Display « JTable « Java Swing Q&A

1. An efficient way to display a time counter in a JTable cell    stackoverflow.com

A time counter shows the age in seconds of a row in the table. Ideally, it would be updated once per second. I know I can just increment the appropriate data ...

2. display strings in JTable    stackoverflow.com

I have a JTable and many strings are there in the table. I have selected some particular strings out of those and stored them in an array. At some mouseclicked event ...

3. Displaying emails in a JTable (Java Swing)    stackoverflow.com

Hi I'm new to all this. I have been trying to display fetched emails in a JTable using the JavaMail add-on. However when I ask the program to set the value ...

4. display sqlite datatable in a jtable    stackoverflow.com

I'm trying to display an sqlite data table in a jtable but i have an error " sqlite is type forward only" how could I display it in a jtable


5. Java Swing - Display table in sub menu    stackoverflow.com

I have a menu that displays say

  • Item1
  • Item2
  • Item3
etc. Clicking on Item1 should display me a Table with 2 columns. I tried something below with displaying just a label. But the label gets displayed ...

6. JTable: Store different data than displaying    stackoverflow.com

i have a question about the JTable in Java. Im reading Time-String from a database in the international standard-format (year:month:day Hours:Minutes). Thats cool beacause of sorting my table by time. BUT the ...

7. Display data from a serial port in a jTable    stackoverflow.com

I am getting some parameters through serial port (name and values) and want to show in jTable. how to do that ?

8. JTable HTML Font Display Problem with JRE 6U24    stackoverflow.com

In my JApplet program,I'd like to make the color of one cell of JTable to BLUE. Though there has many methods to do it.One method I think easy is to use HTML ...

9. Displaying a jtable starting from column 100 - java    stackoverflow.com

If I have a jTable ( inside a jScrollPane ) with 1000+ columns. Is it possible when creating this jtable that the first column to be displayed is the 100th column ...

10. JTable display char[]    stackoverflow.com

I have some problems displaying data in JTable. My app is using a JTable and a custom AbstractTableModel. In my AbstractTableModel I have a private field SomeClass[] array and that class ...

11. Displaying on a jTable    forums.netbeans.org

I have a String array that I want to display on a jTable. I have placed a jTable on my panel. I have a String array in this format: "John, Doe, ...

12. problems displaying values in JTable    coderanch.com

I have a custom JTable that has a custom cell renderer for each cell. I get the table to display the right component for each cell, but for some reason the actual values of each cell are not displaying. If the cell is editable, the first time I type something, the value that was in the cell suddenly appears, if I ...

13. JTable cell display problem    coderanch.com

Hi, I have a certain problem with JTable.All the columns in the table are editable and I have created my own Model class by extending DefaultTableModel.I have implemented the various methods like getValueAt(),setValueAt(0 bla..bla.. Now my problem is the value I enter in column0 disappears when I move to next cell.But if I enter in any other cells it is working ...

14. JTable Centering Display    coderanch.com

15. Columns for JTable do not display    coderanch.com

16. Displaying a panel inside a cell of JTable    coderanch.com

if the panel that is the renderer for one of the columns (your timer class) is bigger than the other cells, the row height and the row width won't be adopted to it. instead, the panel will be shrunken to fit into the cell. you have to set the row height and width accordingly. take a look at the DefaultTableCellRenderer in ...

18. Display zeros as blanks in JTable    coderanch.com

19. Displaying time inside a table cell    coderanch.com

Hi Ajit, Are you saying that you want the cell to display some kind of a countdown timer which keeps updating every second? If so, it might be a somewhat resource consuming application... because it would need a lot of repainting all the time. Of course, it should be possible with a custom Cell Renderer. I will try to write a ...

20. JTble not displaying all rows    coderanch.com

21. JTable not displaying accurate representation of Double    coderanch.com

Hello, I'm using a JTable to display a list of mostly String values. There is one Double, however, that is not being displayed properly. For example: 0.0099 displays as 0.01 0.0166 displays as 0.017 It seems that the JTable is rounding to the nearest thousandth decimal place, but I require full accuracy for this table. Is there a way to force ...

