JInternalFrame 1 « JInternalFrame « Java Swing Q&A

1. Question about JInternalFrames    stackoverflow.com

I have a frame that once it's minimized, I'd like to minimize other frames related to it. If the frame is no longer minimized, I want to restore the other frames ...

2. JInternalFrame and Keybinding    stackoverflow.com

How do I bind a function key say(F11 etc) to a JInternalFrame, so it can activate a particular action. I tried with the following

  this.getInputMap().put(KeyStroke.getKeyStroke("F11"), new AbstractAction() {

3. Java Swing arranging JInternalFrames    stackoverflow.com

Is there any default functionality for arranging JInternalFrames in Java Swing? I would like to have the Cascade, Tile, etc... functionality within my Java Swing application like this: http://www.codeproject.com/KB/cs/mdiformstutorial.aspx I ...

4. Java: Get Mainform object from JInternalFrame    stackoverflow.com

Can I do this without reference to the object in the constructor? In other words, any class inherited from FrmTaoChild when creating must to add the button on the toolbar of the ...

5. JInternalFrame Demo    stackoverflow.com

how to make an internal frame show infront of the jframe

6. Make a JInternalFrame immobile    stackoverflow.com

How can I make an internal frame immobile in Java so that it can't move and remain fix at a position?
I am using NetBeans.

7. Java - How to make a set of JInternalFrame dependant on other?    stackoverflow.com

I have opened a JInternalFrame from my parent JFrame form. Now I want to open another JInternalFrame on that frame to do my leftover task after completing the current task in ...

8. Problem with jInternalFrame    forums.netbeans.org

I guess what you mean is by selecting a different menu item a jInternalFrame with different items pops up? Well if that is the case I have a couple thoughts in ...

9. Problem with jInternalFrame    forums.netbeans.org

Hello First i want apologize for my language , second for my low-knowledge about Netbeans. I have a problem with jInternalFrame , I added to it a jScrollPane and inside it is a lot of jPane, jSplitPane, jTabPane etc . Problem is when i want to resize the window. I added the function to autoresize the ScrollPane and Frame to the ...

10. Node Lookup in JInternalFrame    forums.netbeans.org

public class TemplateListPopupFrame extends javax.swing.JInternalFrame implements ExplorerManager.Provider{ private static ExplorerManager explorerManager = new ExplorerManager(); public TemplateListPopupFrame() { initComponents(); explorerManager.setRootContext(new TemplateListRootNode()); ...

11. JInternal Frame    coderanch.com

12. Swing-JInternalFrame    coderanch.com

13. Help on JInternalFrame    coderanch.com

problem : I have a Fram eand it has its owm Desktoppane. The Desktoppane has some JInternalFrames(Fn). Each of these JInternalFrame has two JInternalFrames(Ff1,Ff2). In Ff1 and Ff2, I have some components in it and along with their actionlistener. By default, The components are working good. When the Ffn is minimized and then maximized, Then the components are not working properly. ...

14. Any experience with JInternalFrame class?    coderanch.com

//TABBED PANE jtp.addTab("SITE", jpnlSite); jtp.addTab("SERVER", jpnlServer); jtp.addTab("PART HISTORY", jpnlHistory); // JTREE tree = new JTree(treeModel); // SET TREE CELL RENDERER tree.setCellRenderer(new ConfigViewAppletTreeCellRenderer()); // SET TREE LISTENERS tree.addTreeExpansionListener(this); tree.addTreeWillExpandListener(this); tree.addTreeSelectionListener(this); // SCROLLPANE scrollPane = new JScrollPane(tree); Dimension d = new Dimension(200,500); scrollPane.setPreferredSize(d); // SPLIT PANE sp = new JSplitPane (JSplitPane.HORIZONTAL_SPLIT,scrollPane,jtp); sp.setDividerLocation(.25); getContentPane().add(jmb,BorderLayout.NORTH); getContentPane().add(sp,BorderLayout.CENTER);

15. JInternalFrame    coderanch.com

16. JInternalFrame    coderanch.com

17. JInternalFrame problem    coderanch.com

I have multiple JInternalFrames. If I open a frame and then maximize it, then I open another frame. The second frame is opened normally but the maximize icon thinks it's maximized. If you click on the maximize button it doesn't maximize it, it makes it icon size without iconifying it. Does anyone know what causes this behavior?

