Graphics2d « JPanel « Java Swing Q&A

1. how to make java JPanel and graphics2d transparent?

Well the title is quite self explanatory. I want to build two panels one on-top of each other in layers using java. I want the top layer to contain a JPanel ...

2. Redrawing graphics in Java

I'm just getting into graphics in Java and I have a problem. I created a JFrame window (NetBeans Designer) with a JPanel panel and I drew some graphics on it. Then ...

3. Handling Click for A Custom Swing component Extending JPanel?

How would you handle click in a Custom swing Component that is extending JPanel. I am making a game and I am wondering how i can handle the clicks. Specifically in ...

4. If you pass another object a current object's Graphics2D, would it paint on the current object?

For example I have class A that extends JPanel, and I want to pass it's Graphics2D to class B. If I do operations on that Graphics2D instance in class B would ...

5. Change JPanel default graphics

when I have JPanel, it has it´s default Graphics which is passed to paint(Graphics g) and similiar function. Can I somehow switch that default Graphics for my own? From outside of ...

6. Flickering images in JPanel

I have created a game which paints images to a JPanel. This runs with a JTimer which executes every 14 milliseconds to move the background, moves obstacles and moves the player ...

7. Reset Graphics in JPanel

Following Code Draws a structure of a molecule. If I don't pass a molecule the last structure continue to show up in the JPanel. How do I reset this to a ...

8. JPanel drawing with a specific color

I have found this class that draws circles with different colors. The color of each circle is determined according to a specific order of colors which iterates as it comes to ...

9. Graphics2D on JPanel

Don't use Canvas... it's an AWT component, so it would hang on top of the other Swing components in your application. Just like everyone else said... The best way to do this would be sub-class JPanel and do the painting in it's paintComponent() method... You could also grab the graphics context of the panel using panel.getGraphics(), and then draw to that ...

11. Paint Graphics2D objects onto a JPanel

here I will write simple code for you -class myDrawing extends JPanel{ - public myDrawing(){ - - } - protected void paintComponent(Graphics g){ - Graphics2D g2=(Graphics2D) g; - Shape p=new Rectangle(0,0,100,100); - g2.setColor(Color.RED); - g2.draw(p); - g2.fill(p); - } - public static void main(String[] args){ - JFrame myFrame=new JFrame(); - myFrame.setBounds(0,0,500,500); - myFrame.add(new myDrawing()); - myFrame.setVisible(true); -} I have not compiled ...