AbstractTableModel « JTable « Java Swing Q&A

1. Java Swing: implement TableModel or extend AbstractTableModel?    stackoverflow.com

When should I rather implement TableModel and when should I extend AbstractTableModel?

2. Java Swing - Deleting rows from table with AbstractTableModel()    stackoverflow.com

I have a table off AbstractTableModel. The data in the table is stored in a Vector. Now, when I remove a row, I am removing it successfully from the vector, but ...

3. How do I write an addElement method for a custom Model class extending AbstractTableModel?    stackoverflow.com

For a hw assignment, I need to setup a JTable in Swing, and populate the table's contents via a custom model class that extends the AbstractTableModel. My questions regarding this overly ...

4. Sorting with a custom AbstractTableModel    stackoverflow.com

I've made my own class which extends AbstractTableModel. The idea is to be able to store a hidden "id" collumn. The following code works well for this purpose:

public class GuiTableModel extends ...

5. Setting column names in a JTable    stackoverflow.com

I can't figure out something using the constructor JTable(TableModel dm). I'm using a LinkedList to manage my data so, to display it, I extended AbstractTableModel:

public class VolumeListTableModel extends AbstractTableModel {


6. How to represent complex class in an AbstractTableModel?    stackoverflow.com

I have this class:

public abstract class Directory {

    protected int id;
    protected File path;
    protected LinkedList<Filter> filters;
    protected LinkedList<File> ...

7. Java Swing | extend AbstractTableModel and use it with JTable | several questions    stackoverflow.com

I followed Oracle's model for implementing an AbstractTableModel http://download.oracle.com/javase/tutorial/uiswing/examples/components/TableDemoProject/src/components/TableDemo.java I did this because my table has to contain 3 columns, and the first has to be a JCheckBox. Here's my code:

public class ...

8. Making a cell visible in JTable when AbstractTableModel is extended    stackoverflow.com

I have extended the AbstractTableModel to suit my requirements. Now this table can be altered by other methods of my GUI. What i want to do is, i want the table ...

9. HowTo Remove a Row in a JTable with a Custom TableModel    stackoverflow.com

I've been reading posts similar to mine, and reading through the Java tutorial page but I just can't seem to get this working. I'm not sure if I'm missing ...

10. how to differentiate between isCellEditable() being called due to a user click or due to column dragging    stackoverflow.com

I have a JTable with custom editor and renderer. I have my table model also.I want to instantiate an special input window when user clicks on a cell of an ...

11. JTable extended from AbtractTableModel is not updating GUI when i add row    stackoverflow.com

This my new MyJtable

public void addWidget(Book w) {
    fireTableRowsInserted(datalist.size()-1, datalist.size()-1);

calling class
  MyJtable tv = new MyJtable(a);

12. Update ImageIcon of JTable cell    stackoverflow.com

I am creating my first JTable that requires me to create a custom AbstractTableModel, TableCellEditor, and DefaultTableCellRenderer. Given that I have not needed to create these before, I've made some ...

13. Update Table GUI that extends custom AbstractTableModel    stackoverflow.com

I created a Java GUI that displays the table using the following syntax:

table = new JTable(new MyTableModel(columnNames,

14. How to clear a custom TableModel that extends AbstractTableModel    stackoverflow.com

Exactly what the question states. I created a custom tableModel class and I want to clear the JTable associated with that model on an actionPerformed.

15. Can you get a column of (MySQL) data into a vector in Qt without iterating?    stackoverflow.com

I have data in a MySQL database which I want to put into a vector in order to do some math on it. It may be that this issue is ...

16. java /TableModel of Objects/Update Object"    stackoverflow.com

I've a collection of Stock objects that I'm updating about 10/15 variables for in real-time. I'm accessing each Stock by its ID in the collection. I'm also trying to display this ...

17. Between JTable and TableModel    stackoverflow.com

Now I get confused... JTable is a part of a swing API so it's handling with how we view the table stated with JTable table = new JTable(); However to do things with database ...

18. Adding TableModelListener to AbstractTableModel    stackoverflow.com

I've faced an issue in adding TableModelListener to AbstractTableModel. The program stops working and the JFrame doesn't response for any button-clicking or even closing the JFrame. What I want is to make ...

19. Best practise for updating data in a AbstractTableModel in a non AWT thread    stackoverflow.com

I've subclassed AbstractTableModel for use as the model for my JTable. Whenever data is added to I call fireTableRowsInserted() in the AWT thread. All access to my underlying container is made ...

