Edit 1 « JTable « Java Swing Q&A

1. Editable JTable Tutorial    stackoverflow.com

Are there any good books or website that go over creating a JTable? I want to make one column editable. I would like to actually put a inherited JCheckBox component ...

2. How to do a check before allowing editing of a given row in a JTable    stackoverflow.com

The problem is quite basic. I have a JTable showing cached data from a database. If a user clicks in a cell for editing, I want to attempt a lock on ...

3. How to stop editing with DefaultCellEditor when a separate JBtton is pressed    stackoverflow.com

I got a table with a custom TableCellEditor (extending DefaultCellEditor) with a JFormattedTextField as the editor component. Now I got problem: when I press a separate button while editing. When the button ...

4. Making a cell in a JTable editable - the default value of the cell    stackoverflow.com

I am working with Java, and I am trying to make a cell in JTable to be editable. My class implements TableModel and extends AbstractTableModel (so that I can use the ...

5. cell editing in JTable    stackoverflow.com

Im doin a project using JTable, i want to make my table cells editable. I used, public boolean isCellEditable(int row, int column) {
return true; ...

6. Editing a JTable with Vectors    stackoverflow.com

I'm doing a mini project using JTable. I used the Vector type for the row values. For example, public Vector textData = new Vector();. The problem is when I edit the ...

7. How to change default stop edit behavior in jtable    stackoverflow.com

When you edit a cell in an jtable the value is made permanent only if the focus is changed or if one hits enter (for example if you change the cell ...

8. Only one row editable on JTable    stackoverflow.com

I am trying to make a special kind of jtable. I want the entire table to by default be NOT editable. But when the user clicks a row, then clicks the ...

9. Making a JTable cell editable - but *not* by double clicking    stackoverflow.com

I am trying to add a column to a JTable with the following behaviour (similar to Windows Explorer and similar shells):

  • The cell can be clicked once to select it, as usual.
  • The ...

10. Select all data when start editing JTable Cell    stackoverflow.com

I'm trying for a long time to make a table that works like Excell do. It means, when user starts to insert data into the cells the content into them is ...

11. how to stop cell editing in JTextPane ,cell editor of JTable    stackoverflow.com

I created JTable with JTextPane as cell editor.I want to stop cell editing and want to do some processing if I pressed enter key in JTextPane .And I also want to ...

12. Provide additional behavior when editing a cell in JTable    stackoverflow.com

I am creating a app in Java. I need to provide additional behavior when editing of a cell in a JTable. So ideally this will happen when the cell loses focus ...

13. how can we make an editable table?    stackoverflow.com

what should I do for editing all the cells of a Table? for example if in a one cell is written "abc", I want to change it to" def", how can ...

14. How to make a JTable non-editable    stackoverflow.com

How to make a JTable non-editable? I don't want my users to be able to edit the values in cells by double-clicking them. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

15. Java Swing JTable cell in "edit" mode uses different set of settings?    stackoverflow.com

I have set some parameters for my JTable, but it seems they are in effect only in what I call "view" mode. When editing cell content, nothing works. In the screenshot ...

16. Database to GlazedList/Jtable and then edit the database through the GlazedList/JTable    stackoverflow.com

I am able to break this problem down into two questions:

  1. What is the best way to put the contents of a database (MS-Access) into a GlazedList/JTable?
  2. How do ...

17. JTable with JComboBox editor : Is it possible to edit the cell value from keyboard with one key press    stackoverflow.com

I'm having a JTable containing JComboBox editors initialized somewhat like

JComboBox comboBox = ...;
TableColumn tc = table.getColumnModel().getColumn(i);
tc.setCellEditor(new DefaultCellEditor(comboBox));
This is working otherwise fine but I'd like to be able to navigate in the ...

18. Editing JTable from RestulSet Table    stackoverflow.com

Continuing this question. My problem is that I can not edit my JTable. I get an exception and the Object value instead of what I should be seeing. I am using the ...

