Update « JLabel « Java Swing Q&A

1. only mouse clicked event of jlabel update jlabel text property properly    stackoverflow.com

i am using a java thread to update jlabel text value in my application but after it updated text on jlabel jlabel showing all past updated values and new value periodically in order ...

2. How to update JLabel in Swing?    stackoverflow.com

I am trying to use Swing Timer and I wanted to start from a very simple program. I have a window with text: "You have n seconds", where n changes from ...

3. How to update a label to make it display new text?    stackoverflow.com

I am making an application in netbeans and want to have a status label that tells what is going on in the program at any given moment. There is a ton ...

4. Java JTabbedPane, update others tab JLabel value?    stackoverflow.com

I have 2 JTabbedPane. I am unable to refresh the data. PLease help, here is my code: pane1:

//.. some codes...
// This is the ButtonListener
private class ButtonListener implements ActionListener
    public ...

5. Updating JLabel with value    stackoverflow.com

Each time the user presses a button a counter amountWrongGuessed gets incremented by 1. (works correctly with testing with System.prinln) But how exactly do i get this to update in my label ...

6. Having problem updating JLabel texts; relating to GUI Builder of Netbeans 6.9    stackoverflow.com

I'm having problem updating the texts of JLabels on my GUI in the program attached below. The lblArray appears to be null even though I've assigned each JLabel to corresponding index ...

7. how to put a timer on a JLabel to update itself every second    stackoverflow.com

I created a game and in my swing GUI interface i want to put a timer . The way i do this at the moment is have a field with the ...

8. Updating variables inside labels    stackoverflow.com

 import java.awt.*;
 import java.awt.event.*;
 import javax.swing.*;

 public class TestSwingListeners1 {

    private static int cnt1;
    private static int cnt2;
    public static void ...

9. Update JLabel every X seconds from ArrayList - Java    stackoverflow.com

I have a simple Java program that reads in a text file, splits it by " " (spaces), displays the first word, waits 2 seconds, displays the next... etc... I would ...

10. How to update/modify a JLabel from another JFrame    forums.netbeans.org

Hi I am very new to netbeans and I would like to ask help from you guys. I have a new DesktopApplication named DesktopApplication1 (this is my main program) and a JFrame named NewJFrame that I created by right click>New>JFrame Form. In NewJFrame, I put a jLabel1. Under my DesktopApplication1, I have a jTextField where I can put my name and ...

11. Updating the JLabel    coderanch.com

What David says is correct, but it still won't fix the problem. You should never call sleep(), or perform any other time-consuming operation, in an event handler. While an event handler is running, no other GUI processing -- which includes other event handling and all painting -- can occur. So adding validate() calls would have no effect -- the painting thread ...

12. Updating JLabel    coderanch.com

Hello, Is there a way to update a JLabel continually until the predefined minutes runs down to zero? The JLable would look like this: Time Left: 1 min. 49 sec. Time Left: 1 min. 48 sec. Time Left: 1 min. 47 sec. ect. Can the SwingPropertyChangeListener help? If so, can you point me to an article which explains this thoroughly or ...

13. Find jLabel reference to update (from array of jLabels)    coderanch.com

Hi, I have one form from which I am dynamically creating arrays of jPanels, jButtons & JLabels (number of which unknown until runtime). Each panel has one button and one jlabel on it - all added to the main panel. I have an actionlistener on each jButton so that when pressed it updates the jlabel on its (same) panel. The jlabel ...

14. Update jlabels in array of jpanels    coderanch.com

Hi, I have an array of JPanels, each Jpanel is created in a separate class which extends JPanel, and then added to the main jPanel: jPanelArray[i] = new createJPanel(); jPanelMain.add(jPanelArray[i]); In createJPanel() a jLabel and jButtons are added with an actionlistener on the button. My question is, how do I access and update the jLabel component on each jPanel in the ...

15. Update icon in a JLabel    coderanch.com

you problem could be anything - you would need to post a working sample program that demonstrates the problem, so we can see exactly how you have it put together. one possibility is duplicate declarations for label. i.e. the one you see on the screen is not the one your 'dynamic' code is changing

16. how to update image in JLabel    coderanch.com

17. label text auto update    coderanch.com

You could wrap the array in a wrapper class, and make that class fire events. For instance: class StringArray { private final String[] array; private final PropertyChangeSupport changeSupport; public StringArray(String[] array) { this.array = array; changeSupport = new PropertyChangeSupport(this); } public int length() { return array.length(); } public String get(int index) { return array[index]; } public void set(int index, String value) ...

18. Very new to java: How to update a label    coderanch.com

Hi, I'm stuck on how to update a label. The program I'm creating is a basic snakes and ladders game. I have got as far as generating two random numbers (ie two dice) and giving the user the option of selecting which amount they want to move by. This is done by clicking one of two buttons. The values for each ...

19. Swing text label updates too late    coderanch.com

I'm new to Java and also new to Swing but if this post should be in the Swing forum, please let me know. My program has a class called Gui which extends JFrame. Gui has a panel at the bottom called statusBar which has a label on it called status. Gui has a public method defined as: public void setStatus(String s) ...

20. Updating a JLabel on a JPanel    coderanch.com

I am in need of assistance with regards as to how to update a JLabel on a JPanel - when an array is updated. My main program passes in an arrayList to another JFrame program ( and I am able to confirm that the data in the arrayList has been passed into the program ). However, the jLabels are not being ...

