Add 1 « JTable « Java Swing Q&A

1. Adding rows to a JTable

We have a simple project where we read data from a socket and we want to populate a table with the coming data, but we can't find a way to add ...

2. Add New Column in Infragistics Wingrid

I am using Infragistics wingrid in my application. I have assigned a datasource to my wingrid.Now i want to add a new column at a specific location. Can any one plz tell ...

3. Java: JTable adding and moving columns

im quite new in Java. I want to add Columns in a JTable at a specified index. For this i am using addColumn(..) and then move them with moveColumn(...), this works great ...

4. JTable.setRowHeight prevents me from adding more rows

I'm working on a pretty simple Java app in order to learn more about JTables, TableModels, and custom cell renderers. The table is a simple table with 8 columns only ...

5. Adding a JTable to a layeredPane

Can we add a JTable to a JLayeredPane in Java?

6. Adding Entries to a JTable

I would like to display a table of incoming packets and their attributes. Does JTable allow me to add rows dynamically? The only way I have been able to update the ...

7. Netbeans GUI builder and jtable stateChanged fired when add custom java bean to gui

i make some custom java beans components to add at my GUI. This componenent contains a jtable with a stateChangeListener, the problem is when i add this component to my GUI stateChaged ...

8. How to add row in jTable?

Do you know how can I add new row to jTable ?

9. JTable: how to add data without displaying?

I have a column for images. I would like to attach some additional text information that will only be read but not for display. How can I achieve this ? I ...

10. JTable add rows bottom up - rows added one after the other should appear at the bottom of the last one but all should be bottom aligned

I have a JTable in Java swing which needs to be bottom aligned. As in normal tables when a row is added to the table it is placed on top, when the ...

11. java adding data to a JTable with a for-loop

i need some help writing a for-loop please but i can't get it. i need to add the numbers 0 to 63 in a table like this: 0 1 2 3 4 5 ...

12. how can add custom JTable code to GUI Builder Nebeans?

how can add custom Jtable to GUI Builder netbeans form

    JPanel panel = new JPanel();
    String data[][] = {{"Vinod","MCA","Computer"},

13. JTable adding new row

I have a JTable with 5 rows at the time of design. Now i have to add more rows as i go dynamically. I am getting array out of bound exception ...

14. Adding a row to a jTable on downarrow at bottom

I have a jTable which currently displays and allows editing of a database table, I am now trying to sort adding tuples. I am trying to get it to automatically add ...

15. How can we add a JTable to another JTable?

Suppose I have a JTable with 10 rows and if I double click on a row, that row should be vanished and a new JTable should be inserted in that entire ...

16. how to add columns/rows to an existing empty JTable

i am developing a software for which i need a basic java swing UI. I am using netbeans which enables me to drag and drop UI component. However there is a ...

17. JTable is empty after adding Components

I have problem with JTable, I am trying to put in each row JComboBoxes and JTextFields but when I load app, my table is empty. Functions getCmb* and getTxt* return JComboBox ...

18. how to add row values to jtable in java swing?

I have a jcombo box which has some items like "schoolbooks","collegebooks","historybooks".and i have dynamic ArrayList object of corresponding books...When i click the combo box item "schoolbooks" or "historybooks" ,it should display ...

19. java how to add WaterMark in JTable

I have a JTable, and I am trying to insert an image behind the JTable as a Watermark

tblMainView= new JTable(dtModel){

        public Component prepareRenderer(TableCellRenderer renderer, ...

20. adding data to JTable when working with netbeans

How can i add data to JTable while working with netbeans. Netbeans in it's back code does like this :

jTable1 = new javax.swing.JTable();
jTable1.setModel(new javax.swing.table.DefaultTableModel(

21. Java adding to table data problem

Can someone tell me, where is my mistake i'm trying to fill up table with data but i can't, always get empty table there is my code with frame:


22. JTable - How to add objects to a table?

I have a class

class Person {
 String name;
 int age;
 Date DOB;
Person p1 = new Person(...);
Person p2 = new Person(...);
How do I add objects (like p1, p2) of this class ...

