Replace « JPanel « Java Swing Q&A

1. How to replace a JPanel with another while the program is running

The code has a JPanel with an inner JPanel that displays awt drawing. Upon mouseclick the inner JPanel is to be replaced by one of its polymorphic siblings. This code isn't ...

2. Replacing JPanel with JPanel in a JFrame

I have a class that extends JFrame, and it has a BorderLayout. It has two private instance variables of type JPanel. They represent panels of buttons and are called flipButton and ...

3. Encountering errors when replacing JPanels

I'm in the process of creating a menu with several panels that are removed/added as the user navigates by clicking on buttons. After trying various things, I came to one that made ...

4. How to avoid flickering when replacing a panel?

I have a Container that contains a Panel, panelA. I am simply trying to replace panelA with panelB, but when I run the app, you see (very quickly) panelA being removed, then a grey box, then panelB being added = a lot of flicker. Can anyone post any code that will replace a panel a bit more smoothly? [ July 20, ...

5. Can a JPanel object replace an applet?

A panel is a light weight component, meaning it needs a top level container to hold it. An applet or frame is a top level (heavy weight) component, meaning it is it's own container. An applet can be nothing more than a thin wrapper around a panel which holds all of the other components. That's actually a good way to design ...