18. JInternalFrames: sharing a graphics context    coderanch.com

I am currently developing an application that uses many internal frames. On one of the frames, the user can draw shapes on by clicking on it (Sort of like a draw/paint program). However, when I switch back and forth between this internal frame and another one, the drawn shapes (drawn by using GeneralPath) appear to "jump" to a new location. I ...

21. JInternalFrame Palette Window    coderanch.com

22. help for JInternal Frame    coderanch.com

23. JInternalFrame    coderanch.com

24. A TOUGH question on JInternal Frame    coderanch.com

I have this main-screen with buttons to lunch another sub-screen, I made the sub-screen set its layered pane to modal and it works fine the main-screen sit behind the sub-screen even though i clicked on it, but the only problem is i can still close, minimized and maximized the main-screen (that sit behind the sub-screen), and moreover i can also type ...

25. Problem iconizing JInternalFrame    coderanch.com

27. JInternalFrames    coderanch.com

I am using Forte to create JInternal frames My application is as follows:- 1) I have an application that is a JFrame 2) Clicking on a menu button of the JFrame causes a JInternalFrame1 to pop up 3) I want to be able to click on a menubutton inside JInternalFrame1 and cause another JInternalFrame2 to appear Unfortunately I can't seem to ...

28. JInternalFrame    coderanch.com

29. Immobile JInternalFrame    coderanch.com

The best way to do this is provide a new DesktopManager to the JDesktopPane that contains this JInternalFrame. Basically, just override the dragFrame() method to ignore moving a frame based on some criteria. In my example I create a marker interface, but you could keep it simple and base it on a predefined title or something if you don't need that ...

30. Flicker in JInternalFrame    coderanch.com

31. jinternal frame    coderanch.com

33. JInternalFrame : interaction    coderanch.com

Welcome to the Ranch sre, import java.awt.* ; import java.awt.event.*; import javax.swing.*; public class Test extends JFrame { JDesktopPane desktop = new JDesktopPane(); JInternalFrame frame1 = new JInternalFrame("Frame 1", true, true, true, true), frame2 = new JInternalFrame("Frame 2", true, true, true, true); Test() { setDefaultCloseOperation(EXIT_ON_CLOSE); desktop.add(frame1); desktop.add(frame2); frame1.setBounds(10, 10, 200, 200); frame2.setBounds(210, 210, 200, 200); JButton button = new JButton("Press me ...

34. Jinternal frame    coderanch.com

35. JInternalFrame - EditorFrame    coderanch.com

36. JInternal Frame Problem    coderanch.com

It's hard to tell without seeing your code. Are you clicking a button inside the first Internal Frame? Are you calling the same class to construct your first internal frame to build the second frame? If you could provide us with your code, we can better determine why it might not be working. Otherwise we are stuck guessing and won't be ...

37. JInternalFrame    coderanch.com

"this" refers to the enclosing class. It's a convenient way to refer to the class from within it. Since "this" is a class object you can query it for information using methods in the Class class System.out.println(this.getClass().getName()); You can also ask your components for the class name of their listeners. Here's an exploration import java.awt.event.*; import javax.swing.*; public class This { ...

38. JInternalFrame Problems    coderanch.com

39. JInternalFrame    coderanch.com

Your poblem is that fact your trying to create a subString from one string and passing it invalid indexes. How this relates to swing/or a JInternalFrame, I can't tell you, no one here is going to be able to tell you. You either need to post some of your code (the stuff throwing the exception) or explain your question better. Look ...

40. jInternalFrame communication    coderanch.com

41. JInternal Frame problem    coderanch.com

42. JInternalFrame maximise problem    coderanch.com

43. JInternalFrame behavior    coderanch.com

Hi, This is a quite common question but I haven't managed to find an answer to it. How can I make a JInternalFrame to have the behavior of Windows XP for example? That is, if it is maximized, the minimize/maximize/close buttons are been shown in the main frame (menubar to be more spesific) and the title bar is been dissapeared. Is ...

