Input « JOptionPane « Java Swing Q&A

1. Is there a multiple input JOptionPane in Java?

I was wondering if there is a JOptionPane where you can get multiple inputs from a user instead of just one? If not, how could i accomplish this using some type ...

2. JOptionPane equivalent in C#?

In Java there's a useful class in the standard Swing libraries called 'JOptionPane' that provides a bunch of pre-made but customizable windows for displaying messages and getting (simple) user input. I know ...

3. JOptionPane customize input

All I want to do is have a JOptionPane inputDialog with a JTextArea instead of a JTextField.
I tried putting the JTextArea inside of the Message parameter like so

Object[] inputText = new ...

4. JOptionPane Input to int

I am trying to make a JOptionPane get an input and assign it to an int but I am getting some problems with the variable types. I am trying something like this:

Int ...

5. How to make an input form in java code (NOT Netbeans using JForm)?

Hi I want to make an input form so that the user can enter details in java code. Something like this : alt text


import java.awt.GridLayout;
import javax.swing.*;

class JOptionPaneTest {

public static void ...

6. using JOptionPane to receive user's input

This is my original code that prompt the user to enter the file name. However, the user have to write inside the console in order to work.

BufferedReader bf = new BufferedReader(new ...

7. Java application: Getting input before running

public class checkUsernames extends JFrame {
private static JTextArea textArea1;
private static JButton button1;
private static JScrollPane scrollPane1;
private static JTextField textField1;
private static JPasswordField passwordField1;
private static JLabel label3;
private static JButton button2;
private static JLabel label1;
private static ...

8. Multiple input in JOptionPane.showInputDialog

Is there a way to create multiple input in JOptionPane.showInputDialog instead of just one input?

9. Several input fields with JOptionPane?

I wonder if it's possible to have several input fields i the JOptionPane in Java, instead of one like in the code below?

String info = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Name?");

10. Printing Result based on Input from JOptionPane

I am student, trying to finish a homework lab. Right now I am struggling to use the input from JOptionPane to display the results based on the input. There are two ...

11. JOptionPane Input Dialog

Can someone enlighten me on java? The code below is just using JOptionPane and more on inputdialog box for getting data on the user. Concept: First option is to select transaction then if ...

12. JOptionPane errors with 0 length input

13. JOptionPane errors with 0 length input

15. JOptionPane Input Dialog is blank

Hi, I'm hoping that A) this is the right form and B) this is not a duplicate question. I didn't find anything exactly like it in a search. Anyway, I'm new to Java and working on examples inmy schoolbook. When I run the code below, I get a blank window titled "Input". My only options are to Enter through the inputs, ...

16. reading the user input from JOptionPane.showInputDialog

This use to be homework. I already did the assignment part now I want to try to expand it to make it even more user friendly. I have a basic GUI 4 buttons and a TextArea when the user clicks the button My showinputdialog comes up with a question. whose balance would you like to view. or whose interest would you ...

17. JOptionPane Input Dialog

18. about JOptionPane input values?

19. empty input with JOptionPane (how to catch it ?)..

Hi all, I have a question, i have a program where the user creates a box or more boxes, and they are saved during runtime only, in an Array.(that was how i had to write it for a project.). no matter where in the program if i use an input dialog like---> id=Integer.parseInt(JOptionPane.showInputDialog(null, "Please enter the id to edit", "edit id" ...

20. JOptionPane.showInputDialog to accept multiple inputs

JTextField field1 = new JTextField(); JTextField field2 = new JTextField(); JTextField field3 = new JTextField(); JTextField field4 = new JTextField(); JTextField field5 = new JTextField(); Object[] message = { "Input value 1:", field1, "Input value 2:", field2, "Input value 3:", field3, "Input value 4:", field4, "Input value 5:", field5, }; int option = JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog(parent, message, "Enter all your values", JOptionPane.OK_CANCEL_OPTION); if ...

21. Input JOptionPane

import javax.swing.*; public class additiontutor { public static void main(String args[]) { int number1 = (int)(System.currentTimeMillis() % 10); int number2 = (int)(System.currentTimeMillis() * 7 % 10); String answerString = JOptionPane.showInputDialog ("What is " + number1 + " + " + number2 + "?"); int answer = Integer.parseInt(answerString); JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, number1 + " + " + number2 + " = " + answer ...

22. Converting Scanner input to JOptionPane

Java Code: import javax.swing.JOptionPane; import java.util.Scanner; public class DriverExam { public static void main(String[] args) { // accept keyboard input Scanner keyboard = new Scanner(; System.out.println("Enter your answers below.\n"); char[] answers = new char[20]; // request an answer for each question for(int i = 0; i < answers.length; i++) { // get input until input is valid char input; do { ...

23. JOptionPane canceling input

24. JOptionPane creating error message for invalid input

Your check for null value won't work. If you look at the Java API documentation of Integer.parseInt method, you'll see that, in case the given string cannot be parsed into an Integer, a certain run-time exception is thrown. In order to solve your problem, you should surround the parseInt command with try-catch block to catch the exception. To find out what ...

25. need help with JOptionPane input

I'm in my first programming class and for our assignment I need to make a program that will take in any number of scores and average them for the user. I need a new Pane for each score and the input of -1 to stop the program. I am thoroughly lost, with no help from my book can someone help me ...

28. JOptionPane with multiple inputs

29. JOptionPane Duel Input

A simple way is to use two JOptionPanes, one to get the care make, the other to get the model. A more complex way is what you show: have them enter the data once and then try to parse the information, but this is fraught with potential errors as they have to enter stuff just so. A better way (I thinks) ...

30. Multiple Inputs within One JOptionPane

I'm trying to right a fairly basic 'number match' program. The user will end up entering 6 numbers total, I feel it would be easier on the user if I could setup one window in which he could enter in all the information and then store it into an array. I feel certain that there is a way to do this, ...

31. Need help developing JOptionPane input

32. getting Input from a JOptionPane

33. input interger with JOptionPane

34. Taking input via JOptionPane