19. Is it possible to edit data in jtable and save it?    stackoverflow.com

I would like to know if it's possible to view my values through JTable and then edit them through there?

20. editing data base from the jtable displayed    stackoverflow.com

how can we edit an sqlite database table from the itable it is displed in? thanks

21. Switching values when editing a cell    stackoverflow.com

I have a JTable which uses a custom TableModel to display a series of object instances. There's a switch case inside getValueAt(int row, int column) to return values according to given ...

22. Unable to edit seemingly arbitrary JTable columns    stackoverflow.com

As the title states, I have a JTable and I am unable to edit "arbitrary" columns. I have 4 columns and only the first column is editable. The first column ...

23. Force JTable to "commit" data to model while it is still in editing mode    stackoverflow.com

I have a JTable as follow. alt text So, while the JTable is still in editing mode (There is a keyboard cursor blinking at Dividend column), clicking OK directly will not ...

24. Get correct editing behaviour in JTable using java DefaultCellEditor    stackoverflow.com

You can go into a cell in a Jtable either by clicking on it, or by going into it using cursor keys/tabs. With defaultCellEditor and a JtextField if you go in ...

25. JTable cell not reflecting changes, though editable    stackoverflow.com

For a custom TableModel, I am overriding isCellEditable, which is returning true always. I am also overriding setValueAt, but don't know how to use the method, so that, JTable reflects the changes ...

26. editing jtable - java    stackoverflow.com

I have a jTable which displays data from a database. The user can edit these data, and when he presses on the "save" button, the new values should be saved in the ...

27. How to handle incoming data for JTable while editing a row?    stackoverflow.com

imagine we have a client/server multiuser architecture. At any time a user is able to add a new TableRow in his JTable. The server gets informed and sends a message to ...

28. Why is cancelCellEditing() not called when pressing escape while editing a JTable cell?    stackoverflow.com

I have an editable JTable and have set a DefaultCellEditor like so:

    colModel.getColumn( 1 ).setCellEditor( new DefaultCellEditor( txtEditBox ) {
        // ...

29. JAVA jTable - How to make all cells non-editable?    stackoverflow.com

I have a jTable calendar that works just fine and I just want the user not be able to edit anything. How can I do it? Thanks a lot!! PS: I use netbeans ...

30. How to edit a JTable row?    stackoverflow.com

I want a tutorial or a method so that I can highlight a row in a Jtable which grabs its data from a mysql db , then click on edit button ...

31. Updating JTable after inline edit    stackoverflow.com

I have 2 classes, one to make a frame and the other to handle and implement the interface TableModel. When editing cells inline and updating the values in the class that ...

32. Cell editing and "Substance" L&F in JTable    stackoverflow.com

This is a duet of questions which I think are better answered together. 1) How do I make my entire JTable uneditable? (Is there any other way except putting it into a loop and ...

33. Prevent JTable cell editor from leaving "edit mode" on validation failure    stackoverflow.com

I'd like to obtain the following behaviour in a JTable:

  • user starts editing a cell - the cell switches to a JTextField as usual;
  • when the user tabs out or clicks in another ...

34. Programmatically deselecting and edited JTable cell    stackoverflow.com

I have a JTable in which a user enters data in the cells. Then there is a "Save" button which collects the table data, formats it in csv, and saves it ...

35. Java table arraylist modification    stackoverflow.com

I have currently a block in my brain and cannot find the solution. I am not a good Java developer and this is about my university coursework. Basically its a task ...

36. Locking a whole row while editing in a JTable    stackoverflow.com

I have a JTable with 4 columns that are required. When a users finishes one cell, they can click out of the row. I want to force the user ...

37. Remove row being edited from JTable    stackoverflow.com

I have a JTable and a button next to it that calls deleteSelectedRows(), which does exactly what it sounds like:

public void deleteSelectedRows() {
    int[] selected = jTable.getSelectedRows();

38. Detecting if any cell is being edited in a JTable    stackoverflow.com

I have a JTable in which users can edit cells. When the user is through editing the cell, I want to enable a button that allows the user to ...

