1. How do I add components to a JPanel at runtime stackoverflow.comHej I have a JPanel that I want to add some components. in particular JButtons to at runtime based on the content of a user supplied file. I can add compontents to panel ... |
2. ways to add invisible components into JPanel? stackoverflow.comI need to add some invisible component into a JPanel to avoid the issues with grid bag lay out.Which is the best way to add these kind of invisible components? |
3. equals issue with adding components to JPanel? stackoverflow.comI am making a card game where the cards are represented as JLabels, having names and some other attributes which are changed during the game. I want to define equality as ... |
4. How to add new component to the panel at run time stackoverflow.comI want to add JCombobox to the panel at run time, I don't have idea about this, so please if you have any idea about this suggest me. |
5. Question about making a JAVA GUI of a certain format stackoverflow.comI am trying to make a GUI that looks something like this: |
6. How to find which panel a component belongs to? stackoverflow.comI need a hand with something. I got a panel, which I'm filling with Objects. These objects each create a panel inside the panel, which is filled with labels. It's a homemade ... |
7. Check for null Component in Java Swing Panel stackoverflow.comI am creating dynamic buttons and dynamic button handlers inside of a JPanel, and thus am selecting them again using the "Panel.getComponentAt(x, y)" method. This method can obviously select from an area ... |
8. Invisible components still take up space JPanel stackoverflow.comI have a series of components underneath each other in a JPanel set as a GridLayout.
I need to temporarily hide the components but |
9. Referencing JPanel components from a JFrame stackoverflow.comI have an application creating a JPanel within a JFrame as follows:
10. Java - random space after components stackoverflow.comI am currently making a Twitter client, and I found some issue I couldn't solve myself. I'm not sure what part of the code should I include, so I'll post a picture. |
11. Cannot add component to JPanel forums.netbeans.orgHi, I am making a GUI in Netbeans. On a button-click i want to add a JTree in a JPanel but I am not able to add that JTree in my JPanel. Can anyone tell me what code should I write in "buttonMouseReleased" ?? |
12. Cannot add component to JPanel forums.netbeans.orgHi, I am making a GUI in Netbeans. On a button-click i want to add a JTree in a JPanel but I am not able to add that JTree in my JPanel. Can anyone tell me what code should I write in "buttonMouseReleased" ?? Please help Logica to respect the environment by not printing this email / Pour contribuer comme Logica ... |
13. about add component to panel coderanch.com |
14. Attaching components to JPanel coderanch.com |
15. Add Components To JPanel coderanch.com |
16. how do I know what components are in a jpanel? coderanch.com |
17. How can I destroy a JPanel component? coderanch.comSuppose I have a panel and 2 buttons on it. If buttonA is pressed, a textfield component will be displayed. Similarily, when another button, buttonB is pressed, a textfield and a list components will be displayed. I would like to know how can I destroy those previous appeared components and let other components display on the panel? Can I display different ... |
18. adding components to JPanel coderanch.comArrayList players = new ArrayList(); JPanel cardPanel = new JPanel(); private void jbInit() throws Exception { this.setSize(new Dimension(600, 300)); this.setTitle("Card Games"); contentPane = (JPanel) this.getContentPane(); ... ... cardPanel.setLayout(new GridLayout(10,1)); scrollpane.getViewport().add(cardPanel); contentPane.add(scrollpane, BorderLayout.CENTER); } private void displayResults() { for(int i = 0; i < players.size(); i++) { HandStats stats = new HandStats("Player" + (i + 1) + "\nScore: " + ((Player)players.get(i)).getHandScore()); Card[] ... |
19. Adding Components to a JPanel not working correctly coderanch.comI'm trying to build a JFrame that contains a parent JPanel that will hold a JPanel used to display a message view, a vertical strut and a JPanel that holds VCR-like buttons to cycle through the messages. My parent JPanel uses a BorderLayout and the Border is a TitledBorder which tells which product you are viewing (i.e., Message 1 of 5). ... |
20. How to make a JPanel a readonly component? coderanch.com |
21. swing JPanel Component coderanch.com |
22. Waiting for mousevents from a gui-component(JPanel) coderanch.com |
23. add component to a JPanel coderanch.com |