23. Displaying column headings in JTable    coderanch.com

24. Displaying an additional row in a jtable    coderanch.com

i have a jtable with an abstracttablemodel in a jscrollpane which is in a jpanel. My problem is that I cannot get the jtable to display a larger number of rows when I add a row in any position. E.g. that if the table has 12 rows and i add an object to the table model at row 7, then the ...

25. Problem in displaying data in JTable    coderanch.com

hi, can anyone tell me what I'm doing wrong here? The data is coming from a db and is stored in the alrtRslts vector. The data in the alrtRslts vector is correct. The print statement prints the data correctly. I'm getting a classCastException when I create new JTable(data, heading). Pls help me solve this.. I need this urgently.. for (int i ...

26. JTable Display Problem    coderanch.com

i have a JTable in an applet. it shows me some data. the table headers also change as per the database table that i select. my application is capable of doing that. my point is that when the number of columns in a table are less (less than 6)then the table displays properly .if it is more than 7 or 8 ...

27. Ghosting of a JTable display    coderanch.com

Hi, I was wondering if anyone can tell me how this can happen: It does not happen all the time and I can not figure out how to make it happen on demand. I have a thread that tries to update the table from a database query every 10 seconds if there are new entries in the database. If there are ...

28. Unable to display the JTable    coderanch.com

29. problem displaying jtable values    coderanch.com

Hello All, and thanks for any help. I have a jTable that is populated with an array of strings. During the course of the program these values get changed depending on the selection of a jcombobox. What I have noticed is that I am unable to set the initial values back in the table. I can set the values to any ...

30. Display a list in a JTable    coderanch.com

Hey Anand, Thanks for your reply. I did as you suggested and still it does not display any data contained in the arraylist. :-( Maybe I am doing something wrong. This is what I do after i instantiate the MyListTableModel by passing in the arraylist and the string[] of column names MyListTableModel myListTableModel = new MyListTableModel(list, colNames ); table = new ...

31. JTable displaying input data onto console    coderanch.com

Hi, I have a created a simple 3X3 JTable and I would like to add a listener so that when a user inputs data (for example a number) into any cell, the data gets printed onto the ide console (like when you print out Hello World! to the console/screen). Also when the user goes onto another cell to input data that ...

32. JInternalFrame not displaying JTable    coderanch.com

I am trying to display a JTable that takes a LogRecord and shows the time at which the record was raised as well as the actual message. The message is supposed to be color-coded by the LogRecord's Level, so for instance, Level.Info is displayed as black, a warning is yellow, and severe is red. The JTable is situated in a JScrollPane, ...

33. Problem Displaying JTable    coderanch.com

import javax.swing.* ; import java.awt.event.*; import java.awt.*; import javax.swing.table.AbstractTableModel; public class TableList extends AbstractTableModel { String[] columnNames ; Object[][] rowValues ; TableList(Object[][] row,String[] column) { rowValues = row ; columnNames = column ; } public Object getValueAt(int row,int col) { return (rowValues[row][col]) ; } public int getColumnCount() { return columnNames.length ; } public int getRowCount() { return rowValues.length ; } } ...

34. Displaying data in a JTable    coderanch.com

Hi All, I am trying to display some information in a JTable in somewhat like a tree fashion. I am not sure how to go about it or if there is another way to approach this problem. the table contain rows related to specific dates. However, each date has multiple events associated with them. The events need to be displayed in ...

35. Problem with JTable display    coderanch.com

36. Displaying a carriage return in a jTable row.    coderanch.com

I have a storageDataSet that is being displayed in a GUI through a jTable. The columns are being manipulated by row through a DataRow object. One particular column is a string that is concatinated from many other stings and each string ends in '\n'. How can I get this to be displayed? Right now the returns are just ignored, and all ...

37. Boolean value in JTable display problem after delete    coderanch.com

Ah thanks Mikko. In fact when I delete a row, that row's value becomes "java.lang.Object@...." when is probably String or Object, so when it gets to the Boolean column, it messed up. At least thats how I see it. If I changed my boolean to string I still get that row displayed. See screenshot. So now I'm back to the problem ...

38. Display Problem in JTable    coderanch.com

hi sir...i am trying to dispay oracle data through JTable.... i have read the values from oracle...but i cant display the read values in JTable....nothing displayed in table....... i have attached my code for references.......... import java.awt.event.*; import java.awt.*; import javax.swing.*; import java.io.*; import java.sql.*; import java.lang.*; import java.security.*; // public class Calc3 extends JApplet implements ActionListener,RootPaneContainer { ...

