Viewport « JScrollPane « Java Swing Q&A

1. JScrollPane now showing its viewport

I am making an application with Java Swing and i have a problem. I have made a Tabbed Panel, which need to hold a simple panel, and a scroll-panel. The simple ...

2. How do I scroll JScrollPane viewport containing a JPanel to a specific location

I am trying to create a large game board that only part of it will be visible in the viewport and would like to be able to move the viewport around ...

3. ViewPort resizing in JScrollPane embedded in JPanel is creating problem....

Hi, I having some problem while resizing the component(JPanel) which has a JScrollPane and ViewPort which is a table. I am giving some constant value to the JScrollPane. That is JScrollPane.SetPreferredSize( new Dimension(400, 300)); When I viewport size is larger than JScollPlane it is showing scrollbars and workingcorrectly. But When I am resizing the Component (JPanel) to a smaller size the ...

4. viewports and scrollbars

Hi all, I've created a JTextPane to be a text editor. I added the JTextPane to a JScrollPane so I can scroll the JTextPane when needed. Now I need to enforce some of the limits of the size of the area. The user enters in the height and width of the JTextPane when the start the app:> java texteditor 3.0 4.0 ...

5. JScrollPane resizing component in Viewport

Sounds like you're on the right track. Return the desired Dimension from getPreferredSize and then ask the JScrollPane to update its view with a call to revalidate on the view (your custom) component. In this demo I return the actual (scaled) image size. You could include padding in one or both dimensions if you like. import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import java.awt.geom.*; ...

6. JScrollPane and viewport issues

Hi all, I am trying to create a UI that uses GridLayout. As a part of this UI I've created a JTextArea and added it to a JScrollPane. I then add text to the text area through out the program using .append() However, the text area keeps expanding down out of a viewable area. I want the text to scroll upward ...

7. Can we resize viewport of JScrollPane

8. Resize JScrollPane viewport ---help me urgent

Hi all !! I have a JTable and a JScrollPane. I am using the code in print option. on first page table size is 5 ,on next page table size is 6...on this page 5 rows are printing but 6th row is showing as blank.hw can i solve this problem. please help