1. Icons between text in a jlabel using graphics stackoverflow.comhow to paint multiple icons (ie., say icons between text) in jlabel using graphics? plz do assist me in this effort Thanks |
2. How to change icon of a JLabel? stackoverflow.comI have a jlabel to show a generated image. But it only works the first time. After that, imageicon of the jlabel does not change. What could be the problem? |
3. Add and remove an icon on a JLabel stackoverflow.comhi i have a label that i have set a icon for it, i want to remove this icon after clicking on a button, what is the method for it? |
4. Netbeans JLabel Icon/Text Does not Display when Project is Built stackoverflow.comin Netbeans, I am using Jlabels to display images and text within a JFrame. The Jlabels display correctly in the IDE, but when I run or build the project, some of ... |
5. How to right-justify icon in a JLabel? stackoverflow.comFor a JLabel with icon, if you |
6. change all the label icon in a panel (solved) stackoverflow.comI have a panel with several JLabel, I would like to change all their Icon,
7. I can't get my icon to show up in my JLabel swing component stackoverflow.comI am a first time user of Stackoverflow, so please bare with me. Below is the java Swing code to place a icon in a JLabel Swing component.
8. JFileChooser missing labels under icons in left side panel stackoverflow.comDoes anyone know how to get the "Desktop", "My Documents" etc labels to appearing in a JFileChooser using windows look and feel & jnlp.
9. Resizing JLabel smaller than its icon? stackoverflow.comI'm using a JPanel containing a JLabel with an icon. I'm using a ComponentAdapter on the JLabel to request a correctly sized thumbnail from the controller (using MVC pattern) when the ... |
10. How would I get the text of a JLabel (with an icon) explaining what the label is by hovering over the label? stackoverflow.comI want to see the text of JLabel when I hover over the label. The text explains what the label does in detail. |
11. JPanel or JLabel seem to be creating two labels instead of one for each object? stackoverflow.comPlease excuse me if this is a very simple solution or stupid mistake - this is my first time attempting to implement graphics in Java! :) I'm attempting to make a board ... |
12. Set JLabel icon in Synth xml stackoverflow.comI am trying to set the icon for a JLabel in a synth xml file but it does not display. I have tried to set both the defaultIcon and icon properties ... |
13. Two icons in a JLabel? stackoverflow.comI have an icon in a JLabel as shown below:
14. Null Pointer Excepiton using an icon in JLabel in Netbeans IDE forums.netbeans.orgjohnholland2 Joined: 04 Nov 2010 Posts: 2 Posted: Thu Nov 04, 2010 5:38 pm Post subject: Null Pointer Excepiton using an icon in JLabel in Netbeans IDE Hi there, I am new to Java and the Netbeans IDE. I am getting the following stack trace when I try to run a file from within the IDE (6.9.1). Exception ... |
15. Baffled re. rezing jLabel icon in "Customize Code" forums.netbeans.orgPosted: Tue Dec 20, 2011 5:57 pm Post subject: Baffled re. rezing jLabel icon in "Customize Code" I'm new to Java and new to NetBeans. I've been reading other posts about resizing icons -- seems this is not a unique problem. -- The problem I'm having is that, when I try to paste in the snippets of code ... |
16. Icons and labels? coderanch.comAnd the mystery of "where is your code?" has been revealed. I'm posting it below... public class LabelTester extends JFrame { private JLabel label1, label2, label3, label4; public LabelTester() { super( "Testing JLabel" ); Container c = getContentPane(); c.setLayout( new FlowLayout() ); label1 = new JLabel( "Label with text." ); label1.setToolTipText( "This is label1" ); c.add( label1 ); Icon bug = ... |
17. Icons and a Label coderanch.comCan anyone tell my why my icon isn't showing up? I have the .gif file copied to the main directory, the class directory, and the src directory (just to be safe). I thought that I only needed th .gif in the .class folder (the same directory the program is running from). Anyway, all I see is test with no icons. public ... |
