JFrame « JLabel « Java Swing Q&A

1. why isn't my Jlabels or Jpanels showing?    stackoverflow.com

i've added a title to my Jframe, and now its blocked everything else, what have I done??

public class addressbook
public JFrame frame;
public JButton btnadd, btndelete, btnsave, btnprev, btnnext;
public JPanel panel, pTitle;
public JTextField ...

2. Add a component into Jframe or JLabel created by Netbeans    stackoverflow.com

I'm using Netbeans. I use Netbeans to create a Jframe and drag and drop a JLabel to Jframe. I want to add a JLinkButton (I use zfqjava JLinkbutoon) to Jframe and to JLable ...

3. Java JFrame is very strange    stackoverflow.com

When I am running this, JLabel is not visible, but when I resize window (with mouse) JLabel is showed. Why?

import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.*;

public class FrmTaoLogin extends JFrame {

  private JPanel ...

4. Java swing JLabel not showing    stackoverflow.com

On exiting my game, I would like to show an "exitscreen". The exitscreen.gif is in the folder, and works fine, but for some reason, only the blank frame shows with this:

JPanel ...

5. Whats wrong with this Java code - JLabel doesn't show in JPanel (JFrames)?    stackoverflow.com

The relevent parts of this code causing the problem are in between the ------------ dashes....

import javax.swing.JFrame;
import javax.swing.JPanel;
import java.awt.BorderLayout;
import javax.swing.JLabel;
import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.GridLayout;
import javax.swing.JButton;
import java.awt.event.ActionListener;
import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
import java.awt.*;

public class Game3 extends JFrame implements ActionListener ...

6. implementing jlabel by codes in an automated jFrame in netbeans 6.9    stackoverflow.com

Hi i'm new with java swing,i try a lot and do a lot of search but in vain.i want to display a jlabel(not by drag n drop but with codes) on an ...

7. JLabel setLocation not working?    stackoverflow.com

Here is the code I have written:

super("Add contact");

setLayout(new FlowLayout());
IPAddress = new JLabel("IP Address");
IPAddress.setLocation(1000, 100);

ImageIcon ii=new ImageIcon(getClass().getResource("Add.png"));
JLabel image = new JLabel(ii);
image.setSize(100, 100);
image.setLocation(500, 100);

8. adding more labels in java    stackoverflow.com

Hello fellow programmers! I'm trying to add two JLabel to JFrame but the second add method that added the label seems to have overwritten my first add method. I tried solving ...

10. JPanel vs. JFrame - Problem with labels    coderanch.com

I am not exactly sure what is the difference between JFrame and JPanel. I have a class which extends JFrame (for me that means everything will be place in JFrame): public class ChipherTextGeneratorView extends JFrame { // GUI components private JLabel labelPlainText = new JLabel(); private JTextField plainText = new JTextField(500); private JLabel labelKey = new JLabel(); private JTextField keyText = ...

11. [SOLVED] Adding JLabel to JFrame    java-forums.org

[SOLVED] Adding JLabel to JFrame This is s program that allows a user to draw shapes by inputting the specifications(size, location, color etc). The user can select a shape and edit or delete it after creating it. I created JLabels and added MouseListeners to them. These JLabels are created when the main program runs but they are not shown ...

12. why are the jlabels not showing in different parts of the jframe    forums.oracle.com

thanks for that it seems to work i am playing around with it a bit so can learn. i know you say read the api and use book. i do i just get stuck on the books and then ask for help isn't that what this forum is for, help when you are trying but struggle.anyway i tried to put it ...

13. Learning Swing - Can't get JLabel to appear in JFrame    forums.oracle.com

I'm pretty much done, I'm just having issues getting the output from the first JFrame to appear in the second JFrame. When I create a new JFrame, the title I specify appears, but the normal syntax for a JLabel just isn't working and I'm not sure why. I suspect it has something to do with the general structure of my program ...