JToolBar « JFrame « Java Swing Q&A

1. Is there a JToolBar replacement that offers more functionality?    stackoverflow.com

I'm creating a simple Swing application, then I realized that JToolBar doesn't provide much functionality. For example, I want to add multiple dragable toolbars onto one JFrame, but but I can ...

2. Java Swing JToolBar    stackoverflow.com

I have created JToolBar (Java Swing). I have set a Background image on frame which contains JToolBar. I want my JToolBar to be transparent so that the image kept on frame ...

3. how to remove item from jtoolbar    stackoverflow.com

private JButton btnTask = new JButton(); ... TaoGlobal.taskbar.add(btnTask); How to remove btnTask from JToolBar? Thanx.

4. how to know JToolbar's status?    stackoverflow.com

How to check the JToolbar is docked on my JFrame or it is draged out with its own window?

5. How to make items fill available space in JToolBar?    stackoverflow.com

I have a horizontal JToolbar with JToggleButtons. For some reason it is placed in a container that has larger height. My JToggleButtons use only as much space as they need, leaving ...

6. JToolbar doesn't show on Ubuntu if set to BasicToolBarUI    stackoverflow.com

I've decided to have my own custom UI of JToolBar by subclassing BasicToolBarUI, as part of my Swing program. It works great under OS X (10.6) and Windows (7), but when it comes to ...

7. Separator in JToolBar    coderanch.com

8. Using JToolBar    coderanch.com

9. forcing a JToolBar to fill the line    coderanch.com

I assume you are using a borderlayout of some sort. I don't know how to do it using a border layout because you have to use some sort of buffer components to put between to make them do what you want. I always set my Layout to null and setBounds on all my components. That way they are exactly where I ...

10. JToolbar    coderanch.com

11. Having more than one JToolbar    coderanch.com

12. Separator in JToolBar    coderanch.com

13. JToolBar    coderanch.com

14. How to set a Vertical line in JToolBar    coderanch.com

15. JToolBar    coderanch.com

16. JToolBar on a JDesktop Pane    coderanch.com

17. JToolBar - setRollover and alignment    coderanch.com

Hi there I have a JToolBar that has several buttons on it. Underneath this toolbar I have a tabbed pane. Now depending on which tabbed pane is selected, certain buttons on the toolbar should be visible. This is taken care of with a method I made called setRelevantButtons(); This removes the unneccesary components and adds the relevant ones. I have now ...

18. JToolBar    coderanch.com

19. Problem with JToolBar    coderanch.com

Hi, I writing my text editor in Java, something very similar to Notepad but with more funcionality...i would like to have floatable toolbars which behave same as in other aplications like in Word,so far i have created 3 toolbars and the problem is when user selects and drags out 1 of them for example 2. one in middle last 2 toolbars ...

20. JToolBar width    coderanch.com

Methods getWidth, getHeight and getSize are all of a piece. They return the component's current size, but only if that has been set! They are properly set by their container's layout manager, but also by sticky-fingered coders who setLayout(null). What you want is getPreferredSize:import java.awt.*; import javax.swing.*; public class ToolBarExample { public static void main(String[] args) { SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable(){ public void ...

21. JToolbar dilema !    coderanch.com

I have a toolbar in my application which is working just fine. It contains just buttons and separators. All of the buttons are left justified on the toolbar and they extend approx half way across the screen. I want to add a small JComboBox at the end of the buttons. However when I add this it always seems to stretch to ...

22. a few questions about JToolBar    coderanch.com

23. Adding Component to the right in JToolBar    coderanch.com

Hello All, I have a question about JToolBar I have some components and I need to add some components on left and other on the right side ot the Toolbar. In the code which I have pasted below I need the Right button on the right side of the toolbar. I know the default layout for Toolbar is BoxLayout and i ...

24. JToolBar problem    coderanch.com

Hey all! I got a weird JToolBar problem. I checked the other threads about JToolBars, but didn't have any luck solving the problem. So basically I have a GUI class, which starts the application, initializes a JFrame, tosses in a JMenuBar, and two JToolBars. Plus there is a JPanel for Java3D canvas painting. This is achieved by calling the setContentPane() method ...

25. JToolBar movable but not floatable    java-forums.org

26. JToolbar: How to unselect first item    java-forums.org

What behaviour? This is normal. The dotted box is there so the user knows which button has focus. This allows the user to tab from key to key and then use the keyboard to activate the button. Good GUI design "does not" assume that all users use the mouse. In fact, for any application advanced users will use the keyboard instead ...

27. Connectivity of a JToolbar to the web    java-forums.org

Ive coded a JToolbar and am using eclipse. The construction of the JToolbar is very basic consisting of back and forward JButtons a JCombobox of URLs each associated with an actionListener which ive left blank for the time being as follows button.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { } }); My problem is how to proceed? How am i supposed ...