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1. Keep JFrame on top of others

I am in a situation where i create FrameB from my main frame FrameA. When the user is working on FrameB i would like it to be on top of FrameA ...

2. ALWAYS on top window

Hey, I'm searching for a solution in order to keep a JFrame always on top and with always I really mean always.

setAlwaysOnTop( true );
This won't work when I'm starting a game ...

3. Essentials Java GUI building blocks? I.e. libraries to form a framework on top of Swing

Swing provides the basic building blocks for any GUI application but what about a higher level take on building GUI applications? I'm not asking about the many arbitrary libraries that provide yet ...

4. Swing - Bring Frame to top

5. jframe always on top

I'm writing a Java application for NT that has to be visible on the desktop at all times, but not have the focus at all times. The setVisible(), toFront(), and show() methods all take the focus, so a new window opened in the same part of the desktop would "fight" with the application for the focus. Any help would be greatly ...

8. Bring first frame to TOP

Try using the toFront() method of the frame. However, there is always a timing issue involved. Even if you use that method and are clicking on other things while waiting for that window to open, It could bring it to the front, and then you click on something without realizing that it had already shown. Anyway, toFront() is the method to ...

10. Retrieving the top-level JFrame

How the heck do I do this??? It's driving me nuts and now I'm all cranky and doped up on Mountain Dew. I know that if I implemented my actions as inner-classes, I could just JMyRealFrame.this and do whatever the heck I want. But I don't want to have to maintain some silly java source file with one JFrame and 50 ...

11. Setting JFrame on top of other frames

12. JFrame always on top

public class FrameEx1 extends JFrame implements ActionListener { JButton button = new JButton("Click"); MyDialog myDialog = new MyDialog(this); public FrameEx1() { setSize(300, 200); setDefaultCloseOperation(WindowConstants.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); getContentPane().add(button, BorderLayout.SOUTH); button.addActionListener(this); setVisible(true); } public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae) { if(myDialog == null) { myDialog = new MyDialog(this); } myDialog.setVisible(true); } class MyDialog extends JDialog { public MyDialog(JFrame frame) { super(frame); setSize(100, 50); // setDefaultCloseOperation(JDialog.DO_NOTHING_ON_CLOSE); } } ...

13. Frame on Top

Hello everyone, i would to know that is there anyway to make a Swing frame that appear on top all the applications in Windows environment and at the same time i would also like trap the system keys like CTRL+ALT+DEL & ALT+TAB etc. Can anyone provide help on this.. Thanx [ January 04, 2004: Message edited by: Vicky Jain ]

14. An awt window on top of all other windows

Hi, I wrote a program to pop up a window after a certain period. I used thread in my program, when i run the program it just sleeps for a fixed time and then displays a window. Now, my problem is, Once i start the program and open other applications ( explorer,browser,word document ), the window that is opened by my ...

15. Frame Always on Top

16. How to keep frame on top

17. JFrame always on Top - SOLUTION!

18. setting a window as "always on top"

19. How to make a JFrame display on top

20. JFrame - Always on top?

Is there anyway I can make this JFrame always on top? I want to be on top of any other windows that appear later in the program. public class Test { public static void main(String [] args) { //Show startup logo RunLogo Eg = new RunLogo(); //Start Indexing, etc. Run.readWordFile(); } static class RunLogo extends JFrame implements ActionListener { //The start ...

21. Console window which stays on top

Hello! We need to start cmd.exe window from our swing application. There is no problems with that. We us next code Runtime.getRuntime().exec("cmd /c start " + pathToExeFile); The problem is that user must see what happened in console when working with swing application. How can I do so that cmd window stay on top of the swing application? Another words it ...

22. How keep window on top but use other windows?

toFront won't work because it grabs focus. setAlwaysOnTop is 1.5+ only and I'm not certain it works properly as I've seen a number of bug requests stating that it also grabs focus and doesn't work properly on Linux. I know how to write the JNI for this to work on Windows, but not sure what to do for Linux. I've read ...

23. Window to top

I need a Windows/Java/Swing app that can jump to being top window at the click of a button even when not focused\activated\foreground , iconfied etc in Windows e.g. you hit a special big red button and my applet kicks in regardless of what else your doing. I've JNI'ed a hook which works fine to get all keyboard events (everything works 100% ...

24. JDiaog window remain always on top

yes, I am doing the same. But even then the dialog appears on top of parent window after selecting the parent window. The JDiaog window is still shown on top of parent window but is inactive state (i.e. not selected/focused). It hinders the view of parent window when doing any operation on parent window.

25. How to display alert box at the top of all frames ?

> Please elaborate on this .. you first. "I am using JOptionPane to show alert box but, it doesn't appear at the top of my current frame" do you mean above, or in front? if in front (i.e. middle), you have the answer, at least twice, and, if you don't understand, seriously, consider a career path change. if, instead, you want ...

26. Always stay on top (JFrame)

I'm aware of Window.setAlwaysOnTop(true). And this does what it's meant to- it stays on top even when you click away. The problem is, I want to have it so that the close buttons and shadow of the window don't fade as if you've lost focus whenever you click away. How can I do this?

27. White bars on bottom and top of JFrame

Hey Guys : ) So I'm working on a school project setting up a GUI, and I can't seem to get rid of this problem. Initially I had an issue trying to get the frame background to be a certain color; I was unable to color the frame itself so I just added another panel inside the frame and colored it. ...

29. Show a JFrame on top of another JFrame

Hi All, I'm trying to create a new Jframe by clicking a button from another Jframe. It looks like - there is a Frame created but it becomes faded...I mean I can see there is something on the screen where the JFrame supposed to be. If I create the 2nd Frame individually( without clicking any button - just as a brand ...

30. get a JFrame to top of all other windows

31. JFrame Always on top

When a new JFrame is created I would like previously created JFrames to be disabled. For example, I want to display a JFrame with a warning in it. I don't want the main JFrame buttons to do anything until the user has acknowledged the warning. I created a boolean called isWarningOn and I put the warning JFrame as aslwaysOnTop(true); Is there ...