Knob « JSlider « Java Swing Q&A

1. Changing the width of a knob on a JSlider

Ok, so I have searched google for a while now to see if I can find the answer to this but no dice. Maybe I am just searching for the wrong ...

2. How to hide the knob of jSlider?

I need to customize the knob of JSlider. I need to put my own knob's image over default knob of Jslider. The problem is that currently two knobs are coming in ...

3. How to add slider / knob to JScrollPane

Thanxs for link . I tried some code from that. but it can't work. I used following code for setting size . this.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(newImg.getWidth()+10,newImg.getHeight())); this.revalidate(); and then called PaintComponent(Graphics g) method. Method setPreferredSize() not setting size for Panel , it set's same size (previous size) for panel. Is there way to setPreferredSize for Jpanel

4. 2-knob slider ?

Does anyone know of a JSlider-like component which has two knobs (rather than one) which could be used to choose a range of values? One of my potential uses described something like this that he had seen in another application (and I have no idea what it was written in). For my situation, I will have a file of data, each ...