44. JInternalFrame Behaviour    coderanch.com

45. JInternalFrame (flashing)    coderanch.com

I have a MDI type of application and under certain circumstances I would like to alert the user to a particular JInterframe and wondered if this could be done through some kind of selected/focus on, off sequence. Failing that changing the colour of the title bar and then back again. I've tried and failed miserably with .setVisible / .setSelected / .setEnabled. ...

46. JInternalFrames and Dialogs    coderanch.com

48. Setting Glassapane on JInternalFrame    coderanch.com

50. JInternalFrames, fault in code    coderanch.com

works OK like this import javax.swing.*; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; class Testing { CardLayout cl = new CardLayout(); public void buildGUI() { final JFrame f = new JFrame(); f.getContentPane().setLayout(cl); f.getContentPane().add("blue",getDesktop(Color.BLUE)); f.getContentPane().add("yellow",getDesktop(Color.YELLOW)); f.setSize(400,300); f.setLocationRelativeTo(null); f.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); JMenuBar menuBar = new JMenuBar(); JMenuItem menuItem = new JMenuItem("Next"); menuBar.add(menuItem); f.setJMenuBar(menuBar); f.setVisible(true); menuItem.addActionListener(new ActionListener(){ public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae){ cl.next(f.getContentPane()); } }); } public JDesktopPane getDesktop(Color color) ...

51. JInternalFrame is making me go crazy    coderanch.com

52. Reinitialising a JInternalFrame    coderanch.com

ah yes, forgot about internalFrame's northPane which would get the flick in a removeAll() something like this (perhaps?) might suit import javax.swing.*; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; class Testing { JDesktopPane dp = new JDesktopPane(); public void buildGUI() { final JInternalFrame if1 = getInternalFrame(); JTextArea ta = new JTextArea(5,10); for(int x = 0; x < 25; x++)ta.append(x+"\n"); JScrollPane sp = new JScrollPane(ta); ...

53. What is wrong with this JInternalFrame Code?    coderanch.com

public class MainFrame extends JFrame { //This is defined in separate class with all the necessary code and design private static LookUpForm luf JDesktopPane desktopPane; public MainFrame() { luf = new LookUpForm(); luf.setVisible(true); setDefaultCloseOperation(EXIT_ON_CLOSE); desktopPane = new JDesktopPane(); desktopPane.add(luf,new Integer(1)); setContentPane(desktopPane); } public static void main(String[] args) { MainFrame mainFrame = new MainFrame(); mainFrame.setSize(600,400); mainFrame.setVisible(true); } }

54. Question about JInternalFrame    coderanch.com

56. JInternalFrames    coderanch.com

57. jinternalframes    coderanch.com

58. JInternalFrame    coderanch.com

59. JInternalFrame    coderanch.com

60. JInternalFrame    coderanch.com

61. Related To jInternalFrame    coderanch.com

hi, Query: In my application i am using , jInternalFrame. On click of a button jInternalFrame get open. And click of other button jInternalFrame close. by use this statement i.e jInternalFrame16.setClosed(true); jInternalFrame16 gets closed first time. if repeatadly tried , means on click of button jInternalFrame16 gets open, and of click of other button it need to be closed. throught above ...

62. Problem in JInternal Frame    coderanch.com

63. JInternalFrame!    coderanch.com

65. JInternalFrame    coderanch.com

66. JInternalFrame woes    coderanch.com

First, the use case is not what a JInternalFrame is used for. Secondly, looks like you've been getting some help on the Sun forums but are unwilling to help by providing some code. I don't suspect you'll get much more help here for the same reasons if you continue down that path. We can't magically look into your computer and tell ...

67. JInternal Frame wont Iconify    coderanch.com

Hi - sorry, I haven't asked that many questions, mostly answered them. I will pay attention to the code tags. In the meantime - I dont think this is a tutorial level issue, its really whats different between 1.5 and 1.6. So - thank you for your answer, I appreciate your time. But anyone else reading that is willing to tolerate ...