23. How to add a type of listener to a JTable (Java)?

I have a column with plain text in it. If the user double-clicks a row in that column, the column allows itself to be edited for that row (as it should). I need ...

24. Adding a JTable to my Pane Inside a Dialog Throws an NPE when I pack it

I have created a JDialog. When it comes up, I have a JTabbedPane that has several FormPanels on it. The form panels are loaded in as a form file (I used ...

25. Trouble adding a row to a jTable.

AverageGuy Joined: 19 Sep 2009 Posts: 6 Posted: Sat Sep 19, 2009 11:54 pm Post subject: Trouble adding a row to a jTable. I generated a jTable using ...

26. adding a empty row in a jtable

Aziz Y Posted via mailing list. Posted: Wed Oct 20, 2010 6:19 am Post subject: adding a empty row in a jtable Hi.I use netbeans version 6.9.How to adding a empty row in a jtable on press jbutton that using persistence systems.I check netbeans example database application.Database connected to jtable and it has jtextfield and jbutton.if jbutton pressed ...

27. How to add a new column type for JTables?

Hi all, I have JTables with date columns. I want to set the column type to Date, but there is no such option in "Table Contents" window. How can I add a new column type (like Date or BigDecimal) to the combobox for types? At this time I have to do it manually im my code... I'm using NB 6.9.1, Java ...

28. How to add a password field in a JTable

29. JTable and how to add a column

30. How to add more than one component to a cell in JTable

Hi John, Thanks for the prompt reply. This is exactly what I tried writing my own renderer and editor.It works fine and I am able to select values from each of the combobox as well,but the moment I move to the next cell in the same column the value that I had selected in the first cell is gone.The value that ...

31. Adding/Removing rows from a JTable

Originally posted by Vangelis Kalis: Thnaks, but not very useful! If u have something more simply it would be great! I have a class with my TableMobel and a class with my GUI AND jtable... I will use an Add and a Remove button to add/remove rows! Hi there, If you want the MyTableModel class, I hope this can help you ...

33. HELP -> adding a row to a jtable

34. Jtable Q: How to add a listener when column repositioning in JTable occur?

when I reposition the columns in a table, and add KeyListener the order of the columns in the table remain as originally defined e.g. if column headers are A, B, C A B C 1 2 3 getValueAt(i,j) will give 1, 2, 3 however when user changes the column order to B, C, A I want to read getValueAt(i, j) 2, ...

35. Adding new columns and rows to JTable

36. Adding new columns and rows to JTable

37. JTable - Adding Row

38. Dyanmically adding a Row to JTable

Class A extends MasterTable { JComboBox jCType; String type_arr[]= { "1", "2" }; JFrame parentFrame; String columnNames[]= { "Name", "Type", "Value" }; int columnsize[]= {120,80,190}; Object data[][]={ { " ","",new Boolean(false) } }; public InfoDefn(JFrame parent) { String titleString = "Definition"; initComponents(columnNames,data,titleString,390,380); parentFrame =parent; jCType=new JComboBox(type_arr); ListSelectionModel rowSM = table.getSelectionModel(); rowSM.addListSelectionListener(new RowSelectionListener()); initColumnWidth(columnsize); setCellEditor(1,jCType); } public static void main(String args[]) { ...

40. Adding Combo to Jtable's cell

41. How to do add/delete operations in Cells in Swing table

Hi guys , I tired to make one very useful class to implement +/- operation in a cell of Swing table. I hope it will be useful for you guys. public class JTableSample exetends JFrame { . . public void setValueAt(Object value, int row, int column) { // write your formula identification code here Formula.ComputeFormula(this, strValue); } } class Formula { ...

42. Add a Component to JTable

43. JTable, adding a row

Hi Benjamin, This really should be in the Swing forum. But I'll give it a shot. I'm not real sure what you are asking here. But to add a row, you could just create an addRow() method to the model. Or you could do it thru a property change or even event. It really depends on your data structure that backs ...

44. Adding rows in JTable

Hi Naveen, This is just a suggestion (since it's a bit difficult for me to help you without seeing your code), but the "javax.swing.table.DefaultTableModel" has methods for adding rows to a "JTable". Have you tried looking at its source code? Perhaps it will help you? Basically, the "JTable" 'listens' to its "TableModel". The "getRowCount()" method returns the number of rows that ...

