Background « JPanel « Java Swing Q&A

1. How do you effectively add components to a swing panel with a background image?

I have a JPanel onto which I'm trying to add some buttons. I have a bitmap background image onto which I'm supposed to draw the buttons. I have images ...

2. Paint background of JPanel

How can I tell the paint method to draw background on JPanel only and not on the entire JFrame. My JFrame size is bigger than the JPanel. When I try to paint ...

3. JPanel with background image, with other panels overlayed

I want to have a JPanel which uses an image as a background, with this I want to add new panels to this panels so that they sit on top ...

4. Java Swing - Background of a JPanel

I want to design a JPanel which should have the color coding as shown in the following diagram: How can I code the colors of a JPanel. What I think ...

5. JPanel background image

This is my code, it indeed finds the image so that is not my concern, my concern is how to make that image be the background of the panel. I'm trying ...

6. Is there a Swing JPanel toolbar background that fits all OSs?

I'm using a JToolBar to have a toolbar on my application, but I don't like the look of it. Actually, there's basically no look, no background and the buttons are flat ...

7. JPanel with image background

How to put image background on JPANEL?

JPanel pDraw = new JPanel(new GridLayout(ROWS,COLS,2,2)); 
pDraw.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(600,600)); //size of the JPanel
pDraw.setBackground(Color.RED); //How can I change the background from red color to image?

8. How to display an image as a background on a JPanel

I have problem with displaying the image on JPanel when I rescaled the image according to the size of the JPanel. The image did not appear.

   public class ...

9. JPanel with a background image

I have the following code:

class ImagePanel extends JPanel {

          private Image img;

          public ...

10. Java Swing - Globally Change Panels to Have Pink Background

I know that you can change the overall look and feel of an application by setting the "look and Feel". Is there a way to globally change components without writing ...

11. Background image Jpanels

How do I add a background image I want to replace the greyish background with a image in a easy way to my code, I have tried multiple ways but I ...

12. Adding a background image to a panel containing other components

I have a login form in Java panel, with user name / password fields. I would like to add a background image below this login-form. What is the best way to achieve this? Extra ...

14. image as background for a jpanel

hey guys I want an Image as a background for a jpanel in order to put button on it .I tried to put an image with jlabel but when I tried ...

15. JPanel Background Image?

BGPanel = new javax.swing.JPanel() { URL ImgURL = getClass().getResource("/Images/BG.png"); Toolkit TK = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit(); Image Img = TK.getImage(ImgURL); protected void paintComponent(Graphics g) { g.drawImage(Img, 1, 1, null); super.paintComponent(g); ...

16. Auto Reply: JPanel Background Image?

I will be on vacation from 17-26 August. For any support issues please file an iSupport ticket For other questions please contact John Farey and/or Jack Gibbons.

17. JPanel background image

18. How to put image as background image in JPanel.

Thanks for the suggestion.I managed to do that. This is what I have done public void paintComponent(Graphics g) { super.paintComponent(g); Dimension size = getSize(); int x; int y; /* If we want to place at center of Panel x = (size.width - imageW) / 2; y = (size.height - imageH) / 2; g.drawImage(image, x, y, imageW, imageH, getBackground(), this); */ /* ...

20. How change background of JPanel?

22. how to make an image my jpanel background

import javax.swing.*; import java.awt.*; class Testing extends JFrame { public Testing() { setSize(300,300); setLocation(400,300); setDefaultCloseOperation(EXIT_ON_CLOSE); BackgroundPanel bp = new BackgroundPanel(); bp.add(new JButton("Button")); getContentPane().add(bp); } public static void main(String[] args) {new Testing().setVisible(true);} } class BackgroundPanel extends JPanel { Image img; public BackgroundPanel() { try { img ="Test.gif"), "Test.gif")); } catch(Exception e){/*handled in paintComponent()*/} } public void paintComponent(Graphics g) { if(img ...

23. jframe and jpanel background

24. Background image in JPanel

I'm using eclipse 3, and at a given point i've this code - that was suposed to display a background image (yes the jpg does exist at given path): private JPanel getJPanelCv() { if (jPanelCv == null) { ... jLabelNomeCv.setText("Nome da Conveno"); ... jPanelCv = new JPanel() { public void paintComponent(Graphics g) { super.paintComponent(g); /* Color amarelo = new Color(255,255,210); Color ...

25. image as background to jpanel

27. percentage based background scheme for a JPanel

Hi, my requirement is as follows, I would like to associate a JPanel with a value. This is in a visual way. For that the idea i had in mind is to have half of the JPanel set with a colour if the value is 50%, 1/4th set if value is 25% and so on. These are small JPanels grouped together ...

28. jPanel background image help!

Hi, i have a simple applet with two jPanel components. I use the first one to display a background image for the whole applet, and is working quite nicely. Inside this jPanel i have some buttons, labels, jTable, etc. and all is working fine. The problem is that i have a secondary jPanel in which i also need to display an ...