39. I don't understand why my JTable will not display data    coderanch.com

I believe a good starting point will be to look at my table model. As long as the list being passed to the constructor is ok, shouldn't this work? import javax.swing.table.AbstractTableModel; import java.util.List; import java.util.ArrayList; @SuppressWarnings("serial") class CarrierTableModel extends AbstractTableModel { ReadItemFile readIF = null; String[] columnNames = {"Model", "Description", "CLS", "SDT Cost"}; protected List list = new ArrayList(); CarrierTableModel() { ...

40. jtable not displayed    coderanch.com

public class AttributeTable extends JTable { public AttributeTable(List attributes) { String [] columnNames = getColumnNames(); setModel(new AttributeTableModel(attributes,columnNames)); } public AttributeTable() { String [] columnNames = getColumnNames(); setModel(new AttributeTableModel(columnNames)); } private String[] getColumnNames() { ResourceBundle resource = ResourceBundle.getBundle(AttributeTable.class.getName()); String[] columnNames = { resource.getString("attribute.Name"), resource.getString("attribute.Code"), resource.getString("attribute.DataType"), resource.getString("attribute.Precision"), resource.getString("attribute.Mandatory"), resource.getString("attribute.PrimaryKey"), resource.getString("attribute.Display")}; return columnNames; } }

41. displaying the datas in JTable    coderanch.com

hi everybody , I really appreciate if you could help me in displaying the datas of .txt file in JTable .....my codes are below ..really new to JAVA so pleaese help import java.awt.BorderLayout; import javax.swing.JFrame; import javax.swing.JTable; import java.io.*; public class DisData{ public static void main(String args[]) { JFrame frame = new JFrame(); frame.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); BufferedReader r=new BufferedReader(new FileReader("Data.txt")); String line =r.readLine(); ...

42. Swing - Display table in sub menu    coderanch.com

I tried something below with displaying just a label. But the label gets displayed somewhere in the screen where as I am expecting it to be a submenu under menuitem1. JMenu mainMenu = new JMenu("MainMenuHeader"); JMenu menuItem1 = new JMenu(new SomeClassExtendingAbstractAction("menuItem1")); public class SomeClassExtendingAbstractAction extends AbstractAction { public SomeClassExtendingAbstractAction(String displayText) { super(displayText); } public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event) { try { SubMenuDialog.showDialog(parent); ...

43. How to Display a JTable with the Data    coderanch.com

Hello Everyone, I have a JTable inside my frame, I also have Field to get a file to be loaded. This data in the in the TableModel is coming from the excel sheet. I have a text field to find this excel sheet, when I browse and select the file, I click the load button to load this data. I am ...

44. Sum display in the last row of JTable    coderanch.com

46. Problems getting JTable to display information    java-forums.org

Hello All - So I'm making a file browser/chooser. I am useing a JTable to display a list of files that i query from a sql database. I am using a JTable because i want to display the information as name, and description in the window. I am using a JComboBox as a filter device of what to display in the ...

47. display rows in jtable    java-forums.org

48. Having problem displaying JTable    java-forums.org

Having problem displaying JTable Hi, I'm still getting used to Swing components, and I'm having trouble creating a JTable that receives values during the execution of my program and displays it. Apparently it works fine when I try to create the table in the Main function, but when I try to do it in the middle of another function ...

49. JTable don't display single Gridline    java-forums.org

So I am trying to 'get rid' of a single gridline in a JTable. it would also be okay if I could change the color of that line to the background color. I have no idea how to do so... was looking through other forums but didn't find any good idea... Thanks for the help.

50. JTable HTML Font Display Problem with JRE 6U24    java-forums.org

Hello everyone! In my JApplet program,I'd like to make the color of one cell of JTable to BLUE. Though there has many methods to do it.One method I think easy is to use HTML tag.That is changing the variable like Value But it only works well when firstly access the JApplet with JRE 6u24. operation as follows: 1.open the JApplet.You ...

51. JTable not displaying    java-forums.org

Well that at least let's me know that it's not something glaringly obvious, so here is an example of what I'm trying to do. The project is a Netbean'ized' version of a swing project, so theres the app and the view. So my view consists of a JPanel(the main class panel if you will), and my JPanel(myPanel), inside of it, thats ...