45. Adding JTables in JPopupMenu

46. adding texts to a JTable

47. adding data to a JTable

49. JTable. (Adding more rows when needed)

50. Adding column to Jtable

51. Add a new row to JTable

without a code snippet, it's hard to tell how your component model is setup. Some people prefer to separate 'view', 'controller', and 'model' components, others mix the code inline. If you have required fields, the button should popup a dialog window allowing user to enter those fields. Once you validate what they enter, you can add a new row to the ...

52. how to add a row to a table

53. JTable -Adding Column and Fix Columns Problems

import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import java.util.Random; import javax.swing.*; import javax.swing.table.*; public class AddingAColumn { int rows, cols; public AddingAColumn() { cols = 4; rows = 8; final TableSupport support = new TableSupport(); String[] headers = support.getHeaders(cols); String[][] data = support.getData(rows, cols); final CustomModel model = new CustomModel(data, headers); final JTable table = new JTable(model); table.setAutoCreateColumnsFromModel(false); JButton add = new JButton("add column"); ...

54. Adding a column of JRadioButtons to a JTable

To have the alternative color in your new column, you must specify in your Radio Button CellRenderer that the background color needs to be whatever it needs to be. Then for the mouse listener, have you added a mouse listener to each cell in that column in the renderer? Can you post the code for your Renderer and Editor. Cheers, Rachel ...

55. How do i add label/textbox to a jtable

56. Allow user to add new rows in JTable

57. Adding to JTable

How do I add a vector to JTable and get it to display. What I have tried is not working. I am also interested in other methods I can use to accomplish the same thing but that may also be more visually pleasing to the user. I tried building the vector and then just adding it to the table. That did ...

58. problem in adding column

I can't pretend to understand your code: tb1.addColumn(tb.getColumn(tb.getColumnName(tb.getSelectedColumn())) I assume that the header of the selectedColumn of tb(tb = a different jTable?)is "Ali"? In this test-application, a column with header "Ali" is copied from jtable to jTable1, and it retains its header import java.awt.*; import javax.swing.*; import javax.swing.table.*; class Table{ public static void main(String[] args){ new Table(); } Table(){ JFrame jFrame ...

59. Urgent!!!Want to add different panels in different rows..

class MyTableCellRenderer extends JPanel implements TableCellRenderer { public Component getTableCellRendererComponent(JTable table, Object value, boolean isSelected, boolean hasFocus, int rowIndex, int vColIndex) { [B]JPanel panel = new JPanel();[/B] [B]panel[/B].add(new JLabel("Oppsssss")); return [B]panel[/B]; } } A TableCellRenderer provides a re-usable component for every table cell. Inside your getTableCellRendererComponent() method, you are creating a new panel, adding a label to it, and returning it. ...

60. add JLabel to JTable

61. Adding data to a JTable at runtime...

62. Adding a row in a table

63. add new row into JTable

66. Adding rows to Jtable

DefaultTableModel tbm = new DefaultTableModel(); Vector row = new Vector(); Vector column = new Vector(); column.addElement("Sno"); column.addElement("Item Name"); tbm.setDataVector(row,column); JTable jTable1 = new JTable(tbm); This creates a table with two columns and no rows. Now at runtime when I want to add rows I create a row vector like this Vector r = new Vector(); r.addElement(rset.getString("1")); and when ...

67. how to add a password field in a JTable

68. adding a row to JTable

Hi I'm trying to make my applet display the item i add in a JTable but its not really doing anything! (basically i want to add a row) can someone please tell me whats wrong with my code? (the applet initialises and the tables and buttons are displayed correctly) public class ItemApplet extends Applet implements ActionListener { .... Object[] data = ...

69. adding whitespace jtable cell

70. need help about add row

Hi guys..i need help about adding row to jtable..These are the codes that i've make using netbeans.. /* * * * Created on October 24, 2008, 12:58 PM */ package han.pos.gui; import han.pos.dao.mysql.ProdukDAOImpl; import han.pos.db.mysql.DBConnection; import han.pos.model.Produk; import java.awt.event.KeyEvent; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import javax.swing.event.TableModelEvent; import javax.swing.event.TableModelListener; import javax.swing.table.DefaultTableModel; import javax.swing.table.TableModel; /** * * ...