29. how to make an image my jpanel background

You can do this programatically. Here is an example code... Panel will draw the image as a backgroung if it is not null: private class ImagingPanel extends JPanel { public ImagingPanel() { super(null); } public void paintComponent(Graphics g) { super.paintComponent(g); if (backgroundImage != null) { g.drawImage(backgroundImage, 0, 0, backgroundImage.getWidth(null), backgroundImage.getHeight(null), null); } } }

30. background image on JPanel

Ok, that got the image there, thanks. The only problem is that the image is tiny and misplaced. I was expecting it to take up the entire background. Here is a snipet of the code: import java.awt.* ; import java.awt.event.* ; import javax.swing.* ; class AutoHistory extends JFrame implements ItemListener, ActionListener { JPanel pnl = new JPanel() ; String[] vehicles = ...

31. What the heck!? JPanel background problem - weird!

Ok, so I got the background image working on my first window, then I went to add it to a second window and the weirdest thing happened. Two different applications (one called by the other), two different images (different names), but both windows display the same image. Here's the code: First application: class BackgroundPanel extends JPanel { Image image; public BackgroundPanel(int ...

32. problem relating to jpanel background image

import java.awt.Dimension; import java.awt.Graphics; import java.awt.Image; import javax.swing.ImageIcon; import javax.swing.JFrame; import javax.swing.JPanel; public class test_panel_BGimage { public static void main(String[] args) { ImagePanel panel = new ImagePanel(new ImageIcon("images/Penguins.jpg").getImage()); JFrame frame = new JFrame(); frame.getContentPane().add(panel); frame.pack(); frame.setVisible(true); } } class ImagePanel extends JPanel { private Image img; public ImagePanel(String img) { this(new ImageIcon(img).getImage()); } public ImagePanel(Image img) { this.img = img; Dimension ...

33. add background image in JPANEL

34. background image in JPanel or JFrame

Perhaps you might find this surprising, but since Java was invented over a decade ago, you are not the first person to ask this question. In fact you aren't even close to being first. If you use the google keywords "jpanel background image" you will find numerous examples. (Not to mention numerous other posts from people who didn't search before posting!) ...

35. Change JPanel background after its been set once

import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.GridLayout; import javax.swing.JApplet; import javax.swing.JButton; public class NewJApplet extends JApplet { public void init() { setLayout(new GridLayout(3, 2)); PaintPanel p11 = new PaintPanel(); PaintPanel p21 = new PaintPanel(); PaintPanel p12 = new PaintPanel(); PaintPanel p22 = new PaintPanel(); JButton reset = new JButton("Reset"); JButton quit = new JButton("Quit"); add(p11); add(p21); add(p12); add(p22); add(reset); add(quit); p11.setBackground(Color.BLUE); p11.repaint(); repaint(); } ...

36. change panel background at runtime

Please help me. I want to change my panel background at runtime but the image isn't show directly. this is my snippet code: public class GpanelBack extends JPanel { private Image image; public GpanelBack() { image = new ImageIcon("last/back.jpg").getImage(); } public void setImgBack() { image = new ImageIcon("last/back.jpg").getImage(); repaint(); } @Override protected void paintComponent(Graphics g) { super.paintComponent(g); Graphics2D gd = (Graphics2D) ...

37. JPanel with background image

Hello, i want to make a JPanel with a background image, but i cant do it. Im using eclipse for ide, and i dont know how to import images to eclipse and then show in a program in a JPanel or a ImageIcon. Can anyone helpme to import the images to eclipse and a litle source code for display it. Thanks ...

38. Cant get my background image to cover the whole panel

Cant get my background image to cover the whole panel So basically I want my picture to take up the whole panel and labels and such placed on the image. So far my image only appears behind the labels/textfields/etc., but does not cover the whole panel as I want it to. I have looked all over the internet and ...

39. how to put a background image in a JPanel

hi. this is my code for the startMenu of my memory game. how can i put a backgroundimage in this? thank you Java Code: import java.lang.*; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import java.util.*; import javax.swing.*; import javax.swing.event.*; //import static java.util.Collections.*; class GameInterface extends JFrame implements ActionListener{ private JButton startBtn, exitBtn, howtoBtn, scoreBtn, levelBtn; private JPanel wholeMenuPanel, firstMenuPanel, secondMenuPanel; private JLabel welcomeLabel, nameLabel; ...

40. jpanel background -java

41. tiled background on jpanel

42. JPanel with background image.

43. JPanel background problem

44. What is the best way to draw on JPanel in a background.

Java AWT/Swing GUI code uses their own special thread called EDT(event dispatch thread) and the Graphics object is only viable when the component's painting is in progress(in the paint() or paintComponent() method or in the code called from them). Besides, after all, if it takes time it should take time. You should make a separate thread for your main app task ...

45. setting a jpanel as a background image

The trouble with subclassing like that is what if elsewhere you want a bakground image on your JTable's JViewport? On you JDesktopPane? Etc? The op wanted a JPanel that has a background image. Hence the subclass solution. I didn't have a good look at the link you posted, but if it provides a better/more general solution, then I suggest the op ...