1. A Fast Way to Determine Whether A Componet is Found In JPanel stackoverflow.comMay I know how can I determine whether a component is found in JPanel?
2. Why is the class CanvasPane not included in the Java API? stackoverflow.com** Why is the class CanvasPane not included in the Java API?.
3. Excract JPanel into new class in NetBeans stackoverflow.comThis is similar to this question, except the code is already written. I have
4. Java Memory Leak Issue with JPanels stackoverflow.comJava Memory Leak
The problem that is occurring is as I receive more and more ... |
5. Pretty JPanels in Swing stackoverflow.comI'm currently working on making my Swing application look better. I want to achieve something along these lines:
6. Java Simple Question about working with JPanels stackoverflow.comJust a quick question here. I have a program in which I need to create a number of JPanels, which will then each contain some objects (usually JLabels). There are a ... |
7. Java JPanel not showing up stackoverflow.comI'm not sure what I am doing wrong, but the text for my JPanels is not showing up. I just get the question number text, but the question is not showing ... |
8. Laying out JPanels to make a simple GUI stackoverflow.comfirst of all, this is more or less my first GUI and ive learned Java for not more then a week, so it might contain some serious programming errors. What i have ... |
9. Apply arbitrary geometric transforms to a JPanel stackoverflow.comI have some Swing controls in a JPanel. I want this panel to appear on the screen transformed by some arbitrary affine transformation, and for all the controls to remain ... |
10. How To Access Controls On a JPanel...? stackoverflow.comI'm a Java n0ob....so let me apologize in advance... I've got a jPanel that I've added a bunch of controls to, dynamically, at run-time. Later, in my code, I want to ... |
11. Should create another Jpanel? stackoverflow.comI have one Mediator.java which do all the functions. And there is RecordGenerationJPanel.java to save the information of a record.NewApplicationJPanel.java is main screen and when I click jbtnGenerate in it, it ... |
12. Java - set opacity in JPanel stackoverflow.comLet's say I want to make the opacity of a JPanel %20 viewable? I don't mean setOpaque (draw or not draw) or setVisible (show or hide)... I mean make it see-through ... |
13. JPanel not showing up stackoverflow.comWhy is the UI not showing up in my code below:
14. JPanel held by JNI Global reference causing OOM Exceptions stackoverflow.comI wish i had more context to my question, but unfortunately, I'm posting this question out of desperation. I am unable to reproduce this with a smaller application, as I wish ... |
15. not sure why i can't get addMouseListener(this()), addMouseMotionListener(this()) to work stackoverflow.comSo this is the panel for my RocketShip and I want to add my MouseListener and my MouseMotionListener to it but it is telling me that "this" is an invalid name. ... |
16. JPanel to popuped from taskbar stackoverflow.comI want a JPanel with conrols to be pop-up ed from windows taskbar when My application started |
17. automatically causing a subclassed JPanel's resources to be released stackoverflow.comSuppose I subclass |
18. JSeparator not in the right place in my JPanel stackoverflow.comSo my code is as follows:
the problem that I keep having is that instead of ... |
19. JPanel appears in Netbeans debug but not in run mode stackoverflow.comI am using NetBeans IDE 7.0 with JDK1.6.0_25. I am trying to compile the following code. When I run this code in "Debug Project" mode (Ctrl+F5) it works fine. However if ... |
20. purpose of JPanel? stackoverflow.comThis write up on JPanel seems to focus on this container as a means of setting a background color. Oracle on how to use JPanel Should I infer ... |
21. checking a jPanelSquare for items stackoverflow.comQuick question. I have a jPanelSquareGrid with labels in some squares (image labels, representing chess pieces) now when I drag and drop a piece to a certain square, I want to check ... |
22. Transfer jtoolbar from one jpanel to another stackoverflow.comThis is my first question, so bare with me. Let's say that I have 2 JPanel and 1 JToolBar. What I want to do is drag the toolbar from one panel ... |
23. Reading values from the file in Jpanel and creating a fuction bytes.comRead the error message: you don't have a constructor in your LineInfo class that takes a Rectangle and a Color as parameters. kind regards, Jos |
