...

90. Not edit my cell in JTable    forums.oracle.com

91. How to edit databases from JTable?    forums.oracle.com

// set up JButton for submitting queries JButton submitButton = new JButton("Submit Query"); // create Box to manage placement of queryArea and // submitButton in GUI Box box = Box.createHorizontalBox(); box.add(scrollPane); box.add(submitButton); // create JTable delegate for tableModel JTable resultTable = new JTable(tableModel); resultTable.setFillsViewportHeight(true); // Makes the empty space heights white resultTable.setRowSelectionAllowed(true);

92. How to set a column in JTable non-editable?    forums.oracle.com

You could create a sub class of DefaultTableModel, you pass the column number to the constructor or you add a method like setColumnEditable(0, false); to set column 0 non-editable. You overwrite the method isCellEditable so it will return false when the column number that is passed to the method is 0 (if you want to have column 0 non-editable).

93. JComboBox-Just one cell editable???    forums.oracle.com

94. How to paint a Custom Cell while you are editing on adjacent Cell in JTabl    forums.oracle.com

So when editing is started you need to determine the "adjacent" cell you want to repaint to the blue font is used. You would save the cell Rectangle so you can restore the font when editing is stopped. Then the next question is how do you repaint the cell. Well you can use the table.repaint(Rectangle) method. You can get the Rectangle ...

95. jtable edit problem    forums.oracle.com

This is my method for changes values public void setValueAt(Object value, int row, int col) { if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("Setting value at " + row + "," + col + " to " + value + " (an instance of " + value.getClass() + ")"); } data[row][col] = value; fireTableCellUpdated(row, col); if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("New value of data:"); printDebugData(); } } ...

96. should not edit jtable manually    forums.oracle.com

97. Listen for when user starts to edit a JTable cell?    forums.oracle.com

Sounds like you're talking about a "modal editing session" for those critical (probably key) fields, yes?... If so KISS it... I recommend that you place an "edit" button in each "critical" cell which opens a popup modal editing form. This is a paradigm that users have become accustomed to, so I expect they will readily accept it, even if it's not ...

98. Not edit my cell in JTable    forums.oracle.com

I make JTable by using =====> new JTable(data_vc , field_vc); but I don't want to edit my cell in JTable Someone say that I need to use isCellEditable(int rowIndex, int columnIndex) but I am not able to inherit class AbstractTableModel. Because of inheriting JFrame.... What should I do? Plz help me... Edited by: Michael_Kim on Feb 21, 2008 8:01 PM

99. To make the JTable header editable    forums.oracle.com

100. [JTable] how to edit a row???    forums.oracle.com

hi frnd, in swing there is datamodel and display object are diffrent. so JTable contain the TableModel Object where in which u can handle the Data. so u have to get the tableModel object reffrence from JTable Object . once u get it then u can play around what ever u want.