39. SetEditable on a jtable column does not change the column to editable    stackoverflow.com

and yet the column is not editable . Ideas?

40. How to gray-out non-editable cell in jtable?    stackoverflow.com

I want to gray non-editable cell in JTable. I'm using such TableCellRenderer:

TableColumn column = table.getColumnModel().getColumn(0);
column.setCellRenderer(new GrayableCheckboxCellRenderer());

public class GrayableCheckboxCellRenderer extends JCheckBox implements TableCellRenderer {
    public Component getTableCellRendererComponent(JTable table, Object value,

41. Editable JTables - action of first key typed in a text field    stackoverflow.com

If an editable cell is selected in a JTable (selected by using the arrows keys) then the next keystroke you make will append the key you type to the text in ...

42. Color Renderer in JTable if it is non editable field?    stackoverflow.com

I have 3 columns in JTable. One column is editable. Other columns are non-editable. Editable column should be displayed green color and non-editable column should be in red color. I have ...

43. Single click to edit a JTable Cell    stackoverflow.com

currently the JTable cell is selected on first click, and on the second one it is edited. Is it possible to directly edit it on the first click?

44. Make JTable rows selectable when every cell is non-editable    stackoverflow.com

I have a table to show values, in this table user can select one row, but can not change its content. My code is:

    JTable tablaCurvas1 = new ...

45. How to make JTable cells editable or non-Editable at Run time?    stackoverflow.com

I am using a JTable and the parameters in table are passing through Hash Map. Hash Map contains 2 parameters. 1 is key(String) & other one is Value(that is a Vector). Vector contains ...

46. How to update/retrieve the data in/from JTable, when row or column is edited?    stackoverflow.com

How can i get the edited data from JTable ?

47. How to add table model values by editing JTable rows?    stackoverflow.com

I have empty TableModel. When I set this model to JTable it hasn't rows. I want to create one empty row, where user can select value in combo box editor. If ...

48. JTable loses focus after editing with compound JPanel cell editor    stackoverflow.com

I have a cell editor that is composed of several components on a JPanel. When my custom cell editor stops editing, the table loses focus instead of transfering focus to the ...

49. How to have JTable staying on the edited cell    stackoverflow.com

If someone edit the cell content of a JTable and press enter, the content is modified and the table selection moves to the next row. Is that possible to forbid the ...

50. TreeCellEditor: must select cell to edit even if ShouldSelectCell return false    stackoverflow.com

I need to use custom cell renderer for my JTree to add some JLabel on each cell. And then allow the user to click on these label without needing to select ...

51. Java JTable - Make only one column editable    stackoverflow.com

I was wondering how to make one column of a JTable editable, the other columns have to be non editable. I have overwritten isCellEditable() but this changes every cell to non editable. Thnx ...

52. How to properly clear, add or edit data in JTable? And how to control TableModelListener?    stackoverflow.com

I have a big problem with JTable. Here is how it works:

  • a user adds a new Shape to Model
  • Controller updates Model and sends a notification to View to update
  • View gets data ...

53. Multiline feature in an editable jtable cell    stackoverflow.com

I want to have multiline feature for JTable cells. Wherein the cell automatically expands and shrinks itself when user writes or deletes text in/from cell. I have set columns width, but ...

54. How to make a single column in a JTable un-editable ?    forums.netbeans.org

Hello all, I think that my question is trivial but I am new to Swing. I have a JTable where one of the columns is not to be edited, while the ...

55. Listening to JTable cell editing events    forums.netbeans.org

Hello List, I have a JTable, where I want to fill in each cell with (dollar) numbers as "String" data-type. When I click on a cell to type in the number ...