24. Binding a javabeans property to JPanel.visible forums.netbeans.orgNo answers to previous question, I will try to form it better. I'm trying to bind my bean's boolean property MyBean.someBoolean to a JPanel visibility. Trying this with beansbinding and Netbeans. ... |
25. Need help with JPanel in NetBeans forums.netbeans.orgHello, I'm creating an applet with NetBeans 6.8, and I wish to know how to make other panel visible. I have jPanel1 and components in it. What I need is that ... |
26. Netbean jpanels forums.netbeans.orgOk I will try to explain what i am trying to do..... on jpanel1 i have a button group consisting of 5 radio buttons and at the bottom is an ok ... |
27. Anybody know how to close a JPanel? forums.netbeans.orgMy NetBeans java application ( public class My_DB_GUI extends javax.swing.JFrame {... ) has a secondary window that it pops up to grab user input (in this case they can type in ... |
28. help with connection jpanels. forums.netbeans.orgive got a main interface which represents a PDA system with three options 1. view product details 2. modify product 3. order stock. once we clicking on each of the options ... |
29. (Design options) Passing info to JPanels forums.netbeans.orgPosted: Wed Jul 14, 2010 3:24 pm Post subject: (Design options) Passing info to JPanels I'm making some refactoring in a swing based gui, dividing frames into panels ... |
30. My JPanel is not a bean!? forums.netbeans.orgHi, it's the third time I've problems with this, so I'm sure I'm doing something wrong, but what? :S I'm working with maven in a desktop application, and I got an ... |
31. How to use the same variable in various JPanel? forums.netbeans.orgHi, Im new in Java. I use alternately various JPanel in a JFrame. And I would like to know how can I use a variable declared in a JPanel, in another JPanel? Thank you for your collaboration. Best regards. Daniel |
32. binding in jPanel forums.netbeans.orgpublic class UserMgmt extends javax.swing.JPanel { /** Creates new form UserMgmt */ public UserMgmt() { initComponents(); // tracking table selection masterTable.getSelectionModel().addListSelectionListener( ... |
33. How do properties get set for a JPanel? forums.netbeans.orgSuppose I have a JPanel subclass. In that subclass, I have defined a field myField with getters/setters. If I add the panel to the Palette Manager, and then drag an instance into another panel, then myField appears in the "Properties" window and I can set it to a specific value. When I run the application, myField has the correct value filled-in ... |
34. Customizing JPanel Code forums.netbeans.orgI've added a JPanel to my JFrameView from the palette. However, I want to update the paintComponent code. I tried using customize the code. However, it isn't working out correctly. It won't compile. Can you please advise how I must achieve this? This code is from the customize code window. Where do I add my code for paintComponent? |
35. Can i use mxgraph in JPanel forums.netbeans.orgHi, is it possible to use mxgraph in JPanel? Currently i am using mxgraph in JFrame in the following manner. Code: import javax.swing.JFrame; import com.mxgraph.swing.mxGraphComponent; import com.mxgraph.view.mxGraph; public class MyGraph extends JFrame { public MyGraph() { super("Graph Example"); ... |
36. Serializing a Series of JPanels coderanch.comHi all, I have an Applet that displays a familty tree. Another application is used to generate the family tree as a series of panels in a grid format. The Applet reads the serialized JPanels and displays them. I use serializartion of the panels instead of the underlying data because placing the Person objects on the panel is a recursive function ... |
37. How to place Process in JPanel coderanch.com |
38. Pls Help :- Jpanel doesn't show up. coderanch.comI have created a panel and add it to the center of the window and call its show method. In its constructor i have set it visible. Still the thing doesn't come up automatically until and unless i resize the window. I think some sorts of update is to be called. Can anyone help me with this. Gaurav |
39. JPanel vs. Box Class coderanch.com |
40. JPanel coderanch.comYou don't have to set it to null. You can use setPreferredSize() setMinimumSize() setMaximumSize(). Why don't you want them to resize? Why do they have to be the same size? Putting them into a grid layout might do the trick as well. Null layout is a real copout and looks like crap if you risize. |