20. AbstractTableModel using TreeMap as the backing how to implement insertRow()    stackoverflow.com

I have a table model that I'm trying to implement an insertRow functionality. Ultimately, I would like to have the ability to add rows to the table from top so you ...

21. Add column to exiting TableModel    stackoverflow.com

I have a class;

public class A extends AbstractTableModel
Using ResultSetMetaData I build the TableModel to match my result set from the database.
public class B extends JPanel
In class B where I ...

22. ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: -1 on JTable creation/tablechanged    stackoverflow.com

I have read through all the threads out there that looked as if they could solve my problem and I've also read all the answers on here, but I'm still at ...

23. How to correctly update AbstractTableModel with fireTableDataChanged()?    stackoverflow.com

I'm still struggling with a JTable that should be automatically updated. The situation is as follows: I instantiate MyTable (extends JTable), and set it in my UI class (MyView). The MyTable class ...

24. JTable not showing    stackoverflow.com

In my application everything is distributed.

  • On a action, application retrieves data from DB and saves in ArrayList<T>.
  • I create an object of RelativeTableModel where I pass the ArrayList<T>.
    public void RelationsClicked() {

25. Swing : Single AbstractTableModel for multiple objects ??    stackoverflow.com

I have different objects which is used to store the data from DB in an ArrayList<T>. I got to show records of each in a Table. I use an AbstractTableModel for ...

26. Remove multiple rows in a single pass in JTable AbstractDataModel    stackoverflow.com

i've got an issue with Jtable and my dataModel. My table model extends AbstracttableModel, the datas are stored in a Vector. I'have a function witch is suppose to remove one or more row. ...

27. JTable and AbstractTableModel    coderanch.com

28. AbstractTableModel Inheritance    coderanch.com

29. AbstractTableModel    coderanch.com

30. JTable + AbstractTableModel    coderanch.com

Ouch! That's a lot of kludging to get a simple result. All you really need to do is set your own renderer for the column in question. You can even put it in an anonymous inner class. Here's how I did it: TableColumn tableColumn = getColumnModel().getColumn(0); tableColumn.setCellRenderer(new TableCellRenderer() { /** * Returns the component used for drawing the cell. This method ...

31. AbstractTableModel question (adding new record from DB)    coderanch.com

Hello, I am trying to make an AbstractTableModel but I don't know how to add records from a database into this model. In al the examples I have seen on the net they use Object[][] with initialized values. Could somebody sent me an example of an AbstracTableModel that is used to deal with data from a Database ? Below you can ...

33. Add Row with AbstractTableModel    coderanch.com

I have searched this site for how to add and remove ROWS from a JTable using a AbstractTableModel, but every response replies with "Use DefaultTableModel". I have also searched On google for an example or some sort, but have come up empty handed. Does anyone know how to do this? What I want is to basically add an Empty Row that ...

34. about JTable using AbstractTableModel    coderanch.com

35. jtable using abstracttablemodel    coderanch.com

Hi, You could build a custom implementation to do this using JDBC and writing a table model from scratch... however, you might want to consider using a component that has already been written to do this kind of thing for you. In Oracle9i JDeveloper, we have an API known as JClient which provides this kind of functionality: it's a set of ...

37. AbstractTableModel tutorial    coderanch.com

40. AbstractTableModel advice    coderanch.com

The abstractTableModel seems to want me to have a multidimensional array as the object that holds the data for my JTable. Specifically, the methods getValueAt(int row, int col) and setValueAt(int row, int col) force me to think in terms of an array. what if I have an ArrayList full of "Fish" objects? first solution is to map column numbers to the ...

41. Using vectors after extending on AbstractTableModel    coderanch.com

Hi there. I have been working on this problem for couple of days now and seem to be getting nowhere. I am using an object of the DefaultTableModel class to display my information from vectors on a table i.e DefaultTableModel tableModel; Then I initialise the table model by doing the following: Vector vColumnNames = new Vector(); Vector vData = new Vector(); ...

42. AbstractTableModel - how to highlight a particular row    coderanch.com

Hi all, I am using AbstractTableModel to display a table of data in the GUI. In this table, on double-clicking a particular row, a pop-up window is displayed and on pressing "ok", the pop-up is closed. After this, the highlighted row goes to the first row of the table. I would like to know how to highlight the same row which ...

43. AbstractTableModel    coderanch.com

Hi all, I'm having a small issue with AbstractTableModel. I overwrite the getColumnClass() { ... if (col == 4) { return BigDecimal.class; } ... } And then when I enter a character into any cells of that column, that cell will have a red color (automatically, Java supports that?). I want to show a message if they enter something wrong like ...

