Event « JOptionPane « Java Swing Q&A

1. Why JOptionPane prevents ActionListener on JButton?    stackoverflow.com


import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;

import javax.swing.*;

public class PreventingButtonListener extends JFrame implements ActionListener{

    JTextField fld = new JTextField(5) ;

     super("PreventingButtonListener") ;

2. How can I put an actionlistener to the OK button of JOptionpane.showInputDialog?    stackoverflow.com

I have a showInputDialog. Whenever I type something to that field, I want it to be save as textfile when I click the ok button. My problem is I don't know ...

3. Why does my JFrame GUI program give a runtime error?    stackoverflow.com

Basically I have a GUI that inherits from the JFrame class and has its own main method. It gives the error

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException
    at MilesPerGallonApp.buildPanel(MilesPerGallonApp.java:33)

4. Event handling with JOptionPane    coderanch.com

5. need help with adding event listener to JOptionPane    forums.oracle.com

Is there such a thing as a button without a listener? I suppose if you just wanted a button to be there for looks, but I never heard of a button without a listner. I supose with radio buttons you could just poll the button for its value, but that would be a really bad design. JSG

6. How to Handle Events for JOptionPane buttons?    forums.oracle.com

Hi All, I need a help... I am trying to develop a simple SWING application that consists of multiple elements (mainly text fields) and a Submit button. On pressing Submit button, it should validate all the fields and then do something else. But if some fields are left blank, then it should give a pop-up message and on clicking the OK ...