41. JPanel and ImageBackground ? coderanch.comYou would make a JPanel something like this... import java.awt.*; import javax.swing.*; public class ImagePanel extends JPanel { private Image image; public ImagePanel() { this( (Image)null ); } public ImagePanel( Image i ) { setImage( i ); } public ImagePanel( String s ) { this( Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getImage( s ) ); } public void setImage( Image i ) { MediaTracker mt = new ... |
42. JPanel with a TitledBorder coderanch.comhi Smilidon. You tried to create a compund border that contains a title border ONLY. compound border are borders that contain 2 borders to combine for a special effect like (rasied lowered, titled etched) etc... just add another border to your compoundborder method and it will work , or use title border alone as Rajendar pointed out. |
43. Setting a gradient on a Master JPanel made of sub JPanels coderanch.com |
44. JPanel exactly over another JPanel coderanch.com |
45. using JPanel for everything coderanch.comIs it a good idea to use JPanel for everything? For clarity, it makes sense to me. I want to place a list with a header on the left of my frame. I created a label (header) and placed it on a panel, then created a list and placed it on a panel. Then I placed both of these panels on ... |
46. 'invalid' in JPanel coderanch.comThat's a great piece of information to know. Thanks! I've looked into why it says 'invalid' and it's apparently because the component needs to be laid out. This is according to the documentation in the Component class. I get this content pane again and again and 95% of the time it's okay. Is there any particular reason why sometimes it needs ... |
47. Web page on a JPanel coderanch.com |
48. Simple JPanel question.... coderanch.com |
49. getting part of Jpanel coderanch.com |
50. Can I setWidth and setHeight for JPanel? coderanch.com |
51. Do JPanels use lots of overhead? coderanch.com |
52. AffineTransform, getRotateInstance and JPanel coderanch.comYou could override the paint() method to paint everthing to another image instead of directly to the component, then rotate the image and paint the image to the component. However, there are other things to keep in mind... Unless the component is perfectly square and rotations are done in 90 degree increments, you're going to run into problems with the size, ... |
53. Creating JPanel coderanch.com |
54. JPanel coderanch.comIs this what you are trying to do? /* * use: >appletviewer JAppletMain.java */ import java.awt.*; import javax.swing.*; public class JAppletMain extends JApplet { public void init() { JLabel label = new JLabel(getClass().getName()) { public void paintComponent(Graphics g) { Graphics2D g2 = (Graphics2D)g; g2.setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_ANTIALIASING, RenderingHints.VALUE_ANTIALIAS_ON); super.paintComponent(g); } }; label.setFont(new Font("lucida calligraphy italic", Font.PLAIN, 32)); JPanel panel = ... |
55. sharing a static jpanel coderanch.comHi, I have a bunch of panels, and they all share a common subpanel. To do the subpanel, I made it a static JPanel. But when I create multiple objects that share this subpanel, only the *most recently created* object shows the subpanel. In the other objects (which are also JPanels), the subpanel becomes invisible. How can I fix this? To ... |
56. JPanel prob coderanch.com |
57. JPanel.setBorder() not found ??? coderanch.com |
58. JPanel title block coderanch.com |
59. JPanel and DOS coderanch.com |
60. XLS in a JPanel coderanch.com |
61. list of JPanels for a download manager coderanch.com |
62. small doubt in Swing appln using JPanel coderanch.comi'm creating a small swing appln. in that i need to display my photo(jpg file) in the frame's WEST region. for that i created MyPanel class(inner class) to display it in the frame. i need the code snippet inside the paintComponent method to get my picture from a particular path. Regards Jhanavi. |
63. JPanels that stand out coderanch.com |
64. how to avoid creating JPanel every time the user want to access it coderanch.comhi, guys, i'm building an swing application that requires switching among different panels frequently. In my current solution, when user switch to a different panel, the current panel will be lost, and recreate when the user switch back. I know I can use a TabbedPane to solve that, but some of the program operation requires multiple steps which involves multiple panels. ... |