52. JTable Data refuse to Display    java-forums.org

Please Help The columnName and Object refuse to display on my JTable... Please help... Below is my Code. I'm using Netbean IDE.. I created an abstractClass that i'm calling to my JTable to display on JFrame.. Below is my Code... /* * To change this template, choose Tools | Templates * and open the template in the editor. */ /* * ...

53. Problem with JTable - only some rows are displayed    java-forums.org

Problem with JTable - only some rows are displayed Hello, I have an annoying problem. I use a JTable and a DefaultTableModel but I also tried customized models created by "extends DefaultTableModel" (with and without super()) and "extends AbstractTableModel". I am giving an array to it (String[][] with 315 lines ) and there are only 28 of 315 entries ...

54. [SOLVED] Cant display data in jTable    java-forums.org

public class NewJPanel extends javax.swing.JPanel { static JTable myTable; /** Creates new form NewJPanel */ public NewJPanel() { initComponents(); myTable = new JTable(3, 2); JScrollPane myPane = new JScrollPane(myTable, JScrollPane.VERTICAL_SCROLLBAR_ALWAYS, JScrollPane.HORIZONTAL_SCROLLBAR_ALWAYS); add(myPane); myTable.setPreferredScrollableViewportSize(new Dimension(500, 70)); } public static void main(String args[]) throws SQLException { JFrame myFrame = new JFrame("Table"); myFrame.getContentPane().add(new NewJPanel()); myFrame.setVisible(true); myFrame.pack(); try { Class.forName("com.mysql.jdbc.Driver"); } catch (java.lang.ClassNotFoundException e) { ...

55. DISPLAYING ROWS OF JTABLE    forums.oracle.com

Hi! I have a Jtable in which only 10 rows would be visible in the JFrame. However, the Jtable contains 100 rows. I have a code that sets the selectedRow -> tableAccountChoose.setRowSelectionInterval(i,i); what happens is that the selected rows if for example are from 25 to 35 when the Jtable appears, it is not visible. I have to scroll down and ...

56. Displaying and objects values in JTable    forums.oracle.com

57. JTable could display Swing components???    forums.oracle.com

I am having a JTable in my program. Till today the Table is having a column of String fields. But today i need to change that column to hold a JComboBox. When i tried it simply it just displays the class name itself as text,i.e. javax.swing.JComboBox. It is not displaying the component. i tried to the tableModel level. But nothing came ...

58. Regarding Display of Data into JTable    forums.oracle.com

59. Problem displaying data in Jtable    forums.oracle.com

Are you saying you want "Name" values in a vertical column and "Profit" values in the other? If you want your names to go down the column, you're going to have to rethink your looping: you're adding both names to one row, and both profit values to the next... Now how would you rethink that to make one name and one ...

60. JTable not displaying data correctly    forums.oracle.com

If you don't get any good suggestions, you should consider posting an SSCCE (Short, Self Contained, Correct (Compilable), Example, a condensed program similar to your current program in that it demonstrates the problem at hand, but is the smallest bit of code that still compiles and has no extra code that's not relevant to your problem. For more info on SSCCEs ...

61. JTable displays string in wrong order : my code problem or Java problem ?    forums.oracle.com

//Add the scroll pane to this window. if (Show_External_Table) { Table_Frame=new JFrame(Table_Name); Table_Frame.getContentPane().add(scrollPane); Table_Frame.addWindowListener(new WindowAdapter() { public void windowActivated(WindowEvent e) { } public void windowClosed(WindowEvent e) { } public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e) { System.exit(0); } public void windowDeactivated(WindowEvent e) { } public void windowDeiconified(WindowEvent e) { scrollPane.repaint(); } public void windowGainedFocus(WindowEvent e) { scrollPane.repaint(); } public void windowIconified(WindowEvent e) { } ...

62. HELP! in Displaying in JTable    forums.oracle.com

63. Jtable tricks with display    forums.oracle.com

Hi, I am making a work-scheduler. I have a Table that displays all the shifts over one month. Now I need to display on request all the shifts for one day. What is need is a JTable where one column represents one hour and each shift spreads over a number of columns, depending on how many hours long the shift is. ...