Graphics « JPanel « Java Swing Q&A

1. Pictures in a JPanel

I'm trying to write an application where I want to add different pictures on a Jpanel. Everything works fine except for the JPG format which displays very bad quality images. This ...

2. create images clickable on jpanel

hi How i can add icon (car, earth or other) image that can be clickabel by user? i want to add them on an jpanel with overrided paint method.

3. Drawing in Java without a JPanel

I'm writing a graphical user interface to plot data on a xy-axis. It's written in Java Swing so I have a JFrame that contains the whole GUI. One of ...

4. Java - control Z order of JPanels

In short, my need is to have a background Image in my java app, and upon some event, create some other graphics on top of that image. I was thinking I would ...

5. 2D graph in jPanel in Netbeans

I have a question concerning some primitive graphics. I am new to java graphics and gui building in general, so I get a lot of questions.
I am using Netbeans 6.9.1. Basically, there ...

6. How can I add a MyDrawPanel to a program while adding other objects as well?

I am attempting to make a simple game, and I have loaded an image onto a myDrawPanel, which is on the JFrame, successfully. However, I also want to add other things ...

7. How do you add a JPanel onto another JPanel that has graphics?

Basically what im trying to do is to add a JPanel onto another JPanel that has painted graphics on it using the paintComponent() method. But the JPanel I am trying to ...

8. drawing strings on jpanel

I want to draw string on jpanel but I do not know the number of string I am going to pass the panel in some cases there are four string in ...

9. JPanel custom drawing using Graphics

I have a custom JPanel and sometimes throughout my program, I need to call a method which paints the screen black, that's it.

public void clearScreen() {
    Graphics g ...

10. Saving JPanel Graphics

I'm not quite sure exactly how Graphics work in Java so I having trouble debugging my problem. I have a Class MyFrame Extends JPanel. Now I do some drawing on MyFrame save ...

11. Java JPanel on top of JPanel (Drawing on top of drawing)

I am trying to write a code to generate a graph like this: I need more than one different line (I hope that's what they are called). I'm just starting ...

12. Implementing Graphics within a JPanel

I've been trying to implement graphics in a GUI application I've made in Netbeans. I've done the layout (buttons, textboxes, etc.) using the GUI editor and it all works fine ...

13. JPanel not displaying Graphics

I have a java class that extends from JPanel. The basic purpose of extending this class from JPanel is that i want to draw some graphical figures inside this JPanel. The ...

14. Reset the origin of a JPanel using Graphics.translate(x, y)

Posted: Sun May 15, 2011 8:56 am Post subject: Reset the origin of a JPanel using Graphics.translate(x, y) I have made a JFrame 800 x 800 through a Swing Form in netbeans. This JFrame is grey in color. I have inserted a JPanel for drawing which is 500 x 500 onto the right side of the frame, and ...

15. adding graphics to panels

16. East JPanel and graphics

****************************************************** import javax.swing.*; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; public class GraphPanel extends JPanel { public boolean setupWindow; public GraphPanel(boolean setupWindow) { this.setupWindow = true; } public void paintComponent(Graphics g1d) { Graphics2D g = (Graphics2D)g1d; super.paintComponent(g); if (setupWindow == true) { this.setSize(500,500); Color black = new Color(0,0,0); g.setColor(black); g.fill3DRect(0,0,500,500, true); System.out.println("in if statement"); } } } ********************************************************* import javax.swing.*; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; ...

17. Having touble adding graphics to JPanel

Hey guys im trying to add shapes to a jpanel, please help; Eventually i want to add a JLabel exactly beside the Shape too. So far i have this; public static void main(String[] args) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub JFrame frame = new JFrame(); frame.addWindowListener(new WindowAdapter () { public void windowClosing (WindowEvent e) { System.exit(0); } }); frame.getContentPane().setLayout(new FlowLayout()); JPanel ...

18. Disappearing Graphics on panel

Hi All, I have a problem with disappearing graphics on a JPanel which I'd like to describe. I have a class that extends JPanel that looks like this: public class MyPanel extends JPanel { ArrayList polygons; public MyPanel() { polygons = new ArrayList(); JFrame frame = new JFrame("Panel"); frame.setLocation(...); frame.getContentPane().add(this); frame.setSize(...); frame.setVisible(true); frame.setResizable(true); frame.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); } protected void paintComponent(Graphics g) { Iterator ...