44. AbstractTableModel NullPointerException    coderanch.com

Hi Am getting a NPE when trying to use an AbstractTableModel with a JTable & Oracle JDBC ResultSet. The code I have been using is based on an example in the Core Java Volume 2 book. The code consistently blows up when the getValueAt method is called with parameters 0 & 0 (ie the first invocation). I have tried various things, ...

45. delete row from Jtable using AbstractTableModel    coderanch.com

Hi all, I have the following JTable table = new JTable(new MyTableModel()); //... JButton deleteButton = JButton("Delete"); deleteButton.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { int row = table.getSelectedRow(); if (row < 0) { //error = Please select a record first } else { int recNum = table.convertRowIndexToModel(row) + 1; try { data.lock(recNum); data.delete(recNum); data.unlock(recNum); ((MyTableModel) table.getModel()).removeRow(recNum); table.clearSelection(); System.out.println("Record " + ...

47. About AbstractTableModel, would you tell me my mistake here??    coderanch.com

I made some exercise to show checkbox in a table using mysql for it's db. in main class i use code to retrieve data onto table like this : ResultSet rs = null; try{ rs = getInfoUser(); }catch(Exception ex){ ex.printStackTrace(); } jTable1.setModel(new TableUser(rs)); jTable1.setAutoResizeMode(JTable.AUTO_RESIZE_ALL_COLUMNS); jTable1.setPreferredScrollableViewportSize(new Dimension(500,500)); initColumnSizes(jTable1); jScrollPane1 = new javax.swing.JScrollPane(jTable1); jScrollPane1.setViewportView(jTable1); and TableUser class : public class TableUser extends AbstractTableModel ...

48. removeRow() in AbstractTableModel    coderanch.com

I am using another class in populating my table... having AbstractTableModel means no removeRow()... here's my code... package studentdb; import javax.swing.*; import javax.swing.table.*; import java.sql.*; import java.util.*; /** an immutable table model built from getting metadata about a table in a jdbc database */ public class JDBCTableModel extends AbstractTableModel { Object[][] contents; String[] columnNames; Class[] columnClasses; ArrayList rowList; public JDBCTableModel (Connection ...

51. ? Trying to implement ListSelectionModel on an AbstractTableModel    coderanch.com

Getting a null pointer exception on the following. package air; import javax.swing.ListSelectionModel; import javax.swing.event.ListSelectionEvent; import javax.swing.event.ListSelectionListener; /** * * @author MPG */ public class CustomerUI extends javax.swing.JFrame { CusTableModel tableModel; ListSelectionModel listSelectionModel; public CustomerUI() { tableModel = new CusTableModel(); listSelectionModel = jTable1.getSelectionModel(); listSelectionModel.addListSelectionListener(new MyListSelectionHandler()); jTable1.setSelectionModel(listSelectionModel); } class MyListSelectionHandler implements ListSelectionListener { public void valueChanged(ListSelectionEvent e) { int firstIndex = e.getFirstIndex(); System.out.println("List ...

52. Problem with filtering JTable (AbstractTableModel)    coderanch.com

public TableRowSorter sorter; public static MyTableModel tableModel; ... List userDataList = readuserdatafromfile(); filetree.Form.tableDetails = new JTable(); tableModel = new MyTableModel( userDataList ) ; filetree.Form.tableDetails.setModel(tableModel); filetree.Form.tableDetails.setFillsViewportHeight(true); sorter = new TableRowSorter(tableModel); filetree.Form.tableDetails.setRowSorter(sorter); .. CaretListener listener = new CaretListener() { public void caretUpdate(CaretEvent caretEvent) { try { sorter.setRowFilter(RowFilter.regexFilter("(?i)" + txtFirstName.getText())); sorter.setSortKeys(null); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println(e.getMessage()); } } };

53. Extending AbstractTableModel and DefaultTableColumnModel    coderanch.com

import javax.swing.table.DefaultTableColumnModel; import javax.swing.table.TableColumn; public class ExtendedTableColumnTest { public static void main(String[] args) { MyTableColumnModel model = new MyTableColumnModel(); model.addColumn(new TableColumnEx()); System.out.println(model.getColumnCount()); model.outputClowns(); } } class MyTableColumnModel extends DefaultTableColumnModel { public void outputClowns() { for (int i = 0; i < tableColumns.size(); i++) { TableColumnEx tce = (TableColumnEx)tableColumns.get(i); System.out.println(tce.getClassClown()); } } } class TableColumnEx extends TableColumn { String clown = "Bozo"; ...

