Color 1 « JTable « Java Swing Q&A

1. Multiple Strings colored in different way into the same cell of a JTable

Suppose you have a JTable and for each cell you want to display three strings with different color, say value1 (red), value2 (blue), value3 (green). I overrode the getTableCellRendererComponent of DefaultTableCellRenderer but ...

2. getting TableCellEditor colors to match match look and feel

So I have custom CellEditors and CellRenderers and although I am doing

  component.setForeground(isSelected ? table.getSelectionForeground() : table.getForeground());
  component.setBackground(isSelected ? table.getSelectionBackground() : table.getBackground());
in my getTableCellRendererCompoent, the colors ...

3. Printing headers and footers in color?

I am trying to create colored headers and footers when printing a JTable. Specifically, I am looking at getPrintable() in javax.swing.JTable, but MessageFormat does not give me the option to ...

4. Changing JList row color at runtime

I am trying to change JList rows dynamically. I need change nth row colour, highlight it(n is unknown during compilation). I saw a lot of examples with custom ListCellRenderer, but all ...

5. Java Coloring a Table row

I want to color a Table row depending on whether there is a non-null in its 3rd column. Heres the code that I wrote : (ignore the braces)

public Component prepareRenderer(TableCellRenderer renderer, int ...

6. How would I go about highlighting an item in a JList?

I have a JList and I want to be able to highlight (change colour of text or something similar) the selected item. I know there are methods to set which ...

7. Change table cell color in Java

I have read and implemented this What I'd like to know is how to actually use this code? I just want to change a table cell's colour when I click ...

8. Java - How to remove JTable cell bgColor when hovering on another cell?

I have created my own TableCellEditor for a JTable column to do some special stuff while editing the cells of this column. In that TableCellEditor i define a color when a cell ...

9. How do I set the JTable column and row color?

How do I set the JTable column and row color?

10. Mapping integers to darkish colours

I'm wondering how to go about mapping integers to colours, but doing it such that the sequence doesn't have much of an effect on the colour (although it really doesn't matter ...

11. Painting cells certain colours depending on value within previous row JXTreeTable

I've got a JXTreeTable with a custom cell renderer. I am attempting to get the background colour of a row to change when a field in a row is different from ...

12. SwingX JXTable Boolean column have different color on highlight

I have a little problem with SwingX Components. In my Application I’m using a JXTable and on the table I register a MouseOver ColorHighlighter. The model of the table defines two ...

13. Color of the line marker in DropMode.INSERT_ROW

I have a JTable where the rows can be moved with drag&drop. I'm using DropMode.INSERT_ROW for this (so the drop location is marked with a horizontal line between the rows of ...

14. Java JTable change cell color

I would like to make an editable table and then check the data to make sure its valid. Im not sure how to change the color of just one cell. I ...

15. JTable change cell colors using TableCellRenderer

I am using a JTable in my GUI application as a grid to represent positions for a game. I want the cells of the table that represent a certain position of ...

16. Changing color of cell in JTable

I would like to change the color of a cell in a JTable. I wrote my own class that extends DefaultTableCellRenderer. However, my class has really inconsitent behavior. All it does ...

17. JTable row color change based on a column value- on pop up click

Possible Duplicate:
JTable row color change based on a column value- on pop up click
My jtable is loaded with data and this is where I ...

18. JTable row color change based on a column value- on pop up click

My jtable is loaded with data and this is where I call my Pop up functionality on jTable.

jTable.addMouseListener(new TablePopupListener(jTable));
So basically, if I right click a row, a popup(credit check) comes ...

19. jTextField color problems. Color not displaying in jTable either

This is part of an "AddEntry" class. The color of the text field only changes in the first text field and not all four.

 private class HandlerClass implements ItemListener {

20. Color specific row by rowid

I have JTable like this

 String[] columnTitles=new String[]{"Command","Offset","Type","Value","Units","R/W"};
        Object[][] data=new Object[20][7];

        for(int i=0;i<ROWS_NUMBER;i++){


21. customizing jtable cellrenderer with table's cell header color

That's a question really similar to this previous post of mine. I need to customize some cell of a JTable, in a way that they would look like a table header ...

22. In JTable , Color should be displayed in last column?

I have a GUI which has one JComboBox and a JTable. the JComboBox items are "yes" and "No". JTable has 2 columns and 2 rows. If I select "yes" in JComboBox, the second column ...

23. How to set the colour of my 1st row in my JTable to any color AND keep previous set colors in the table

I've already read a lot about CellRendering in Java and I have also visited other Q&As from this great site. Unfortunately I still haven't found the solution for the following Problem: ...

24. JTable trouble changing colors for first column

i try to change the color of fields in a JTable according to their value. I don't want to change any color of the first column but it changes anyway in ...