19. How to Add Graphics to Jpanel

Hi again, I just wondering how I can add a Graphics object like rectangle to a JPanel? I have following classes and I can add the Label object into MyPanel but I cant add drawing object (MyRect) into Jpanel.I know that I am not constructing any thing in MyRect() constructor! so it make sence for me that nothing will happen in ...

20. Swing Graphics and JPanel setPrefrerredSize

Hi all, I hope I can get some help with this question concerning the following code. public class TestScreen extends AAAFrame implements Common, ActionListener { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; private PicturesArea pic = null; Color panelColor = new Color (40, 189, 171); JScrollPane scrollPane = new JScrollPane(); Graphics2D g2 = null; public TestScreen(PicturesArea pic){ super("Title Report"); this.pic = ...

21. Newbie need help on JPanel graphics

hello gurus, need your help. i'm so struggling on this program that i have to do. here's my scenario: 1) i have a frame that is divided by two JPanels, the left and right. 2) the right are subdivided by multiple jpanels and contains buttons and text. when a button is pressed, it creates a text on the right panel. 3) ...

22. Can't display my graphics in a JPanel

23. JPanel and graphics

Java Code: /* * * */ package tma02q3; import java.awt.BorderLayout; import java.awt.Graphics; import javax.swing.JFrame; import javax.swing.JPanel; import javax.swing.WindowConstants; /** * * */ public class DrawingApplication extends JFrame { // instance variables provided private final int FRAME_WIDTH = 400; private final int FRAME_HEIGHT = 400; private Picture myPic = new Picture(FRAME_WIDTH, FRAME_HEIGHT); // TODO add further instance variables as required /** ...

24. Jpanel and displaying graphics

25. Having difficulty adding graphics to a JPanel

Sorry, but I'm not quite sure what you mean. I see that the JPanel class has a paintComponent() method, but I don't really see any way of changing it. Aside from that, wouldn't putting my graphics drawing code in a method that only takes a Graphics make it do the same thing every time?

26. Panel with Graphics in JFrame

27. How to put animation/moving graphics in a JPanel?

Hi, I'm new to Java, I want to animate different objects (Circles squares etc.) Inside a JPanel. Is there some type of object I need for this (Canvas)? How do I do this. Basically I want to be able to add(some shape), then call the shapes move methods etc. and it will update on screen It was really easy to do ...

28. Graphics disappearing on JPanel

I have created a MapEditor class that allows you to choose an intersection on a grid and output a marker. I draw this marker to the coordinates selected using Graphics drawImage method, but when the window needs repainting when its minimized or a window is put over top, the images that have been drawn disappear and are not repainted. Here is ...

29. 2D graphics on Jpanel!

That's kind of irrelevant. A JPanel's size (or a JComponent for that matter) is determined by all the components added to it, their preferred sizes, the layout, the constraints, ect... But your not using the TreeDraw panel to add anything. You're using it to do some custom painting. The JPanel class has no idea what you are drawing. As far as ...

30. Adding Graphics to Multiple JPanels

Can some one point me in the direction of how to solve this problem i need add Graphics to multiple JPanels One panel need to show an image Another panel needs to show some g.drawString("", x, y); Another Panel needs to show g.DrawLine .... ect. and this goes on for another 7 JPanels... Each JPanel is "seperated / sorted" by the ...

31. Getting the Graphics visible on the JPanel

ok guys, I have got it to show the graphic on the JPanel but it would have been real helpful to keep it in that class......oh well. Listen I will shut down this thread once I get it working the way its supposed to. Til then I am working like crazy to get this done so code examples would be nice. ...

32. Displaying 2D graphics in a JPanel

public class DrawPanel extends JPanel { @Override public void paintComponent(Graphics g) { super.paintComponent(g); Graphics2D g2d = (Graphics2D) g; // draw a line double x1 = 50; double y1 = 50; double x2 = 250; double y2 = 250; g2d.draw(new Line2D.Double(x1, y1, x2, y2)); // draw rectangle double x = 50; double y = 50; double width = 200; double height = ...