Render « JFrame « Java Swing Q&A

1. Java Swing JFrame to be rendered before moving on

I want to build a "Work in progress..."-JFrame before calling a method that might take some time but the JFrame won't be fully rendered before the method is executed. I know I'm ...

2. Swing/JFrame vs AWT/Frame for rendering outside the EDT

What are the principle differences between using an AWT Frame and a Swing JFrame when implementing your own rendering and not using standard Java GUI components? This is a follow on from ...

3. JFrame not rendering until logic is complete

So basically I create a JFrame and it's contents, then I hide it. I then open it, and run some memory-intensive file-opening afterwards. My problem is that the JFrame's contents don't load until after the logic is complete (all I see is the JFrame's box filled with white). How can I make sure the JFrame updates it's display properly before running ...