56. Problem With Editing JTable    forums.netbeans.org

I have an annoying problem with a JTable in my NetBeans program. The program works by having a user enter a series of values in a JTable. The problem is the JTable doesn't save the entered inputs until the user clicks on a different cell of the table. For example, if the user entered an input in cell 2,2 and then ...

57. Edit JTable and Send Info To DB!!!!!    coderanch.com

58. EDITABLE JTable and SQL QUERY    coderanch.com

ello, Can anybody help me, I am in a great toruble, Here in this example the comment part i.e.(//) this part they have mentioned that due to absence of database schema..the everything is locked. I want to know that how to open a lock so that I can able to edit the contents of the Cell. Please help me, what all ...

59. JTable - Editable Header    coderanch.com

60. How to make JTable as Non-Editable    coderanch.com

62. How to make only some rows editable in a JTable    coderanch.com

Originally posted by eric moon: Well, Sandhya, instead of complaining, how about answering your own question when you figure it out, so others don't spend their time and energy answering it. That's what I do. After all, we don't pay to use JavaRanch! Hi Eric It was not a complain, but it was a suggestion. I'm sorry if you could'nt get ...

63. how to make jtable non-editable    coderanch.com

64. JTable Cell Editing    coderanch.com

how do i have some of my cells non editable which have text...this is when i read the table after saving it...the cells where i have entered text should be non editable...please let me know the way. i have another problem regarding table...how do i remove focus from my table before i save it...the problem is i cannot read the last ...

65. JTable edited rows    coderanch.com

66. JTable - editing Objects    coderanch.com

I've got a table. It has a column that contains an object. It has a custom renderer that displays the field name of the object. I'd like to be able to edit this name, but whenever I try to hook it up for editing it always tries to edit the object. Does anyone have any ideas?

67. how to set the JTable cells un editable    coderanch.com

68. JTable Editing    coderanch.com

I have a JTable that allows the user to enter data. The user clicks on a cell and starts typing to enter data. This works fine. The problem is when the user later clicks on a cell that already has data and begins to type. The behavior I would like is for the entire text in the selected cell's editor to ...

69. Urgent! jtable get value when cell is edited    coderanch.com

Hi Vinod, Using Georges' suggestion, I did the following and it worked great. import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import javax.swing.*; public class TableTest extends Frame { private JTable table; private JScrollPane scrollPane; // // Constructor // public TableTest() { setSize( 400, 400 ); table = new JTable( 10, 4 ); table.setRowSelectionAllowed( false ); table.setColumnSelectionAllowed( false ); table.setCellSelectionEnabled( false ); scrollPane = new ...

70. Editing the fields of the last row in JTable    coderanch.com

I have a table, pupulated with some rows (too many to be visible all in the table, so the vertical scrollbar appear). Select the last row, make a double click in a cell. Now I have a strange effect: the vertical scoll bar is moved up, so I can not see my selected row any more. My last visisble row is ...

71. JTable-nice editing for a Double value    coderanch.com

Hi, Try putting a KeyListener in the table and then on any KeyPressedEvent where the key is tab , clear the text in the arriving cell ( storing it in a temp String ) and if the user keys something in the value will be correct. If the user types tab again, place the text in the cell again and clear ...

72. JTable How to set editing for a specific column    coderanch.com

I have the following code and I want to create a dynamic loop the looks for and makes it within the JTable cell un editable. Any idea on how to change my code in order for it to work. Any help would be really appreciated. Object tabledata[][] = { { "Implementation", "String", "R", "full"}, { "Mike", "String", "RW", "Object"}, ...

73. JTable Selection Depends On Editable Cells    coderanch.com

Hi There, When I single click a cell in a JTable which is not editable, the cell is painted blue. When I click a cell which is editable, a blue border appears around the cell, but the cell itself remains white. Does anyone know how to alter this behavior? I want an editable cell to look like a non-editable cell when ...

74. Making JTable Non - Editable    coderanch.com

Could you post the code related to the table that you already have? It is easier to just fix what is wrong and not worry about the rest of the things you already have that work. Paul is right about overriding isCellEditable() to make your table non-editable... it sounds like the other problem you are having is due to either update ...

