AutoScroll « JScrollPane « Java Swing Q&A

1. Smart JScrollPane autoscrolling

I am attempting to implmement smart autoscrolling on a JScrollPane containing a JTextPane. The JTextPane is used for logging my app in color. However I'm running into a wall trying to ...

2. AutoScroll when Shape is outside a JPanel

I have a JPanel where I draw shapes. this panel is added to a scrollPane. but the scrolling doesn't work when a shape is out of the scene. is there an ...

3. JScrollpane - Force autoscroll to bottom

Thanks Thomas Paul, I did some testing and was able to get it to work. Here is a sample piece of code to show how it works. Assume that the scrollpanel and Jtextarea are already created and the JTextarea is already added to the scrollpane. //================================ int x; jtextareaobj.selectAll(); x = jtextareaobj.getSelectionEnd();,x); //================================= This piece of code make the scollbar ...

4. Making JScrollPane autoscroll slowly

Well for some reason it didn't work well on Macs, and since this is going to go on a website, I need it to work for all platforms. I don't know, it could have been the computer I was on though. I'll give it another run though. Thanks for your help, Andrew

5. How to autoscroll a JScrollPane

I have done a bit of research and all the solutions I have found deal with JTextArea and scrolling to the bottom. My situation is different. I have a stack of JTextfields vertically aligned. What I want is when you are in the last visible text field and you hit tab to the next one, the scrollpane will automatically scroll up ...

6. JScrollPane issues - no autoscroll wished

Hello. Currently I'm working on a simple IDE. I came up with a pretty good codeeditor but unfortunately there is a tiny problem with the JScrollPane. A JTextPane is embedded in a JPanel which is the ViewPortView of the JScrollPane. And with that there come major scrolling problems. When you enter a lot of rows then scroll to the top and ...