71. add an empty row to the Jtable

//fromDate and toDate in form yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss //i.e. "2008-11-26 06:00:00", "2009-02-15 05:00:00" public void addNewPeriodT1(String name, String fromDate, String toDate) { insertingRowT1 = true; int numOfRows = jTable1.getModel().getRowCount(); dbm.addPeriod(name, fromDate, toDate, connection); DefaultTableModel table1Model = (DefaultTableModel)jTable1.getModel(); Object[] emptyRow = new Object[6]; if(++numberOfPeriods >= numOfRows) table1Model.addRow(emptyRow); periodNamesMap.put(name, numberOfPeriods -1); //get(String periodName) returns a row number for that period periodNamesMap2.put(numberOfPeriods -1, name); //get(int ...

72. Adding new row to JTable via form during run time

Hi all, I'm trying to make an application that stores, delete and view customer data. As the subjects says, is there a way where I could enter data into a form and see it in the JTable, possibly as a new row to the table. Such as, I have a JFrame object that opens a JDialog box. On the JDialog box ...

73. Adding a conditional popup menu to a Jtable using Matisse in Netbeans?

Hi, I'm trying to add a popup menu to a Jtable such that the menu only shows when a row is selected in the Jtable. Can anyone help me with how to do this, I'm using the Matisse GUI builder in Netbeans 6.7.1 I can add a popup menu OK but it is possible to pull up the menu even when ...

74. Adding Column to JTable

75. Adding new row to existing Swing JTable

76. add custom Jtable to GUI Builder How?

here is custom Table code but I want to add it in GUI Builder Netbeans. how can we do this. JPanel panel = new JPanel(); String data[][] = {{"Vinod","MCA","Computer"}, {"Deepak","PGDCA","History"}, {"Ranjan","M.SC.","Biology"}, {"Radha","BCA","Computer"}}; String col[] = {"Name","Course","Subject"}; DefaultTableModel model = new DefaultTableModel(data, col); table = new JTable(model); JTableHeader header = table.getTableHeader(); header.setBackground(Color.yellow); JScrollPane pane = new JScrollPane(table); Object obj1 = GetData(table, 2, ...

77. adding a column to a JTable

I have a class that extends DefaultTablecolumnModel and one that extends AbstractTableModel. I create an instance of my class that extends JTable passing these in as column model and table model. My table model has a list of 6 possible columns; 4 of those are displayed correctly on startup. I have a UI that allows a user to choose to display ...

78. adding rows in jTable

How to add rows dynamically in a jtable? I did not find any specific method for adding rows. I want to write a code which should take the data(from textfield,list etc) and add it to a jtable by creating a new row each time(or as per requirement) in the jtable. Help plzz.....

80. JTable - add column with calculated fields

Create your own TableModel implementation. The simple way is to extend DefaultTableModel and override a few methods: public class MyTableModel extends DefaultTableModel { // copy required constructors from DefaultTableModel @Override public int getColumnCount() { return super.getColumnCount() + 1; // add 1 column with the calculated values } @Override public String getColumnName(int column) { if (column == getColumnCount() - 1) // last ...

81. how to add JPassword field to a JTable

82. Unable to use fireTableRow after adding sorter on JTable

Hi, I have a JTable that uses MyTableModel that extends AbstractTableModel. I am also using TableRowSorter on the JTable. Then, on clicking of a button, I do this: String key = tmodel.sessionIds.get(0); tmodel.attributeMap.remove(key); tmodel.sessionIds.remove(0); tmodel.fireTableRowsDeleted(0,0); where tmodel is an instance of the Table model. Basically sessionIds and attributeMap store the data for the model. I get the following exception on frireTableRowsDeleted: ...

83. Add a row in JTable

Hi, I have created the table with 4 colums and a single row. I have too three text box. When the user enter the Text in text box and click the add button . The data should be added in new row of the table.. What should i do for that? Thanks for your help..

