Column 2 « JTable « Java Swing Q&A

1. JTable column is greyed out

I have a jTable, in which the 4th column is composed of JCheckBoxes. I set a cellRenderer for that column to be able to display a checkedbox(for true), and an unchecked box(for false). The table displays fine, but for some reason that whole column is grayed out, and when I click on the checkbox nothing happens. If I double click inside ...

2. More columns in gridbox?!

3. Write empty Jtable columns to disk

void writeProject(String fileName){ // Finish editing the current cell before saving if (custTable.isEditing() ){ int row =custTable.getEditingRow(); int col =custTable.getEditingColumn(); custTable.getCellEditor(row, col).stopCellEditing(); } int rows = custTable.getRowCount(); int columns = custTable.getColumnCount(); TableColumnModel header =custTable.getColumnModel(); try { FileWriter fw = new FileWriter("/home/magnus/NetBeansProjects/files/" + fileName +".cust"); BufferedWriter out = new BufferedWriter (fw); // Write out the Column Headers for (int k = 0; ...

4. saving jtable column settings

5. Swing class 2-column toolbar

7. Columns in JTable, Help!

Hello There, I have two question about the JTable in Java: 1. How can i set a column width? I want to have one column widder than the other and not editable at runtime. 2. How can i have multiple lines (block of data/small paragraph) in one cell? because whenver i write a 3 new lines of data in a cell ...


9. How To Delete Columns In JTable?

Hi, I created a JTable and added values through DefaultTableModel. I Have JButton to add columns if need. I have another JButton to remove columns by entering the columns header.. eg: If there are three columns like A,B,C, If i need to remove column "C" means. I just click the remove button and enter the column header in the dilaog box ...

10. How can i disable specific JTable column?

11. sum a column in a JTable

I;m having some trouble with this one... How could I sum all the values from a column of a JTable and make it appear on a JTextField. The JTable is going to be editable, so I need to recalculate the value of the JTextField each time the data on the table changes....any ideas?

12. JTable Auto Column Expand?

13. repeating columns at JTable

er no.... oh i have to clear the column names? column index is 4. is it bcos that java starts index with 0 instead of 1? btw is there anyway to dynamically refresh the table when new vehicles list is added into the database from another internal frame? the vehicle data is added from another internal frame. for now evrytime i ...

15. Freezing JTable Columns

I am trying to freeze the first 3 columns in an editable Jtable. That is the easy part, I created 2 tables that share a table model. The tricky part is knowing which table is in focus or selected so I can work on the mouse/key events. I have tab working where i get to the end of one table and ...