24. Adding a JPanel Component coderanch.com |
25. Can't add anymore components to one of my panel coderanch.comHi everyone, This is my very first post and just wanna say to hi everyone first. I'm writing a GUI tic-tac-toe game for my skool assignment using MVC. It's a pain in the neck. I'm having a problem regarding to my game board creation. I've shown the code below. The board works fine but just next 2 the board, there are ... |
26. Adding components to a JPanel coderanch.com |
27. Adding component in JPanel coderanch.comI have a class Ball extends JPanel.I am adding object of ball class in JPanel having null Layout.But it is not appear on JPanel.How can i add object of ball class in JPanel having layout null. import java.awt.*; import javax.swing.*; public class Ball extends JPanel { int x, y; public Ball(int x, int y) { this.x = x; this.y = y; ... |
28. Not able to read the value of a component on one JPanel from a different JPanel coderanch.commvPrasad Regula wrote:I have three JPanels. One consists of JComboBox, Second JPanel consists of Labels and textfields and the third panel consists of JButtons. All the three panels are attached to a a single panel and a displayed on a frame.Now Ad I enter values on the textfield and click the add button on the third panel, the value in the ... |
29. Components getting Scattered when attached to Panel-SSCCE attached java-forums.orgJava Code: import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.Component; import java.awt.Container; import java.awt.Dimension; import javax.swing.AbstractButton; import javax.swing.BorderFactory; import javax.swing.ImageIcon; import javax.swing.JFrame; import javax.swing.JLabel; import javax.swing.JPanel; import javax.swing.UIManager; public class CreateWindow { public CreateWindow(String module, String fileId){ JPanel propertiesPanel = new JPanel(null); propertiesPanel.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(300, 210)); JPanel panFile = new JPanel(null); panFile.setBounds(9,25,300,50); JLabel useName = new JLabel(fileId.toUpperCase()); useName.setFont(useName.getFont().deriveFont(15f)); useName.setBounds(0, 3, 200, 20); panFile.add(useName); JPanel createdOn = ... |
30. How to add more components to main panel java-forums.orgHi all, I am posting an SSCE. Please find the image(used in code) attached with this thread. Java Code: import java.awt.BorderLayout; import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.Component; import java.awt.Container; import java.awt.Dimension; import java.awt.event.ActionEvent; import javax.swing.AbstractAction; import javax.swing.AbstractButton; import javax.swing.Action; import javax.swing.BorderFactory; import javax.swing.Icon; import javax.swing.ImageIcon; import javax.swing.JButton; import javax.swing.JFrame; import javax.swing.JLabel; import javax.swing.JPanel; import javax.swing.UIManager; public class CreateWindow { public CreateWindow(String module, String ... |
31. How to place components on JPanel java-forums.orgYou may get better help if you post your code since that way we can see what you are doing right and what you are doing wrong. For instance, I would assume that you are adding components to a JPanel that uses the "null" layout (myPanel.setLayout(null);), but I could be wrong. You could have left the JPanel's layout alone, and thus ... |
32. Cannot add component to JPanel java-forums.orgThe answer for a JButton is to use an ActionListener, but you would have found this out quicker than waiting for a forum reply if you had just peeked at the Swing tutorials mentioned by Darryl. Please feel free to show some effort. Also based on the code you've posted, I doubt anyone will be able to help you since it ... |
33. [SOLVED] accessing JPanel.add components java-forums.orgHmm, this is somewhat useful. But how would i go about setting the text of the textfield (after creation) for example? *edit* I see now, i simply access the textField and the information on it is changed. I was confused because i had created an array of panels containing the components, but i think i'll need an array of text fields ... |
34. Components Not Showing In JPanel forums.oracle.com |
35. JPanel components access by name forums.oracle.comWhat you call a "name" here isn't the name of an object at all, it's just the name of a reference to an object. The JPanel doesn't know that the checkbox is "called" chbAvailable. In general, Java objects don't have names. Luckily, Swing and AWT components do - see the getName/setName methods. So you can indeed set the name of that ... |
36. get back component from JPanel forums.oracle.com |