Update « JList « Java Swing Q&A

1. Java Swing Updating JList    stackoverflow.com

I'd like to know if there is any way that I can update a Jlist after the user adds or removes an item to it and after a user sorts it. ...

2. How can I update my JList without running that frame again?    stackoverflow.com

I have a main frame that has a list and "add" button. When I click on the 'add' button, one frame will be shown that I can enter name, family and ...

3. Occational updating of JList on button press    stackoverflow.com

I was trying to update the contents of a JList when a button was pressed. So, I cleared the list model, then cleared the list and then proceeded to add new ...

4. Problem when updating a JList    stackoverflow.com

I'm having a poblem with my project, basically its a small app that stores synonyms. I have 2 JPanels populated with two JLists, one for the list of words and one with ...

5. How update JList in java Chat    stackoverflow.com

am sorry, i have a problem here, believe me i have tried as much as i can. but unfortunately couldn't get the back of it, before thinking of posting for help. ...

6. Updating a JList    coderanch.com

7. How can I update the a JList?    coderanch.com

It would help to see your code. With a "JList", you can call the "setListData()" method with a Vector and it will construct a new List model for you behind the scenes. This replaces the model what was active. So every time the vector changes you need to re-build the List. Alternately you can call the "getModel()" method, cast it as ...

8. Updating JList Components    coderanch.com

Hi, I have a JProgressBar on a JPanel as a JList component. the JList component is supposed to make the JProgressbar advance, but it doesn't happen. I can't seem to find where I should listen for changes or update. here is an example of this. When making a main method for ManagerIndex that creates a JFrame with the components it gets ...

9. Update JList inside JPanel    coderanch.com

10. updating jlists    coderanch.com

11. updating custom JList    coderanch.com

12. How to update JList    coderanch.com

I am doing Help page.A Text is entered in textfield and on pressing search button, it searches the text in HTML document & adds HTML document name to jlist. // public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent arg0) { if ("search".equals(arg0.getActionCommand())){ bResetFlag= false; objSearch = new SearchContent(); word = textField.getText().trim(); listMatchFound = new JList(listModel); System.out.println("Searching........" + word); String[] strSearchFile = getFilepath(); for(int j = 0; ...

13. best way to update a JList    coderanch.com

Hi, I have an app I'm working on that reads an xml file, creates a map of objects, I then use the map to populate the list. I have a search window that I want to use to narrow the list; when a user enters a character, I have a method that loops through the list, looks for that string, and ...

14. Updating jList with Object after adding (solved)    coderanch.com

[edit: Solved the problem, this can be deleted) Hello again guys, so this is the scenario: I have a list jList1. I want this to be a list of Songs (another object). When I add a song to jList1, I want jList1 to display the song object. Simple eh? The list should initially be blank. mt contains the method addSong(x,x,x), this ...

15. help with updating a JList    coderanch.com

Hi All For my first java project, I'm attempting to develop my own instant messenger type program. I have my client and server sockets set up ok and the server can accept multiple clients. My next step is to try and send private messages to selected clients. What I am trying to do is when a client connects to the server, ...

16. Update JScrollPane content (JList)    coderanch.com

Hi, im having a problem doing this, ive been searching but didnt find something useful so i ask you... I have some JScrollPane and when someone click a button i want to change the contents of the JScrollPane Here comes some code: private JList sensorList,actuatorList,sectionList; private ListSelectionModel listSensorSelectionModel, listActuatorSelectionModel, listSectionSelectionModel; private JScrollPane sensorListScroller, actuatorListScroller, sectionListScroller; listaSecciones.setSelectionMode(ListSelectionModel.SINGLE_SELECTION); sectionList.setLayoutOrientation(JList.VERTICAL); sectionList.setVisibleRowCount(-1); listSectionSelectionModel = sectionList.getSelectionModel(); ...

17. JList selection updates JButton text    coderanch.com

18. JList not showing updated values    coderanch.com

19. update a JList based on an Array    coderanch.com

new problem. I'm trying to update a JList based on an Array created from class ServerCore, specifically i'm setting array strings in the hope it will be updated by the JList, at the moment the JList stays static. Is there a way i can send Array bought to the JList and update it that way, just the when i customise my ...

20. Cannot get my JList to update!    java-forums.org

Hello! I have a problem where my JList not updates after i have writen in new data in another GUI. This is the construction! WorkSiteFunc Handles data that should be displayed with the GUI all data that the GUI is viewing is get from here with the getAllData(). WorkSiteGUI This shows a JList in a JScrollPane and some JButtons. One of ...

21. How to stop a JList from firing events when contents is updated?    java-forums.org

Hi all, I'm currently trying to solve a problem with a JList. I've got an actionPerformed event applied to the JList (also tried the item updated event but it has the same effect), and whenever this event is fired, (i.e. the user makes a selection), something happens. Now, the problem is that when the list is being populated, it seems to ...

22. How To Listen for JList Events to Update Dataset in JFC    jfree.org

How To Listen for JList Events to Update Dataset in JFC by louiebagz Thu Jul 05, 2007 9:55 am Hi guys, I'm a newbie in JFreeChart, I have a created a Java Program that has 2 panels. The left panel is a JList, while the right panel is a chart created from JFreeChart. I have read in the forums about ...

23. Updating a JList    forums.oracle.com

I have this problem with a project I am making. I am making a chat program and I am now working on the client. The client has a friend list with all his contacts. He can get a friend request when he is online. This has all been programmed without a problem but when I accept a new Friend request I ...

24. Why won't my JList update?    forums.oracle.com

My JList is first dimensioned to an array with 100 elements in it but then in a function i set it to null and then I set it to a different array with a smaller amount of elements. Then i call repaint() to refresh the pane but it still doesn't change anything. The JList on my pane still shows the items ...

25. Updating a Jlist    forums.oracle.com

Im currently stuck on my lab exercise on Jlist. I am having proble trying to up date my Jlist half way through and update the Jpanel. I have look through the API and the web and got this: list1 is a Jlist int index=list1.getSelectedIndex(); if(index==0) { list1.remove(index); String question= JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Enter new text"); index.insertElementAt(question, index); } its coming up 'int cannot be ...

26. Update JPanel depending on JList.getSelectedIndex()    forums.oracle.com

Hello all. I'm trying to update a JPanel(1) that I have in a JPanel(2) embedded in a JSplitPane. I have a JList in another object within the program and each value of that list represents something to show in the first JPanel(1) . I want to update the JPanel(1) to reflect the new state of the JList whenever it is changed. ...

27. Jlist filling after showing and updating    forums.oracle.com

Hey guys, I have a 2 little problem.... Will try to explain it as clearly as possible. I have a Jlist, and after the Jlist is visible I click on a button to do some calculations, these results have to be displayed then In the Jlist that is alreay printed. So the main question is, how can I display something and ...

28. cannot update the JList    forums.oracle.com

29. JList Text update problem    forums.oracle.com

Swing related questions should be posted in the Swing forum. When you change the model by adding or removing and element from the model, the list will be repainted automatically. If you change an item in the model, the model does not know it has been changed so it can't notify the list that a change has been made. So you ...

30. Problems updating JList    forums.oracle.com

Thanks a lot for your swift response, sabre. I changed it slightly and put it in the invokeLater method as a thread ( ? - I have to read up on all this swing stuff ) and it already seems to update perfectly. At least, I haven't seen any blank lists after many nickname changes where the old list would surely ...