65. JPANEL coderanch.comHi Friends, I've a interesting problem.Situation is like this.I've panelA,panleB,and panelC.Now i've a Dialog with layout being BorderLayout.In the North i've put a panel consisting of two JButtons named as "Next" and "Back". Initialy Dialogbox center is occupied by panelA.Now if i click on "Next"(JButton),then the Dialog center should be occupied by panelB and panelC for the next click on "NEXT". ... |
66. Show JPanel in another class HELP !!!! coderanch.comHi, I have two classes, one with a main method that displays a main frame. and another which makes a JPanel which i would like to display on the main frame in the other class. I have it working and compiling but not really showing on the main frame like i want it. It shows in the main frame as a ... |
67. help urgent.. JPanel coderanch.com |
68. About Jpanel coderanch.comOne thing you could consider doing is using the Absolute Layout Manager that ships with NetBeans. It seems to me that they didn't recommend packaging it with you apps, but I may just be imagining that. Anyways, it was originally intended to be used within the IDE itself so that you can layout the components visually without all the tricky-ness inherit ... |
69. jPanel ,nullpointer exception coderanch.compublic class canvas1 extends JFrame { man mandel; Thread runner; ... runner = new Thread(mandel); ... class man extends JComponent implements Runnable { ... public void paintComponent(Graphics g) { if (im == null) { g.setColor(Color.red); g.fillRect(0,0,getWidth(),getHeight()) ; initImage(); } else g.drawImage(im,0,0,null) ; } private void initImage() { Dimension d = getSize(); int maxX = d.width - 1; int maxY = d.height ... |
70. JPanel and setOpaque method coderanch.comThe GlassPane is set for the JFrame and is considered part of the JRootPane (see JRootPane api for details). Your application seems to run okay with the changes marked by /***/. import java.awt.BorderLayout; import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.Graphics; import javax.swing.*; public class GlassClass extends JFrame { private JPanel panelMain ; private JPanel panelGlass; private int valuex; private int valuey; public GlassClass() { ... |
71. "destroying" a JPanel coderanch.com |
72. Movable JPanel - How? coderanch.comYou can use a JLayeredPane or a glassPane for this. The tutorial has a demonstration app for each on the page 'How to Use Root Panes'. See the JRootPane api for more about glassPanes. At the top of the (api) page there is a link into the tutorial to the root pane page. For handmade work an easy way is to ... |
73. Jpanel coderanch.com |
74. Empty JPanel's aren't invisible coderanch.comThe soul is dyed the color of its thoughts. Think only on those things that are in line with your principles and can bear the light of day. The content of your character is your choice. Day by day, what you do is who you become. Your integrity is your destiny - it is the light that guides your way. - ... |
75. JPanel coderanch.com |
76. JPanel coderanch.com |
77. Basic JPanel coderanch.comHi guys. Ive got a program thats an extension of JFrame and it had a JPanel component that I only want to repaint when I tell it to (for the sake of efficiency). In my main program have a while(true) loop in which there is a thread sleeping and calls some functionality: this is inside a try/catch btw imagepanel.Set_image(database.get_current_image()); database.Update_image(direction_forward); // ... |
78. java JPanel bug coderanch.comHi guys. Im having a weird bug with my JPanels. I call them to repaint seperately from a control class. One panel is larger than the other, near the top left corner, both classes extend JPanel in different ways. The second class is further to the right, but Im having weird issues like whenever my second panel repaints, it ALSO repaints ... |
79. jpanel help coderanch.com// this.add(new PaintSurface(), BorderLayout.CENTER); assuming 'this' refers to the frame, or a panel set as a BorderLayout, your problems are these you add labelPic to the container this.add(labelPic); you also add it to the scrollPane JScrollPane scroll=new JScrollPane(labelPic, ....... (or, try to add it - it can't be in two places at once) the scrollpane is then added to the container ... |
80. JPanel coderanch.com |
81. JPanel coderanch.comHello I am working in Swings and have a problem. I have a Main panel on which i have added a button and set a image on that buttons. on main panel i add different panels having buttons on them. i have set panels Opaque to false but when programe excutes only image which is in main panel appear and other ... |
82. Split and Merge the JPanel coderanch.com |
