Error « JTabbedPane « Java Swing Q&A

1. JTabbedPane swing update error

I have 2 JPanels in a JTabbedPane and when update(g) is called on a panel inside the first panel (Its an animation) even if the second panel is the selected panel(i.e ...

2. JTabbedPane Questions and Errors

OK.. I created a new Swing App in NetBeans, which uses the Swing App Framework stuff. On the mainPanel, I added a JTabbedPane. Now, at runtime, I need to add tabs ...

3. error in formating text when using tabs

Hi, I am trying to display text from a file into an scrollpane. i am modifying the text position such that it is aligned and does not consume useful scrollpane space. but if i find something like code experts, i should not change the text position and i should display as it is in the file. I am able to do ...

4. Text formating error when using tabs

Hi, I apologise for the unformatted posting i did last time. I am trying to display text from a file into an scrollpane. i am modifying the text position such that it is aligned and does not consume useful scrollpane space. but if i find something like code experts, i should not change the text position and i should display as ...

5. JTabbedPane method addTab in error