18. Rendering Labels with icons coderanch.comThe default render is a subclass of JLabel, so you can use JLabel methods to alter its look, like it's alignment properties. One thing I've found handy for aligning is to use an empty icon to preserve alignments: import java.awt.*; import java.net.*; import javax.swing.*; import javax.swing.table.*; class ExampleObject { public String string; public Boolean flag; public ExampleObject(String string, Boolean flag) {this.string ... |
19. Display arrow button over label icon on focus coderanch.comimport java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import java.awt.geom.AffineTransform; import java.awt.image.BufferedImage; import java.io.*; import java.util.EventObject; import javax.swing.*; import javax.swing.event.MouseInputAdapter; import javax.swing.table.*; public class Rollover { RolloverEditor rolloverEditor; private JScrollPane getTableComponent(BufferedImage[] images) { String[] colIds = { "column 1", "column 2", "column 3", "column 4" }; final Object[][] data = new Object[][] { { new RolloverStore(images[0], images[1], "one"), new RolloverStore(images[2], images[3], "two"), "three", "four" } ... |
20. Display text over an icon in Jlabel coderanch.comHi, I have Jlabel with mutiple icons over it. I have created a new class extending Icon to achive this. Now I would like to display the icon image number over the image. Is there any option of Extending setText to diplay text over image icon in a Jlabel to display it in correct x, y coordinates? Thanks DJ |
21. JLabel icons coderanch.comimport java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import javax.swing.*; public class DemoJPanel { static JFrame jframe = new JFrame("Example"); public static void setupJFrame() { jframe.setSize(400, 100); jframe.setVisible(true); jframe.setLayout( new FlowLayout() ); WindowListener l = new WindowAdapter() { public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e) { System.exit(0);} }; jframe.addWindowListener(l); } public static void main(String[] args) { setupJFrame(); MyJPanel mjp = new MyJPanel(); jframe.getContentPane().add(mjp); jframe.setVisible(true); mjp.requestFocus(); } } |
22. Minor alignment tweaking of icon on JLabel coderanch.comHi all, My UI is set to Windows LAF, causing the folder icons in the nodes in a JTree to resemble the Windows folders. This works just great except for a slight difference in location of the Tree.closedIcon and Tree.openIcon: The latter is rendered about 2 pixels further up than the first, causing an annoying displacement of the icons when opening ... |
23. JLabel icon disappears java-forums.orghello all, im very new to Java and im having a problem with JLabels. I have built a GUI and im using a JLabel with an png icon. what i want to do is when a button is pressed i want this icon to change to another one, im using the following code: ImageIcon icon = new ImageIcon("product.png"); System.out.println("icon = " ... |
24. Location of Icon in JLabel forums.oracle.comI am writing an application that responds to a mouse click in a JLabel. This Icon has to move as the window resizes (as default in GridLayout). Despite this I need to be able to translate clicking on the top corner of the ImageIcon to clicking on (0,0). I know that this top corner will be red, so I could search ... |
25. JLabel with Icon forums.oracle.com |
26. Overlapping 2 Icons in a JLabel forums.oracle.com |
27. How to resize an Icon in a JLabel dinamicaly forums.oracle.comI'm trying to do a slideshow program and an obvious action that the user should be able do is to resize the images he puts in a slide. In my case the image is in a JLabel. I was able to move the image/text of the label but not to resize it. I want it dinamicaly as you usually do. I'll ... |
28. Cant change JLabel icon with setIcon a second time??? forums.oracle.comOK -- the cardscol1 and 2 and 3 JLABEL arrays reference cards11, 12, 13, 14, etc. etc... THESE CARDS are within the initComponents class that is in a seperate class as well -- so that is probably my problem-- how do I get this submitButtonHandler class to see the cards that are in my initComponents class??? AND THIS initComponents class is ... |
29. Changing a JLabel Icon on the fly forums.oracle.com |