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1. JFrame does not hide when setVisible(false)    stackoverflow.com

import javax.swing.*;

class Frame extends JFrame{
    Frame() {
        JFrame j = new JFrame();
        j.setBounds(100, 200, ...

2. setVisibile(false) not hiding the frame    stackoverflow.com

Instead it just opens the new frame, and when that one closes.. it not only doesnt hide and go back to the main frame as its supposed to.. it opens a ...

3. Java hide JFrame1 and JFrame2, when JFrame0 is deactivated?    stackoverflow.com

is there a way to hide all the other JFrames of my application, when the user clicks out of the "mainFrame"? I tried with this

   public void windowActivated(WindowEvent we) {

4. StackOverflow when hide window with Java + Bsaf + OpenJDK6    stackoverflow.com

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A classic StackOverflow : Java Swing
Hi! I'm programmed a GUI application with Java + Bsaf + Swing under Linux with Ubuntu and OpenJDK6. When I ...

5. How to make an auto-hide the JToolBar?    stackoverflow.com

I'd like to make an auto-hide the JToolBar and it appear only when the mouse goes near/over the JToolBar. I have added the JToolBar in JPanel. There is no mouseover listener ...

6. Hiding main JFrame window    forums.netbeans.org

Hello. I'm trying to make an application in netbeans, but I'm having trouble finding out how to hide the default JFrame which is created from right clicking on a package/new/JFrame. I'm ...

7. hiding console window    coderanch.com

You can use the javaw.exe program to run your class instead of the java.exe program. They are both in the bin sub-directory of your JDK directory. Javaw runs your program without the command-prompt window... in windows, you would make a shortcut to "\bin\javaw.exe -classpath yourApp", and then you can run your program by clicking on an icon.

8. Need help hiding a window...    coderanch.com

My GUI application opens a second window to allow the user to enter several details. I've setDefaultCloseOperation(HIDE_ON_CLOSE) so that the window contents are available to the main window at any time. When they click the X button in the title bar, it hides as it is supposed to. I want to add an actual OK button to allow them to "close" ...

9. Hiding DOS window with Swing GUI    coderanch.com

Hi, I am kind of a noob Java programmer. I am writing a program for school and I have it working just fine and doing everything I want it to, but one thing I cannot figure out to do is: How do I hide the DOS window that opens when my GUI opens? The program would look so much better without ...

10. [SOLVED] how to hide jframes    java-forums.org

Hi all,i want to ask,i've created a jdialog for login form,and a jframe for main app using netbeans.I've suceed in hiding the login form and displaying the main form,what i want to ask is how to show the login form again when i use a logout action on the main form?Thanks a lot guys.

11. How to hide a window of application    java-forums.org

Tell me please how I can hide a window of application via frame.setVisible(false) at JBuilder then afresh his to display via frame.setVisible(true) on striking the buttons on keyboard Herewith all AWT-evens are at class Admin (parent), but daughterly class Admin frame = new Admin(); is at class Server where is method main

12. hide one frame under another    java-forums.org

OK so you are making very little sense. First you say you have two Frames running and want to hide the other. Now you say you only have one Frame running (the other one does not exist). So why do you need to hide a Frame that does not exist? You'll have to be more accurate in your descriptions or post ...

13. Unable to hide a JFrame    java-forums.org

I have a program which has to add menu's and stuff. for each "action" like adding a new menu, editing menu's, searching,... i let it open up a new frame for each. The problem is, that i can't seem to find how to let the action listener for the "cancel" button hide the frame it is put on. My main frame ...

14. hiding JComponent when jframe resized,lostFocus,mousePressedAnywhere Just like JPOPUP    java-forums.org

I would assume it is behaviour is implemented in a object handled may the JVM. If I remember it right, when a object (AWT/Swing) is created JVM identifies the class and ands it behaviour, but it is always worth a try to look in the source. I will however post my solution candidate when I have looked up that some methods ...

15. How to hide title of a JFrame?    forums.oracle.com

Hey all, I wanna hide my JFrame's title so that it is not displayed when my frame gets visible. Title is being used in my code for some matching that's why I need it but I don't wanna display it. Is there any way I can make its color similar to my frame's color so that its not visible. Reply soon. ...