JScrollPane « JTabbedPane « Java Swing Q&A

1. Tabs script from jscrollpane - making one of the tabs default    stackoverflow.com

I'm trying to implement tabs on a website i'm working on but i'm having trouble making the first tab default. I'm using the code from jscrollpane:


2. JscrollPane and custom tabbed navigation behaving strangly    stackoverflow.com

This is an edit to an old question. I removed much of the code because other problems getting introduced. Currently: Jscrollpane isn't displayed with the .grid on initial load until I click ...

3. Tabbing in a JScrollPane    coderanch.com

First, Jeff, please change your user name from jwisard to something that follows the JavaRanch Username Convention like Jeff Wisard... Next... on to the problem... it sounds simple enough to solve... Just add a FocusListener to your JTextFields that looks something like the following... import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import javax.swing.*; public class ScrollTab extends JFrame { JScrollPane scroll; public static void ...

4. JScrollPane inside JTabbedPane    coderanch.com

5. JscrollPane with JTabbedPane for NullLayout    coderanch.com

If you add components to a container that has a layout manager, the job of that layout manager is to set the size and location (the bounds) of those components. If you set them yourself by calling the components' setSize/setLocation/setBounds method, those calls may have no effect because the layout manager will be calling those methods again, later in the layout ...

6. Problem with JScrollPane and VK_TAB    java-forums.org

My code is as follows- I want to do something that the scrollpane is forced to scroll to the textfield that currently holding the controle after pressing the TAB key..................... Java Code: import java.awt.*; import javax.swing.*; import java.awt.event.*; import java.sql.*; public class trans_gift { public static void main(String s[]) { gift gi=new gift(); } } class gift extends JFrame implements ActionListener,FocusListener ...

7. JTabbedPane and JScrollPane problem    forums.oracle.com

I am trying to create a plain text editor that opens each new file in a new JTabbedPane tab. The contents of the file are displayed using an object that extends JTextArea. If I add my object to a JTabbedPane I can easily get the text using the getComponentAt(int) method. However, if I add the object to a JScrollPane and then ...