68. JInternalFrame    coderanch.com

69. JInternalframe decoration ?    coderanch.com

70. SWT into jInternalFrame    coderanch.com

72. JInternalFrame design question    coderanch.com

73. Problem with JInternalFrame    java-forums.org

im suppose to show an Internal Frame when the button is pressed...but nothing is showing except the dialogue box i've put. Here's the code: import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import javax.swing.*; import java.sql.*; public class Search extends JFrame { JLabel label1; JTextField text1; JButton button1; JPanel buttonPanel; JDesktopPane desktop = new JDesktopPane(); public Search(){ super("Search On Employee"); Container container=getContentPane(); container.add(desktop); container.setLayout(null); //buttonPanel ...

74. Repositioning An unwanted JInternalFrame    java-forums.org

JList rowHeader = new JList(lm); rowHeader.setBorder(new LineBorder(Color.black, 1, false)); rowHeader.setFocusable(false); rowHeader.setFixedCellHeight(100); final JScrollPane scrollPane = new JScrollPane(); scrollPane.setRowHeaderView(rowHeader); scrollPane.setBounds(10, 10, 1237, 539); panelApp.add(scrollPane); desktopPane = new JDesktopPane(); desktopPane.setLayout(new FormLayout("1150px", "1900px")); desktopPane.setDragMode(JDesktopPane.OUTLINE_DRAG_MODE); scrollPane.setViewportView(desktopPane); final AppointmentTableModel aTm = new AppointmentTableModel(cal.getDate().getTime()); //extends AbstractTableModel table = new JTable(aTm); table.setShowHorizontalLines(false); table.setFocusable(false); for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++) table.getColumnModel().getColumn(i).setPreferredWidth(180); table.setRowHeight(100); table.setRowSelectionAllowed(false); table.getTableHeader().setReorderingAllowed(false); scrollPane.setColumnHeaderView(table.getTableHeader()); desktopPane.add(table, ...

75. Control JInternalFrame ?    java-forums.org

Hello guys ! Now in my frame( mainframe ) i have one JToolBar object on top ( just below JMenuBar ) and one JInternalFrame object ( contain JPanel ) that can be maximizable ( i suppose ToolBar always can be over JInternal ). My problem is when i maximize JinternalFrame , i can't minimize it again. So is anyway to set ...

76. JInternalFrame Help    java-forums.org

77. How to refresh my JInternalFrame upon CUD    java-forums.org

How to refresh my JInternalFrame upon CUD Greetings to eveyone, I've been studying Java Swing already for the past days yet I still cannot figure out on how to reload (or refresh) my JIF upon CUD (Create, Update, Delete). The system works fine, all transactions are functioning well. I just can't figure how to work the refresh function. Here ...

78. How to reload JInternalFrame    java-forums.org

Greetings, I'm confused on how to reload my JInternalFrame upon updating a record in my database. My CUD (Create, Update, Delete) codes are functioning well. But after each function, the components won't update. Since I've tried using addItem() and removeItem() for my JComboBox but, I have ruined the order of the items. All I want to happen is after CUD of ...

80. How to call a JInternalFrame from another JInternalFrame?    java-forums.org

I am having 3 Jinternal frames. When I am calling second Internalframe through a button in first Internalframe, it is working. But when I am calling third Internalframe through a button in second Internalframe, third Internalframe is not opened. But When I am calling that same third frame through a button in Homepage (eventhough the second frame is opened),third frame is ...

81. How to remove the reference of a JInternalFrame from memory?    java-forums.org

How to remove the reference of a JInternal Frame from memory?Because when i am opening a JInternal Frame within a JInternal Frame,it is not working.When i surfed net, i got information that first opened internal frame's reference will be still in memory.How to remove that from memory? Actually my code is, MainPage p; Here MainPage is a InternalFrame Pls give me ...

