1. Look-and-feel of an applet window changes on subsequent displays stackoverflow.comI have an applet that displays a dialog box on click of a button. When the dialog box is first displayed, it is shown using the native look-and-feel of the ... |
2. How to show the hidden toolbar of Eclipse stackoverflow.comEclipse has a context menu item to hide the entire toolbar of RCP.
3. JColorChooser with Substance look and feel, Java 7 stackoverflow.comI'm writing an application that uses the Substance look and feel along with a JColorChooser. This works fine with Java 6, but on trying things out with Java 7 it really ... |
4. Java look-and-feel changing without closing window stackoverflow.comI want to know how to change the look-and-feel of my java applications without making the user leave it or even close the window. I know this is possible, as I've ... |
5. Java window not maximising properly on screen with no taskbar using Substance LAF stackoverflow.comI've just noticed that when I maximise a frame on my second screen - which has no taskbar - then it ends up with approximately the bounds one would expect if ... |
6. Is there anyways to change the look and feel of the default alert window stackoverflow.comPossible Duplicate:
Is there anyway to change the style of the default alert box rather than providing the user with the same ... |
7. how to change the look and feel of the online keyboard on window? stackoverflow.comThe look and feel of my online keyboard is just too dull and I am not able to get any way out there to change the look of the same. Neither ... |
8. JFrame and Nimbus Look And Feel stackoverflow.comI use Nimbus Look and Feel in a project. However, although every GUI JComponent have a Look and Feel of Nimbus, JFrame always have Windows Look and Feel. How can JFrame have ... |
9. JToolBar Look & Feel in Swing stackoverflow.comI'm developing a Swing based application in which I want to add |
10. overriding window.beforeunload handler with custom look and feel with JavaScript stackoverflow.comCurrently, when using the window.beforeunload event the browser shows an alert window. Is there mechansim where I can override the default alert box keep things looking nice? Is a user defined ... |
11. 'Nimbus' LaF not displaying correct colours in JFrame GUI program. forums.netbeans.orgHi I'm using NetBeans v6.8 I can right click on my JFrame and Preview my GUI with the different LaF's, and the Nimbus one in preview mode is different to what ... |
13. LookAndFeel JToolbar coderanch.comHi Gurus, I would like to discuss a problem which i am facing in creation of look and feel architecture. How to make space (padding) between buttons /any component when they are in Toolbar.I dont want user (gui developer)to give alignment and space between components,I want ,However he adds the components to toolbar ,comoponents should be added to toolbar with minimum(8pxl)space.I ... |
14. LookAndFeel updating and JToolBar coderanch.comHere are a couple of relevent sections. /** This section of code installs the new look and feel. */ public void installLNF(javax.swing.JDialog dialog){ Registry.getSystemRegistry().setLNF(this); if (requiresThemePack){ System.getProperties().setProperty("skinlf.themepack", FileAccess.getFileAccess().getThemePackDir() + themePack); LookAndFeel lf = UIManager.getLookAndFeel(); if (!(lf instanceof SkinLookAndFeel)){ try{ UIManager.setLookAndFeel(getLnf()); }catch (Exception e){ ApplicationReporter.report(e); } } //force the themepack String path = FileAccess.getFileAccess().getThemePackDir() + themePack; try { if (themePack.endsWith(".xml")) { SkinLookAndFeel.setSkin( ... |
15. Window look and feel in JApplet coderanch.com |
16. Metal Look and Feel of JFrame on Windows XP coderanch.com |
17. How to set background Color to JFrame when we use Window Look and Feel coderanch.comI am facing problem on setting the background color of JFrame when I am using Window Look and Feel. The same scenario is wokring fine when I am using Metal Look and Feel. I am as well facing the problem to set the BackGround Color for JInternalFrame public class JIFrameDemo { /* Main View */ static JDesktopPane dtp; public static void ... |
18. Synth Look And Feel - Window Decorations java-forums.orgHello everyone, I just have a few questions about the Synth Look and Feel. So far i've had a lot of luck with it and its surprisingly easy to change almost every components appearance. However what I am really wanting to do is change the default window decorations. For example I would like to change the JFrames title bar to look ... |
19. can we change look and feel for jframe forums.oracle.com |
20. How to maximize frame when using default L&F? forums.oracle.com |
21. Toolbar inset in Synth Look and Feel - Please help forums.oracle.com |
22. Problem with setVisible(false), jtoolbar and gtk laf forums.oracle.comBecause it is a dynamic toolbar for a vectorial editor: following the kind of selected shape, the toolbar shows or hides buttons. If I remove them to add them again few times after, the order of the buttons will always changed (that's annoying for users). Is it possibly just as appropriate to disable the buttons until they are again appropriate? I ... |