Loop « JOptionPane « Java Swing Q&A

1. How do i go about writing a loop thats supposed to be boolean yet the answer can be an integer using JOptionPane?    stackoverflow.com

How do i go about writing a loop thats supposed to be boolean yet the answer can be an integer using JOptionPane?

  • boolean promptMenu( int menu )
    • This will represent the core of ...

2. JOptionPane or better solution    stackoverflow.com

I would ask something about my project. I have a Java program that connects to a website through a Connection class that takes as parameter an int. This class has only a ...

3. JOptionPane and do-while loops    forums.oracle.com

frostysmooth wrote: I for the life of me cannot seem to figure out how to get the validate loops (item 1, 2) to even run without errors...so I took them out, but I would like to have this in there...obviously. I am just not used to parsing strings and such so I am unsure how to take this into account for ...

4. JOptionPane self-looping    forums.oracle.com

I have a real problem using JOptionPane, but it's the only reliable Applet input I know of. As said in the subject, it's looping itself every time I call it. A sample of the code where it starts looping is below: passA = Integer.parseInt(JOP.showInputDialog("Input 1st 4 numbers of your password.","0000")); I've got that basically repeated 15 more times for passB/2nd 4 ...

5. JOptionPane.showMessage in a while loop    forums.oracle.com