Align « JLabel « Java Swing Q&A

1. JPanel flipping out, FlowLayout not working as intended

The other day this code was working. I changed some things and re-ran it and now it doesn't work as intended. Obviously something I changed altered the behaviour, but I have ...

2. Align JLabel to the left of the panel in a gridbaglayout

I have a panel in which i have specified with a grid bag layout. I basically have 1 column and 4 rows. The labels are aligned to the center by default. ...

3. JLabel vertical alignment not working as expected

Font font = Font("Arial", Font.BOLD, 35);

JLabel label = new JLabel("57");
JPanel panel = new JPanel();
panel.setLayout(new BoxLayout(panel, BoxLayout.LINE_AXIS));
This creates a JLabel with an extra space above and below it. I tried setVerticalAlignment(SwingConstants.TOP) but ...

4. Set JLabel Alignment right-left

I have a JPanel that separated to 2 blocks, in south block (layout) I have add a JLabel, In the label I want to Insert a string with this rule: (Name, ...

5. How to align the Button's label?

6. Left aligning a JLabel

7. align JLabel to left

All that the JLabel.LEFT in the constructor does is to tell the label to left-align it's contents. Depending on how the label is laid out in it's container this may or may not make a difference. (i.e. - if the label itself is only the size of the text, then it won't look any different. If the label itself is larger ...

8. JLabel alignment

9. aligning label and fields in Swing

Hi! I am creating a login screen to get up to speed with Swing. When I run the following code all the elements are displayed BUT their position on the screen is not correct. is it possible to display the elements like this username: (textfield here) password: (passwordfield here) comment: (comment field here) etcetc while aligning them so it looks nice? ...

10. JLabel won't left-align

Is that the only component being added to the SouthPanel? If so, why use GridbagLayout and not BorderLayout placing the label in the BorderLayout.WEST position? I also suggest that if this doesn't help you, you create and post an SSCCE to allow us to see for ourselves what the problem may be. You also should read up on Java naming conventions ...

11. Gridbaglayout, hint on label alignment...

Hello, I have read the gridbaglayout tutorial, and it was very useful, but I have a problem with 4 labels. In the blue labels (1) (3) (4) I set maximum and minimum size, but the labels risize itself... In the White label (2) the text is dinamic and it should resize the white label. If I set a minimum size, the ...

12. Having Trouble Aligning JLabels

Hello, I am fairly new to working with GUI. I have created a small test program because I am having trouble aligning JLabels in one of the programs I am currently working on (a Resume Maker). Here is the test program: import javax.swing.*; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; public class Test implements ActionListener{ JFrame frame; JPanel contentPane; JLabel p1, p2, p3; public ...

13. Strange Alignment of JLabels in BoxLayout