85. JTable insertRows() just adding blank rows

86. Add datas to cells of JTable ???

Hi I got some datas from database but i couldn't insert to cells of Table?? how can I do it? Please help me thx. Java Code: import java.awt.event.ActionEvent; import java.awt.event.ActionListener; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.DriverManager; import java.sql.Statement; import javax.swing.GroupLayout; import javax.swing.JButton; import javax.swing.JComponent; import javax.swing.JOptionPane; import javax.swing.JScrollPane; import javax.swing.JTable; import javax.swing.LayoutStyle; import javax.swing.WindowConstants; import javax.swing.table.DefaultTableModel; import javax.swing.table.TableModel; import javax.swing.SwingUtilities; import java.sql.*; /** ...

87. Add or remove a row on a jtable with Netbeans 6.0

Hello people. Im as using Netbeans 6.0. I created a form with a few combo boxes, radio buttons, labels, button, and a jtable. What im doing is im reading data out of a table in mysql and then i populate the jtable with the data. How it works is the person selects one of the 3 radio buttons, then they click ...

88. How to Add,Remove Rows in JTable

hi to all i need add a new rows with existing values,and remove the existing values in JTable here my code Java Code: import java.awt.BorderLayout; import java.awt.event.ActionEvent; import java.awt.event.ActionListener; import javax.swing.JButton; import javax.swing.JDialog; import javax.swing.JTable; import javax.swing.table.AbstractTableModel; import javax.swing.*; public class user_table1 extends JDialog implements ActionListener{ JTable tab; JButton print_but,add_but,rem_but; mymodel md; public user_table1() { super(); setLayout(null); setTitle("Table Demo..."); md=new mymodel(); ...

89. Adding Rows to a JTable

You must have excellent debugging intuition! I was actually using 3 JTables and 3 DefaultDataModels, unfortunately named jTable1, 2 and 3 and tableModel1, 2 and 3; I took two out to push my post towards SSCCE. I was testing adding rows on jTable2 only, but had assigned it tableModel3. Spotted this after reading your suggestion. It is working now, thank you! ...

90. Adding information to a JTable in a JTabbedPane

Hello friends. This is my first post here. I spend a LOT of time googling my Java questions, however this time I am unable to find the solution to what is probably a simple problem, which is: How do I update a table that I have previously added to a JTabbedPane? I am writing a p2p servant for a class I ...

91. How to add in a new row in Jtable?

92. How to add new row from JTable comp in netbeans GUI?

In these 2 days i had been trying to understand the jTable in order to add new rows in runtime GUI and so far not successful. went through the tutorial from sun tutorial website and seems like the tutorial is not using a comp from the pallette in netbeans but creating a new table from scratch. I'm trying to build a ...

93. Adding New JTable in JTable

Hello i am add a new JTable in Existing JTable .Now my problem is after losing the focus of cell of existing table the cell value of new jtable is lost?? my code is below Java Code: import java.awt.Component; import javax.swing.*; import javax.swing.table.*; public class Table extends javax.swing.JFrame { /** Creates new form Table */ public Table() { initComponents(); this.jTable1.getColumnModel().getColumn(0).setCellRenderer(new cellRender()); ...

94. Adding a link to JTable cell

95. Adding custom Jtable to GUI in nested class

i'm trying to add a custome JTable to my GUI. i'm following the steps on the oracle tutorial on 'how to use tables'. this is pushing my knowledge of java. the GUI is part of a system for scheduling staff. the table will (eventually) display booked shifts that a user has selected from another screen. so far this is what i've ...

97. JTable: Adding a second row?!

98. Add rows in a JTable

You don't. You add them to and remove them from the table model and have it notify its listeners (which will include the JTable). If you're using the DefaultTableModel just call the addRow and removeRow methods. If you wrote your own table model which is a subclass of AbstractTableModel your addRow method can call fireTableRowsInserted and so on.

99. JTable + add row

You have your data in an array, right? So each row of your data corresponds to an entry in that array, and so if you want to add a row, you will have to make your array bigger by one entry. You could do that by writing code that creates a new, bigger, array and copying all the data from the ...