83. use JPanel more that two coderanch.comimport java.awt.Color; import java.awt.GridLayout; import javax.swing.JFrame; import javax.swing.JLabel; import javax.swing.JPanel; public class TwoPanels { public static void main(String[] args) { JFrame frame = new JFrame("Two Panels"); JPanel panel1 = new JPanel(); JPanel panel2 = new JPanel(); frame.getContentPane().setLayout(new GridLayout(2,1)); panel1.add(new JLabel("I am panel no. 1")); panel1.setBackground(Color.CYAN); panel2.add(new JLabel("I am panel no. 2")); panel2.setBackground(Color.yellow); frame.getContentPane().add(panel1); frame.getContentPane().add(panel2); frame.pack(); frame.setSize(200,200); frame.setVisible(true); } } |
84. Jpanel Back ground coderanch.comI prefer to use a border to draw the background image. That way you don't have to subclass: import java.awt.*; import java.awt.image.*; import javax.swing.border.*; public class CentredBackgroundBorder implements Border { private final BufferedImage image; public CentredBackgroundBorder(BufferedImage image) { this.image = image; } public void paintBorder(Component c, Graphics g, int x, int y, int width, int height) { int x0 = x ... |
85. Applying affine transform to JPanel coderanch.comHi All I am doing an application in which i need to scale a jpanel along with its components....for example, if i am having a jpanel of size 600x600 ,with some txtbox and buttons in it, and if i want to scale it to 300x300 with all its components visible,what shoud i do.....i heared it can be done using affine transform ... |
86. awt JPanel coderanch.comyou will have to explain your problem a lot better than you have been 1. August 7, to which you received a reply, but no follow-up to say it didn't work or it wasn't what you wanted etc 2. August 18, this thread, again a reply asking for more info/clarification, only follow-up a month later as a new post. 3. September ... |
87. calling second jPanel coderanch.comi'm using netbeans 5.0 to make a GUI application. For some reason, and i'm sure the solution is simple, i can't figure out how to call a second GUI class from the first one. Example, a screen pops up with multiple selections. If i click on one, I want a different GUI window that i made to pop up and later ... |
88. JPanel coderanch.com |
89. JPanel using NullLayout coderanch.com |
90. JPanel inverted coderanch.comHi all, just wanted to drop a quick question on you. I have a JPanel that I am placing things on but as you know the JPanel is constructed with its height and width starting from 0,0 in the upper left hand corner. The height of my panel is 600. The problem that I am having is that when I place ... |
91. How to reset jpanel... coderanch.comI have a drawing panel where I can draw lines etc. Program works like this: 1. First mouse click makes start point (coordinates) 2. Second mouse click makes destination point (coordinates) 3. Line is drawn between those points 4. Third click draw a line from it coordinates toward center of jpanel problem is this.... How to make Jbutton RESET, which set ... |
92. JPanel random backgraound coderanch.commy guess would be to load 16 colors into an array and then when the user clicks the mouse have a random number between 0 and 15 generated. Choose that array item and change the color to it. You have to make the array an array of Color Objects by the way. |
93. Closing a JPanel coderanch.com |
94. JPanel validate() coderanch.com |
95. JPanel coderanch.com |
96. Regarding JPanel coderanch.comHi, i have added a JTable to a JPanel which displays data from the data base. Now i have also added a button to the same panel. What i need is this table should be refreshed an displayed on the panel when i click that button but i am unable to achive this i added a action listener but i am ... |
97. regarding JPanel coderanch.comHi I have a frame and three tabbed panes,in first tabbedpane i have a panel with some components like button and textfields if i click on a button in a panel,the listener goes to another panel and current panel is replaced with new panel with some components, my question is that i want to replace first tabbedpane panel's with new panel ... |
98. question on JPanel coderanch.com |
99. JPanel question ... coderanch.comTo start with, please use code tags. You click the CODE button at the bottom and place your code inside the tags. This makes it much easier for others to read. Now to your actual code. What exactly are you trying to achieve here? Do you want to display a new tab to the tabbed pane? If yes, you need to ... |
100. JPanel coderanch.com |