25. Changing Swing JTable Cell Colors

I'm trying to get comfortable with JTables, TableModels, JTableHeaders, renderers, etc. I am trying to make a simple dummy table (for practice purposes) that looks like this:

-    ...

26. How to control font style, color, and size inside a JTable?

I have a JTable in Java Swing. I need to set the font size, color and style. How can I implement that in JTable?

27. How to make a JTable Column changes it color According to Specific Values from the Database

I'm Building a Client/server Desktop Application. I wanted to know if it is possible to make a JTable Column Changes its color according to specific values from the database (oracle).

  • Red= "Refused".
  • Green="Accepted".
  • yellow="Quarantine".

28. Change row color in Swing JTable after sorting rows

We are using a JTable which displays data along with Status (New, Processed, Closed). Each status row has a different color which is achieved by overloading prepareRenderer() of JTable. Now we need ...

29. How to set color of row and add image to cell

I want to change color of row so I create my own cell renderer:

public Component getTableCellRendererComponent(JTable table, Object value, boolean isSelected,
        boolean hasFocus, int ...

30. JTable row color depending on Value in model?

I have this code in my Table model:

public class DocumentProjectTableModel extends AbstractTableModel{

    private List<MyDocument> myDocuments;
    public String getValueAt(int row, int column) {

31. How to make JTable columns have different color?

Hello All, I am not sure whether this trivial question has been answered in this forum or not. If it has, can anyone point me out to it, please since I ...

32. Jemmy Question: JTable cell color

Hi, i'm trying to use Jemmy to check the colors of cells in a JTable. the color of a cell in the table depends on the information being displayed. What I want to test is that the correct color is being used for the info being displayed. so far I am only able to get the color of the selected cell. ...

33. JTable Color Change

34. make uneditable cell a different color

I have a JTable and I want to make a cell a different color depending on the value in one of the other columns of the same row. Basically, set the color of cells on a cell by cell basis. I have tried to create a custom table cell renderer that will change the background color is the component in the ...

36. rendering color to JTable cells

37. To set color for rows in JTable

40. Showing first row of JTable colored

41. problem in colors of cells JTable

42. problem in colors of cells JTable (check this one)

Hi. My Problem is. I have a JTable with 2 columns ( Rows can be 1-10 depending upon the size of input vector) I have provided two button in my Frame 1)Update Row 2) Update whole Table. Now i want I want that if a user makes a change in any cell say cell( row 3,Col 1) ;and moves to next ...

43. Help! Colors for Table Rows

44. Please Help! JTable and TableCellRenderer color problem

Hi Folks, If anyone can PLEASE help I would greatly appreciate it. Basically, I'm trying to set the background color of a cell in a column of a JTable based on it's value. BUT, when I use this, sometimes a cell will not get it's appropriate color correctly. Most notably, the first line does not seem to update correctly with the ...

45. JTable cell color URGENT

46. JTable colored row

47. setting Row /Column color of JTable

48. Alternating colors in a JTable

49. Changing color in particular row

50. JTable row coloring

51. How to change the color of the row(JTable) when mouse move over it?

hi, try table.add(new MouseMotionAdapter() { public void mouseMoved(MouseEvent e) { int row = table.rowAtPoint(e.getPoint()); if (row > -1) { // easiest way: table.clearSelection(); table.setRowSelectionInterval(row, row); } else { table.setSelectionBackground(; } } }); as you cannot transfer the focus itself programmatically to a particular cell, you either have to use the selection or you have to use a special cell renderer you ...

52. Sorting a 256 color pallete......URGENT

Hi, I am making an application where I need to sort a palette of 256 colors obtained from an Image so that the color that are near to each other in the RGB color model are near to each other in the pallete. How do i go for it? With regards Pinju

53. Suppress the Cell color change on Focus

54. How to Set the JTable Rows Color??

Did you follow the link... :roll: If you did, you would have seen the following renderer in the code : private static class WhiteYellowCellRenderer extends DefaultListCellRenderer { public Component getListCellRendererComponent( JList list, Object value, int index, boolean isSelected, boolean cellHasFocus ) { Component c = super.getListCellRendererComponent( list, value, index, isSelected, cellHasFocus ); if ( index % 2 == 0 ) { ...

55. Conditional Color Change on JTable

Nathan, When I first tried it, I did use what you suggested below: myTable.setDefaultRenderer( Double.class, new MyTableCellRenderer() ); Since it didn't work, I registered it with Object hoping that it may. But it didn't either. BTW, in my TableModel, the getColumnClass(int col) does return Double.class. It really baffles me that the MyTableCellRenderer() never get called! I set a breakpoint at the ...

