Switch « JFrame « Java Swing Q&A

1. How to switch frame to another frame in java programming?    stackoverflow.com

Let's say there is a button and if you will click that, a new frame will appear and so on...

2. How I can switch one frame to another frame in swing    forums.netbeans.org

ankit.pandey Joined: 11 Jun 2011 Posts: 1 Posted: Sat Jun 11, 2011 5:50 am Post subject: How I can switch one frame to another frame in swing Hi friends, I develop two simple frames by Net baeans. I want when I click button on one frame then other frame opens and first one closes automatically. I try Action ...

3. Switching between jFrames??    forums.netbeans.org

Hi, I'm somewhat new to netbeans, and I'm making a program where when you push a button, it takes you to a new jFrame. I may be asking a totally dumb question, but honestly I don't know how to do this. Please give me an example of what code to write. Oh and I'm using netbeans 6.7.1 if that makes a ...

4. Switching between frames    coderanch.com

5. (Solved)switching from frame to another    java-forums.org

6. Switch between forms.    java-forums.org

setVisible(false) works. You are likely using it incorrectly. But having said that, there are other and perhaps better ways to change the user's view. Often we use CardLayout to swap JPanels, often JTabbedPanes, and sometimes modal JDialogs. There are many options to explore here. Best of luck and welcome to the forum!

7. Switching JFrames    forums.oracle.com

public static void main(String [] args) { frontPage thefrontPage = new frontPage(); thefrontPage.setSize(800,500); thefrontPage.setVisible(true); } } class bl implements ActionListener { bl() { } public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { if (e.getActionCommand().equals("Hello World!")) { HelloWorld theHelloWorld = new HelloWorld(); theHelloWorld.setVisible(true); theHelloWorld.setSize(800,500); //thefrontPage.setVisible(false); } } } class HelloWorld extends JFrame { public HelloWorld() { setTitle("Hello World"); Container contents = getContentPane(); contents.add(new JLabel("Hello World")); ...

8. Switch between two JFrames    forums.oracle.com

Hi guys: i make one program. there are two JFrame in this program. One is for login, another one is for user interface. after i login, the program will switch to user interface JFrame. how can i switch to user interface JFrame and close the login JFrame or make it invisible. do u have better way to implement it. thx

9. switch between Jframes    forums.oracle.com

im doing a application. For that i am using a login screen in one jframe and another frame. the second frame should display if the login is sucessfull. im correct upto that login button actionPerformed() evet. i am havaving that 2nd jFrame in NewJFrame.java and first jframe in loginFrame.java how to use my NewJFrame.java main in loginFrame.java