21. Listen to changes to an integer variable to update JLabel    coderanch.com

I am making a quiz program in Swing. On the GUI there is a JLabel which displays the current question number. I have stored this in an integer variable. Now, this number can change when the user presses <> or <> button or clicks New File or Open File on the GUI . I change the display question as follows: private ...

22. Jlabel update problem    java-forums.org

public class roll extends JPanel { //======================================================= instance variables private mydice MYleftDie; // component for one die private JLabel myscore; //============================================================== constructor roll() { //... Create the dice MYleftDie = new mydice(Color.WHITE,Color.BLACK); //this.setLayout(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.LEFT, 10, 10)); //...Create the button to roll the dice JButton rollButton = new JButton("New Roll"); rollButton.setFont(new Font("Sansserif", Font.PLAIN, 24)); //... Add listener. rollButton.addActionListener(new RollListener()); JLabel myscore = ...

23. Update JLabel during loop automatically    java-forums.org

Hello hi...i have a problem and i hope someone in this forums will help me to solve my problem...before i explain in more detail about my problem i will give some briefing about my project and how i suddenly face the problem....i have created a simple mp3 to wav converter, and during my program convert a file, it should show to ...

24. update a jlabel    java-forums.org

Hi I want to update a jlabel when the jframe is runnig for example: I have a server gui and there is label called online and its counter the users online I know how to update it only if I press a button but what I want to do is to update it always when the jframe is running I hope ...

25. update text output (eg. jLabel) during calculations    java-forums.org

Greetings all, Average-experienced in Java here, and relatively new to Swing. I am working on a tool that reads several files of raw data and makes heavy calculations upon pressing an "OK" button. The calculation routine takes a while to complete (may go up to a couple of hours). The final results are output in a jTextArea. My problem is that ...

26. Updating a JLabel from another class.    java-forums.org

import java.io.*; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import javax.swing.*; public class test extends JPanel { private JComboBox sizeCB,CB2; private JLabel hurhur,lala, troll; private String[] size = {"0","1","2","3","4","5"}; private String rofl =""; sample s = new sample(); public test() { sizeCB = new JComboBox(size); sizeCB.setSelectedIndex(0); sizeCB.addActionListener(new sizeListener()); hurhur= new JLabel(""); troll = new JLabel("trololo"); hurhur.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(200,200)); hurhur.setBackground(Color.white); add(new JLabel("hehe")); add(sizeCB); add(hurhur); add(troll); } ...

27. updating a gameBoard (JPanel filled with JLabels)    java-forums.org

Hello again, My GUI is finished and working (ignoring some minor flaws) but my displayBoard method seems to be extremely inefficient. I made this on my desktop PC and I didn't really notice how CPU or memory intensive it was until our french presentation today. A colleague showed the game on his laptop (which wasn't rubbish or old at all and ...

28. jTabbedPane1StateChanged update the jLabel text from another class    java-forums.org

private void jTabbedPane1StateChanged(javax.swing.event.ChangeEvent evt) { int currentTab = jTabbedPane1.getSelectedIndex(); switch(currentTab){ case 0: currtab = 0; new NewJPanel1("Tab1"); break; case 1: currtab = 1; new NewJPanel1("Tab2"); break; case 2: currtab = 2; new NewJPanel1("Tab3"); break; case 3: currtab = 3; new NewJPanel1("Tab4"); break; case 4: currtab = 4; new NewJPanel1("Tab5"); break; } }

29. How to update a JLabel in a GUI    forums.oracle.com

I have this JFrame that contains two panels, where the first panel has an empty JLabel and the second panel has a button "Click me!" If the user clicks on the button "Click me!", it should display a JLabel "You just clicked the button "Click me!" Wow!". So my question is how can I update the JLabel everytime that the user ...

30. Update JLabel Immediately    forums.oracle.com

Hi there, I am trying to update my JLabel immediately. I am processing files in a for loop and updating the JLabel as the loop iterates. The problem is that the label in my GUI does not update immediately, but only when the program has finished doing everything else. Is there a way to update the label/panel immediately? Thanks

31. Updating JLabel problem    forums.oracle.com

32. Updating image of a JLabel    forums.oracle.com

33. JLabel Icon update    forums.oracle.com

im using setIcon(); to set the icon for a JLabel when my application is run. Anyone have any idea how to update the same image icon once a button is pressed?, I have all the ActionListener code, Im just not to sure how to update the icon. The icon is on a JPanel in a Container,

34. updating JLabels    forums.oracle.com

im quite literally kicking myself XD thank you for helping me remember haha WAIT! I am trying that and i keep getting nullpointerexception. what is that and what can i do about it? Edited by: bober911 on Nov 6, 2007 6:50 PM nvm i figured it out Edited by: bober911 on Nov 6, 2007 6:57 PM

36. JLabel not updating text in GUI    forums.oracle.com

also, would the correct way to do this to use a public getter to give Computer the private variable, then call setText on that? it doesnt seem right to use a getter if you want to set the text, that's why i'm using a setter which takes a string argument and passes that to status' setText method. this doesn't seem that ...

37. Updating a JLabel's icon - Urgent!    forums.oracle.com

8. Extensions of Swing components which have UI delegates (including JPanel), should typically invoke super.paintComponent() within their own paintComponent() implementation. Since the UI delegate will take responsibility for clearing the background on opaque components, this will take care of #5. 9. Swing supports built-in double-buffering via the JComponent doubleBuffered property, and it defaults to true for all Swing components, however setting ...