57. changing JTable cell's font color ?

58. how to change JTable grid line color?

59. Color in JTable

It sounds like you want to update the table automatically whenever the actual data in the database changes. You don't get this *automatically* from JSPs either... JSPs get new data from the database every time the page is refreshed because it has to build the page from scratch, so it hits the database every time the JSP is requested. Here your ...

60. JTable colored rows or columns

61. color in cell

Hello All, I want to know how I can change the color of my cells when they gain focus. As at the moment when I click into one of my cells the border of that cell is yellow, and when I start typing in that cell the border then changes to black. I want it so that when I click into ...

62. Changing row color in jtable

Hi friends I have two JTables. The first one has 7 columns and 10 rows (with data) but the second one is empty. The user can choose one row from first table and by pressing the ((copy)) button , copy that row to the second table. Is it possible to change the color of those rows(in the first table) that been ...

63. JTable (Size and Colour)

64. JTable: Howto: Row color depending on value

Hi all I would like to write a cell renderer that changes the background color of a row (or indivicual cells) depending on the value in one of the table columns. For example, if the value in column 'recursive' of a given row is 'true' then make the row (cell) backgroundd grey. if 'false' make white. I ve been able to ...

65. jTable setBackground Color of particular Row

Hi All Can anyone tell me how to change the background color of a particular row. Let i have 100 rows and i just want to change the background color of 10 rows randomly having column 1 value = 1. if (col1 == 1) { //wht should be the code. } can anyone help me to solve this problem.

66. JTreeTable: Coloring and Performace: Communicating between 2 renderers

Hi, I am facing a problem with JtreeTable component that has got 2 renderers set. 1. an inner TreeCellRenderer for rendering and editing: TreeTableCellRenderer extends JTree implements TableCellRenderer {..... JTreeTable.this.repaint(); // this renders and edits basic component (string-based values) } 2. MyTreeRenderer extends JPanel implements TreeCellRenderer{ // this updates the coloring of labels (used to present tree-nodes) a/c to some condition. ...

67. Swing:JTreeTable: Coloring and Performace

Hi, I am facing a problem with JtreeTable component that has got 2 renderers set. 1. an inner TreeCellRenderer for rendering and editing: TreeTableCellRenderer extends JTree implements TableCellRenderer {..... JTreeTable.this.repaint(); // this renders and edits basic component (string-based values) } 2. MyTreeRenderer extends JPanel implements TreeCellRenderer{ // this updates the coloring of labels (used to present tree-nodes) a/c to some condition. ...

69. Color problem with JTable

70. Color of JTable cell texts

71. JTable - can different rows be set to different colors?

By subclassing JTable to override prepareRenderer, you can adjust the cell renderer and it rendering component any way you like. Here I make individual cells with odd data darker, but you could just as easily have you effect constant across a give row... import java.awt.*; import java.util.Random; import javax.swing.*; import javax.swing.table.*; public class OddTable extends JTable { public OddTable(int numRows, int ...

72. JTable color problem

74. Coloring the Row in JTable

simple demo import java.awt.*; import javax.swing.*; import javax.swing.table.*; class Testing extends JFrame { public Testing() { setLocation(400,100); setDefaultCloseOperation(EXIT_ON_CLOSE); String colNames[] = {"Col 1", "Col 2","Col 3","Col 4","Col 5"}; DefaultTableModel dtm = new DefaultTableModel(null,colNames); JTable table = new JTable(dtm); table.setDefaultRenderer(Object.class, new MyRenderer()); dtm.setRowCount(30); getContentPane().add(new JScrollPane(table)); pack(); table.changeSelection(0,0,false,false); } class MyRenderer extends DefaultTableCellRenderer { public Component getTableCellRendererComponent(JTable table, Object value, boolean isSelected, boolean ...

75. JTable Color rendering Cell

I have a JTable on which i keep adding rows. i want to change the color of the rows according to the data being put into it. i haveused the DefaultTableCell Renderer as follows: public class CustomTableCellRenderer extends DefaultTableCellRenderer { private int count=2; String containStartString = ""; String containEndString = ""; boolean colorToSetRequest=false; boolean colorToSetResponse=false; Component cell; int rowTemp=0; public Component ...

76. new to get color JTable column lines

77. Coloring a cell in a table

79. How to change the row color

Hello Experts, I am trying to changes the color of few rows into red. Tried following code for that. but it doesn't work. private Recordset rst = null; private Connection dbs = null; int NewSqlCount=0; { rst = dbs.openRecordset( "SELECT * FROM CRVMReq " + "where [Priority] like '" +Highest Priority + "%' " + "AND ReqStatus like 'OPEN' " + ...

