JInternalFrame 2 « JInternalFrame « Java Swing Q&A

1. abstract JInternalFrame    forums.oracle.com

I'm a fairly new programmer and I have an assignment to make for school; It's a program which uses a Swing Gui and the Gui uses a lot of JInternal Frames. Now, in the initial stage I made all the classes and I noticed that all of the classes that use JInternalFrames have some stuff in common like fo instance all ...

2. need help : JInternalFrame...    forums.oracle.com

3. JInternalFrame-GridControl    forums.oracle.com

Hei, I am using GridControl inside one panel. When this panel is added into JInternalFrame the arrow keys are not working any longer for the GridControl (no navigation (cell change) by arrow keys) . When I check the keyEvent for the GridControl, then everything looks OK - I can get the this "arrow keys pressed" event, but they do not work ...

4. Communicate between two JInternalFrames    forums.oracle.com

Hello all. I have a swing application where I have a JFrame that encompasses two JInternalFrame's. We'll call them AppFrame, IFrame and StatusFrame I am attempting to create a running log of messages (Strings) that will be shown in StatusFrame. The IFrame will be generating these messages that need to show up on StatusFrame. Both are invoked by AppFrame. My question ...

5. JInternalFrame with sound?    forums.oracle.com

6. setMaximumSize method from JInternalFrame is not working    forums.oracle.com

I was setting the maximum size of the screen. It doesnt affect when I resize the screen. Even the shortcut key on press of Ctrl+F8 is taking me to the resizing mode and using left and right arrow key, I could able to resize at any size. The maximum size is not affecting this mode. Please help me, to resolve this ...

7. JInternalFrame precedence    forums.oracle.com

sorry youre right, i simply has a lot of jinternalframes with jcomponents, just one of those jinternal has a canvas with a 2d grapher which redraws its self dependending of the size of the jinternal , no matter how much i tried, the canvas remain in front on the screen blocking even the desktop JMenubar, its now fully functional but it ...

8. SWING jInternalFrame Problem    forums.oracle.com

Hi, I have a button that opens an Internal Frame (contained in a JDesktopPane), but when I do that the jInternalFrame doesnt execute the ComponentShown part of my jPanel (the one I'm loading inside the jInternalFrame) can anyone help me? Here's my code: fr = new JInternalFrame("Asignar Calificaciones", !true, !true, !true, !true); fr.getContentPane().add(asignarCalifAlumno); fr.pack(); fr.setVisible(true); fr.setSize(600,290); jDP1.add(fr); asignarCalifAlumno is the jPanel ...