Print « JOptionPane « Java Swing Q&A

1. print matrix in dialog box

I'm having a little difficulty to print a matrix array on dialog box. The matrix is integer and as far as i understood i need to change it into string? anyway, here's the ...

2. How to print JOptionPane

I am just trying to print something like JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( null, "Your number is", + result, JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE); The output should be something like this: Your number is 5 It is greater than 3 This is a logical calculation The above output, 5 is the +result.( depend on what user enter ) I have sorted the computing part. So it can be 6,7,8..... ...

3. Trying to print a list using JOptionPane

I am very new to Java and programming, so please forgive me if this should be apparent. I wrote a program for school which was for ordering pizzas. I wrote it as a console program and after much frustration it finally worked. Now I am trying to change it to a GUI program using JOptionPane. I was hoping that since I ...