80. Jtable Row color

81. set rows color in JTable

Hi. I require to set the color of a row based on the value present in it. Suppose there are 3 columns col1,col2,col3 respectively and there are 2 rows as 1,2,3 and row 2 is 4,5,6 Now i need to set the color of the row to red when it contains the value 2. How can i do that some one ...

82. How to give different foreground color for the same cell in JTable?

Thanks Rob, I can parse the string into two substring and after that how can I convert that into Color object. I don't know how to use lookup. Rob, please send me some links or some hints about how to use lookup, if you have time, Thanks in advance.... Thanks.. Renjith M

83. fill color in alternating rows in jtable

I have made a object of JTable.but now i want to avoid user editing and set the color to the alternate tables.. but problem is that this code gives the compile time error. now how can i do it. one solution to this problem is that i extends the JTable and override these methods..and then make a object of that.. bt ...

84. color alternate rows/TableModel

Thanks for the reply, So it has to be some thing like JTable table = new JTable(new TableModel()) { public Component prepareRenderer(TableCellRenderer renderer,int Index_row, int Index_col) { Component comp = super.prepareRenderer(renderer, Index_row, Index_col); //even index, selected or not selected if (Index_row % 2 == 0 && !isCellSelected(Index_row, Index_col)) { comp.setBackground(Color.lightGray); } else { comp.setBackground(Color.white); } return comp; } }; but since ...

85. color in jtable cell

anyway, in this field i feel like a blind man trying to see with his hands ... That is exactly how we feel since we don't know what you are trying to accomplish. The default background color is WHITE. Are you trying to make the background color a light shade of blue? Then why don't you just hardcode the value you ...

86. [JTable] Keep row color when sorting

Hi everybody. I'm using a JTable to display student class objects. Users can select a student and add him in a basket (to print some properties further). This basket is defined as a map where Integer is the student's row number in the JTable. To avoid sorting issues caused by users manipulation, I convert the row coordinates from the ...

87. Change the color of a JTable cell on mouse click

Hi, Can anyone suggest a solution for this problem? I have a JTable in which I want to set different fore colors for different cells on mouse click.(Please note that not for rows or columns but for individual cells). ie initially if the fore color is black, If I click on the cell it should turned to yellow. Again if I ...

88. header color and the cursor double headed arrow in JTable is not visible

Hi, I am using NetBeans 6.7.1 In this desktop app after the user imports a file, the data is displayed in the JTable. Before the file is imported the JTable is setVisible(false) Once the user selects a file to open the code is below tableScrollPane.setVisible(true); jTable1.setVisible(true); DataFileTableModel model = new DataFileTableModel(dataList); jTable1.setModel(model); jTable1.getTableHeader().setBackground(; jTable1.setAutoResizeMode(JTable.AUTO_RESIZE_OFF); //HERE is the code to assign the ...

89. Abstract Table Model row colours

Zhui Shen Ge is correct. I take it you are aware of MVC. The model holds the data. It is not aware of any visual aspects of displaying that data. In fact the model even does not care how it's data is rendered. Check out the standard tutorial (The API docs have a link to it) on how to use JTables. ...

90. How To Color Row In JTable

Don't ever capitalize every single word in a post again. Ever. It makes it harder to read your post so I fixed it. You must use a custom TableCellRenderer, that looks at the search value and uses a different background color if the value matches. In pseudo code: public class HighlightTableCellRenderer extends DefaultTableCellRenderer { public Component getTableCellRendererComponent(JTable table, Object value, boolean ...

91. specify color for jtable column headings (each column heading color is different)

Hi all, I want to set the color of each column heading separately. This _seems_ like it should work, but it actually just blanks out the column headings (including the first three columns.) When this runs, row is always -1 (as one would expect) and the column increments appropriately. Here is my humble attempt that did not work (I want to ...

92. JTextArea Alternate Row color Change

95. Tableheader colour.??

97. JXTable - Changing cell forground Colour

-- I am trying to change the color of different cells in a JXTable based on their value. If a cell value is Negative it has to be Bold and Red, if not it will be simple Black. The problem is, i am able to see the changed color of cells only when i select a Row. If i do not ...

98. Color cell in JTable

Hi, I'm new of Java graphics and I've some problems with a JTable. I need to change the color of cells(not of the text in the cell) only for the first 5 cells in my JTable. This color should change in a jToggleActionPerform method. I know that a CustomTableCellRenderer is necessary but how can I use it in the method? Is ...

100. Color of the focued row in a JTable

Hi all, i'm configuring a JTable to have a controlled set of colours. I'm able to control all the aspect but the color of the row with the focus. Example: the row that receive the focus via mouse click .... I always have a dark blue as color, i need a light blue !! I'm also testing a TableCellRenderer, but again ...