75. editing a cell in a uneditable model of JTable    coderanch.com

Actually, you can change any value at any time in the model programmatically by using the setValueAt() method. The isCellEditable() method only determines whether or not a cell value is changeable by a USER...that is, someone clicking or tabbing into the cell. This is true for adding, updating, or removing row or cell data.

76. JTable with both editable and uneditable cells    coderanch.com

Andre, Inorder to make one of the Columns editable and the other one non - editable, you can have a your own Table Model Class derived from AbstractTableModel and in your isCellEditable function, check for the Column that you want to make it editable and return true. class MyTableModel extends AbstractTableModel { final String[] columnNames = {"Col1","Col2"}; Vector data = new ...

77. How to edit JTable in JEditorPane?    coderanch.com

Hi this is little code I did to view all the simple cases of a document in a JEditorPane. I do not show you how to put one into the other. But as you stated that the table would be in HTML format you can render it straight away ! So the code here below helps you showing HTML in a ...

80. JTable edited data storing    coderanch.com

81. JTable getting Edited Values from Cell    coderanch.com

82. no editing for JTables    coderanch.com

83. Editable JComboBox with Sorting    coderanch.com

84. JTable cell editing problem    coderanch.com

I Created one JTable. In that all columns belongs to 3 different classes(String, Int, Float). I can change cell values by double-clicking on the cell. If i enter a proper value (Related to Column Class) and i press enter it is updating the cell. But if i enter a wrong value ( For example, in Float column ,if i enter characters) ...

85. Editing in Jtable    coderanch.com

87. Select vs Edit in JTable    coderanch.com

Thanks for the reply. I tried this and got the same results. I think that the problem is with the actual "selection" vs "editing" state of the cell. If it's editing, then the caret should be visible, shouldn't it? It's almost like some event that needs to be fired, isn't. [ November 05, 2002: Message edited by: Gil Estes ]

88. JTable editing on mouse click    coderanch.com

89. Jtable Cell editing validations    coderanch.com

Hi, I need to validate values entered into a table cell. I need to see if the entered value is atleast 7 chars and call a validation method. I need to do these validations as soon as 7 chars are entred. I tried extending CellEditorListener for my adaptor, but editingStopped metohd is firing only after I leave the cell and since ...

91. Table Cell retains edited value    coderanch.com

92. Jtable edit and update    coderanch.com

Dear All, I'm here again with a new problem, can any one give me the code or tell me any site witch have good examples of jtable. Actually I want to update and edit my jtable and save values in database. I have check lot of sites and examples but in vain. I will be very gratefull if some one can ...

94. jtable editing    coderanch.com

95. Help needed on editing a specific row in JTable    coderanch.com

Hi, You're on the right track. You use the method isCellEditable(). First you need to state what condition you want a row uneditable. For example, lets say you want a row uneditable if a user checks the checkbox in column index 8. public boolean isCellEditable(int rowIndex, int columnIndex) { if((Boolean)getValueAt(rowIndex, 8).booleanValue()) return false; else if(columnIndex == 8 || columnIndex == 9) ...

96. double click to edit combo in JTable    coderanch.com

97. Edit the JTable header    coderanch.com

98. set JTable cannot be edit..    coderanch.com

99. Need help on JTable capturing EDITED data ..    coderanch.com

Hi, I have jTable with Default table model. I want to edit the table so I set cell editable true. I am facing problem with capturing table data. I am able to capture edited data(new data) only when I move mouse over to another cell. If I move the mouse to submit button I am not able to get last edited ...

100. Update database by editing the cells in JTable    coderanch.com

Hi Agatha I've just been doing cell editing myself so I'm sure I can help you. Firstly, how far are you with the table? Are your cells already editable and can you listen for when the user changes information? Does your table load the data or are we going to start the table from the beginning? And how far are you ...