55. AbstractTableModel    coderanch.com

Hi guys, so I am trying to make the switch from arrays to vectors for my abstracttablemodel and i'm having an issue. So for one method: public Object getValueAt(int row, int col) { return data[row][col]; => (String[][] data;) } I made this change: public Object getValueAt(int row, int col) { Vector rowArray = data.get(row-1); Object cell = rowArray.get(col-1); return cell; } ...

56. Problem when adding values of the ResultSet to a AbstractTableModel    java-forums.org

Hi everyone! The reason of this post if I do not know how to put the values of the resultset (a query of SQL Server 2005) in an AbstractTableModel extended class. I used to make object[][] and String[] in order to fill them with the data of the ResultSet and then add them to the JTable, but that was when I ...

57. DefaultTableModel vs AbstractTableModel    java-forums.org

Greetings, I am back. I am currently developing a personal time management system to my computer cafe rental. But I am getting confused to what I am to use between the two model. Both model seems to work fine. But I am ask what is more effective with regards to memory perfomance and record selection. Thanks.

58. creating a AbstractTableModel    java-forums.org

I intend to have initially a empty Jtable that is then updated according to the values in a hash map defined like this: searchList = new HashMap>(); In the interface I have two combo lists that have values in them that the user can then change and then click on update, once the button is clicked it adds the values ...

59. Update Table GUI that extends custom AbstractTableModel    java-forums.org

Hi All, I created a Java GUI that displays the table using the following syntax: table = new JTable(new MyTableModel(columnNames, updateTable(cmbAdversary.getSelectedItem().toStrin g(),cmbdataType.getSelectedItem().toString()))); where columnNames is a Vector of Strings cmbadversary and smbdataType are the selection od combo boxes. and updateTable is a method that returns a Vector of Vectors depending on the combo box selection as follows: static Vector updateTable(String FilterVal1 ...

60. JXTable, removeRow doesn't exists after custom AbstractTableModel with removeRow    java-forums.org

Hi all, I have created my own custom Table Model by extending AbstractTableModel, I have created removeRow method, but in Eclipse when I try to access my Table Model, removeRow doesn't show up (or any other method I create). My Custom TableModel: Java Code: package com.muzikka.swing; import java.util.List; import javax.swing.table.AbstractTableModel; public class CustomTableModel extends AbstractTableModel { private static final long serialVersionUID ...

61. Difference between Arraylist and Vector in abstractTableModel ?    java-forums.org

I know there is a difference between Arraylist and Vector by theory. But I dont know if there will be any difference if I use either Arraylist or Vector in AbstactTableModel. For ex: --> Use of Array: public class TabSeachModel extends AbstactTableModel { private String[][] rowData = { {"001", "hello"} }; public int getRowCount() { return rowData.length; } } --> use ...

63. Help with JTable or more accurately AbstractTableModel and Vectors    forums.oracle.com

I have written an application that loads some data from a CSV file and displays it in a JTable. It works fine as long as I use the DefaultTableModel. The problem is I need to be able to: 1) Set some Columns to editable and some to non-editable 2) Highlight some rows dependant on the data in the cells 3) Add ...

64. JTable, AbstractTableModel, DefaultCellEditor and TableCellRenderer    forums.oracle.com

1) Never use AbstractTableModel, use DefaultTableModel instead. Unless you use a custom data type that requires special handling, you don't have reason to use such a low-level API as AbstractTableModel which is hard to use for general application developer. 2) Use DefaultCellEditor that takes a JComboBox as its constructor argument. 3) Use TableColumn.setCellEditor() and setCellRenderer() for the columns that use your ...

66. AbstractTableModel, problem with adding new row    forums.oracle.com

Your model contains an array, and you cannot dynamically add a value to an array. Use a List instead. private List data = new ArrayList(); setValueAt() is used by the table when it has finished editing. You could I suppose make your list bigger by adding to it in setValueAt() if that particular row did not already exist in your data. ...

67. extending AbstractTableModel appropriate Collection    forums.oracle.com

Hi, I've written a class that extends AbstractTableModel, and at the moment I'm using an arrayList to store the table data. I would like to modify my class to use a more appropriate collection to store the table data, particularly one that handles excluding duplicate entries. I'm not that familiar with Maps, and I would appreciate any suggestions as to which ...