82. jInternalFrame question    java-forums.org

83. JInternalFrame Help    java-forums.org

84. How to set unmovable to JInternalFrame?    java-forums.org

85. JDesktopPanel & JInternalFrame    java-forums.org

well, i tried it but let me show u part of the code : private void jMenuItem1ActionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEve nt evt) { JInternalFrameEx usrmain= new JInternalFrameEx(); jDesktopPane1.add(usrmain); usrmain.setVisible(true); } this is the listener funtion, it creates new object of the frame then added to the desktoppane. so each time this function called , new instance of JInternalFrameEx will be created so when i ...

86. Iconified JInternalFrame in JToolbar    java-forums.org

Hi, I created JFrame, JInternalFrame, JDesktopPane and JToolbar. What I am trying to do here is to show iconnified(minimized) JInternalFrame to toolbar and when user restore the JInternalFrame I want it back to JDesktopPane. I created a small program that describes what I am trying to do. I searched at google but maybe I am entering wrong keyword. Java Code: import ...

87. JFreeChart constant redraws in JInternalFrame    jfree.org

Hi, I have noticed that a JFreeChart in a JDialog or JFrame doesn't get redrawn during the dragging of the window, however in a JInternalFrame the graph is constantly being redrawn while the JInternalFrame is being dragged. I have some fairly large graphs and this slows down the dragging of JInternalFrames significantly. Does anyone know of an easy method to stop ...

88. JInternalFrame    jfree.org

I want to Print the JInternalFrame Screen, for that I'm using the PrinterJob class & Printable interface But I got only empty page as the printout, following code only I'm using for printing PrinterJob printJob = PrinterJob.getPrinterJob(); printJob.setPrintable(this); (this refer the Printable interface) if (printJob.printDialog()) { try { printJob.print(); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } }

91. giving value from one jinternalframe to another    forums.oracle.com

hi, can you help me with giving some value from one jinternalframe - A to another jinternalframe - B, for example i have a jtextfield in A and for a F2 buttont im giving some help values in B, user can choose some value from B by clicking 'take this' button, and now i have to take chosen value and put ...

92. JInternalFrame and setUI    forums.oracle.com

93. Help: JInternalFrame    forums.oracle.com

94. JInternalFrame    forums.oracle.com

[http://java.sun.com/docs/books/tutorial/uiswing/components/internalframe.html] In the demo found here, when a frame is iconified how would I go about getting it so that any iconified frame is always showing even if another frame is maximized. I was thinking I might have to create layered panes and change the layer priority of the frame when it is iconifed but I really have no idea which ...

95. JInternalFrame in a JInternalFrame    forums.oracle.com

96. About JInternalFrame    forums.oracle.com

97. "AWT-EventQueue-0" java.lang.NullPointerException and JInternalFrame    forums.oracle.com

Some possibly helpful suggestions: 1) Create one JDesktopPane, and do it in the constructor of GUI. You should call this constructor only once. 2) Get rid of GUII. The GUI constructor will do all this and more. 3) Get rid of startFrame and startFrame2. 4) In GUI2, change your width and height to static variables if you are going to use ...

98. Persisting drawings on JInternalFrame    forums.oracle.com

First of all, it's unlikely that someone is just going to "tell you the solution." Although you did narrow down your problem a lot, that kind of request is not generally smiled upon...we're here to help you figure it out, not just tell you. Second, if you post a snippet of the code where the problem could be, that is quite ...

99. setSelect / iconification of JInternalFrame with FocusTraversalPolicy clash    forums.oracle.com

/** * Function that returns the next or previous internal frame in a cycle. After * the last internal frame comes the first and before the first comes the last. * * If the internal frame is iconified, the function returns the JDesktopIcon object * of the internal frame. * * @param comp is the internal frame / dekstop icon whose ...

100. JInternalFrame initial display messed in JDK 6    forums.oracle.com

We are trying to make an application work with JDK 6 in addition to previous JDK versions. There is a problem with the UI - sometimes internal frames are displayed with components messed up and there is a need to make the frame repaint (by resizing or by switching applications) in order to see it properly. The same screens have shown ...