Repaint « JPanel « Java Swing Q&A

1. How can I draw something on a jPanel that will not be repainted?

How can I draw something in JPanel that will stay the same and not be repainted, I am doing a traffic simulation program and I want the road to be drawn ...

2. Swing JPanel wont repaint

I have a simple object which extends JPanel, when the update() method is called on this object it it meant to add some labels to the panel and then repaint. However ...

3. repaint problem with JPanel inside a JPanel

I'm drawing shapes inside this JPanel, which is also inside another main JPanel. At repaint() it only draws the shapes for one millisecond and then they disappear. They don't stay painted, ...

4. How to repaint a JPanel after have drawn on it?

OK this is my problem. I have a component that inherits from JPanel, I draw a grid on it and it shows great. Now I have a JComboBox and I want ...

5. Repainting a JPanel inside a frame

I have a JPanel inside a frame. The contents of the JPanel are supposed to be updated with each call to paintComponent (which is called by repaint()), but when I do ...

6. Java repaint image

I have a problem with my script; I want repaint a new image (another one is shown) when a button is pressed, but the button doesn't do anything...

ActionListener one = new ...

7. Jpanels on top of other panels, disappear when objects interact. - java swing interface

OK, I hope to explain this the best I can. What's up is that I have an outer JPanel with a board game image, and an inner JPanel with the location menus, next ...

8. Java JFrame & JPanel Differences with Repaint()

I have been playing about with some simple painting of Graphics2D and have some extremely good help from the community here. I managed to get the flickering resolved from my "bouncy ...

9. JPanel repaint misbehaves

After calling repaint() on a JPanel out of an ActionListener for a JCheckBox, the JPanel has some...issues...they fix themselves upon minimizing and restoring but that's a hassle for my clients. Any ...

10. JPanel repaint issue

I have a JFrame which contains 2 JPanel subclass and 2 JLabel in BorderLayout. One of the JPanel contains JButtons and the other is used for displaying graphics. The JLabels are ...

11. JPanel's repaint won't work when there's been another JFrame before

I wrote an application showing a series of images. This is done in a JFrame holding an extended JPanel, the images are BufferedImages, switched by timers and rendered in the overridden ...

12. Repaint JPanel in Swings

How to Display the data in Jpanel using Jtabel when i clicked on Checkbox. when i execute my programme for 1st time jpanel is executing. but second time when i clicked ...

13. How to access public method of external class in order to repaint on JPanel?

I can not access public method of my class MyPanel which extends JPanel. In MyPanel I previously had private method called moveSquare, but in order to make it work for external ...

14. Swing Panel Repaint Problem

15. Panel not repainting

Hi, I'm doing some AWT stuff here. I've got this frame with a couple of panels, a menu bar and a few buttons in the panels. Now, the main panel is not displaying properly until I manually resize the frame (by dragging on the corner of it). Is there a typical cause and solution for this problem? (I know I'm not ...

16. JPanel not repainting properly.

Hi, I have a JPanel with and Image img, and a Rectangle2D rec. Simply, I have methods to change the image, and to slowly change the rectangle size (in a while loop which increments the co-ordinates). The rectangle does everything it should, but the image does not always change (unless I resize the JFrame which contains it). Can anyone help? I ...

17. repaint problem in JPanel

Hi Yashendra, Permit me to offer an analogy: It's a nice, sunny day. You get into your car and start the engine. Then you switch on the windscreen wipers for five minutes. Then you switch off your windscreen wipers. Suddenly it starts to rain. You stop your car. You jump out into the busy street and start shouting at all the ...

18. Problem Repainting Panel

19. jpanel repaint lag

20. JPanel repainting weirdly

Code adapted from reply 3 in this thread. import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import java.awt.geom.*; import javax.swing.*; import javax.swing.event.*; public class Waving { public Waving() { WavingPanel wavingPanel = new WavingPanel(); WavingControl control = new WavingControl(wavingPanel); wavingPanel.addMouseListener(control); wavingPanel.addMouseMotionListener(control); JFrame f = new JFrame(getClass().getName()); f.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); f.getContentPane().add(wavingPanel); f.setSize(400,400); f.setLocation(200,200); f.setVisible(true); } public static void main(String[] args) { new Waving(); } } class WavingPanel extends ...

21. My panel object won't repaint(). Please help.

Hello guys, I have a panel object. inside it there is paint(Graphics g) method. I want the object to repaint() itself after I update the int[][] variable inside it. So I put the repaint() method right after I update the int[][] variable, but nothing happened. as if the repaint() method wasn't there. How do I force the repaint() method so I ...

22. JPanel not repainting

23. Panels do not get repainted

I have a reusable class called as DuplicatorPanel. This class has two add/ remove buttons like in Mac if you are familiar. The problem is that the screen gets updated with an extra row in case i have a main method in Duplicator itself. However if i have that in another panel as in HyperlinkBuilder then it does not repaint itself. ...

24. repaint a perticular panel.

25. panel - repaint();

i have a panel1 and panel2, panel2 is where the picture is displayed and i set to true the setDoubleBuffered, and i have a button called "UP" and "DOWN", if I press DOWN the image will scaled down as what ive set it to. and if I press UP it do the other way around, the problem is sometimes when i ...

26. JPanel repaint(): what does it do inside?

Hi, I have no problem using repaint(). But I'm curious to know what it does inside. Does it simply call the paintComponent() method again or do something special? I can't imagine how the program will know what and how to repaint if it doesn't call my overridden paintComponent() method Thanks for any explanations.

27. java repaint the frame or the panel?

I am stuck on the repaint issue. Here is the description of the problem I have a myFrame which extends from JFrame, I have myPanel (JPanel) and I add this to myFrame, I then make few components and add them to myPanel I move these components around in myPanel.. now I set a new size of myPanel. I repaint myPanel. My ...

28. Repainting JPanel

Hi, I just started learning Swing.I'm trying to write a program in which there will be 2 panels.Panel1->for stopwatch Panel2->which will be displaying some data and it contains a button. My concern is I'm using Threading to update the timer of stopwatch every second. After putting print statement i can see the stop watch part is running fine but the stopwatch ...

29. How do I repaint only portions of the JPanel and/or Frame?

I am having a small issue with the MiniMusicService in Chapter 18 of the Head First Java book covering Java 5.0. This is the chapter on remote deployment with RMI (pages 645 & 646). When I select MiniMusic on the client side, it works fine to draw the colored rectangles with the music. However, it also repaints the "Play it" button ...

30. Repainting on JPanel

private void drawSierpinski(Graphics2D g2d, Point2D.Float first, Point2D.Float second, Point2D.Float third){ g2d.setBackground(Color.GRAY); if(first == null || second == null || third == null) return; if(getLength(first, second)

31. repainting a jframe containing two jpanels

as i stated in a thread i posted a few hours ago, im programming a hangman project for the final in this introductory java class im taking. i have a background in C/C++, but java is new to me. right now, it looks like this: ugly, ugly. i'll worry about the layout once i get the game working properly. the graphic ...

32. help in repainting Jpanel, JFrame

Hi, I have created a panel with image icons in it. Each image icon has an image. This panel is then placed in a JScrollPane, sp, which is then again added to another panel - guiPanel. This guiPanel is then finally added to JFrame. Then this JFrame is made visible. Now, I have added the feature to be able to delete ...

33. JPanel not being repainted

Hello There, I have been developing a program in which when the user clicks a button my program removes a certain table and loads another; what is happening is that my program does what it should do but the new table does not appear untill i resize my screen. So lets say i have table1 showing and I click on show ...