Binding « JList « Java Swing Q&A

1. Swing JList binding questions

I have a JList which i want to use to display a list a caches that are added in from another form, I've got this working and I want to be ...

2. Java updating JList using BeanBinding Netbeans

I have this JList (say MyList) in a JFrame. Im using Netbeans6 GUI builder and I've set a binding for this list. When run, the binding works fine, and MyList is populated ...

3. How List binding to JList?

I have Jlist. I need binding info from List<MyType> Mytype

public class MyType {

    String _title = "";
    String _description = "";

4. Binding a Swing JList into an array

I want to bind a JList in a JScrollPane to an array , whenever the array changes the List changes .

5. how to bind ArrayList to JList

i have a JList and an ArrayList.How to bind the datas in arraylist to the jlist.Are the any alternative methods?

    ArrayList arl = new ArrayList();

6. How to bind a JList to a Bean class property

I tried to bind a JList to a binding class property, Vector. In the binding class, the Vector is updated when a JTextField in UI is updated.

public void setName(String name) ...

7. How to bind to a JList and have "selected element" update

I am trying to use Matisse to bind a JList to some Java object. A simple example is that I bind lists "elements" to a List and lists "selectedElement" to a ...

9. JList selected Elements binding

Hi all, Need help for binding JList selected elements to table. Below is a code snippet. public class NewJFrame extends javax.swing.JFrame { /** Creates new form NewJFrame */ public NewJFrame() { initComponents(); } private void initComponents() { bindingGroup = new org.jdesktop.beansbinding.BindingGroup(); abcPUEntityManager = java.beans.Beans.isDesignTime() ? null : javax.persistence.Persistence.createEntityManagerFactory("abcPU").createEntityManager(); masterQuery = java.beans.Beans.isDesignTime() ? null : abcPUEntityManager.createQuery("SELECT m FROM Master m"); masterList = ...