Value « JOptionPane « Java Swing Q&A

1. Get the return value of JOptionPane

My JOptionPane code is as follows:

selectedSiteName = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Enter the name of the new site:");
This renders out an input with a textbox and an OK and Cancel button. I need to detect ...

2. JOptionPane get value ?

3. How does JOptionPane return the proper value?

GUI programs such as those written with Swing are generally "event-driven", meaning that the code the programmer writes gets called by some framework based on events that happen outside the program. In the case of a GUI program, the events are things that the end-user does. In Swing, these are generally "listeners" of whatever kind: action listeners, keypress listeners, etc., etc. ...

4. Methods, JOptionPane, Return Values

Hey all, Basically i've written a program that uses 4 methods which are invoked by the main method, these methods are getInt, getDoub, getString and outputDialog. the first 3 methods use input JOptionPane and then return the values of type int, double and string. The fourth method is where i'm having difficulty, i want to display the returned values in a ...

5. unable to return values in joptionpane