File Name « JFrame « Java Swing Q&A

1. Display BMP Files Without A Frame

I want to devlop simple image application in java. I need to display the image without anything around it. That is, there should be absolutely no application frame or title ...

2. How to generate a form file from existing code?

In netbeans you can choose to work on "design" or "source". If you don't have a form file, netbeans won't let you see the design and work on that with drag ...

3. how to generate .form file in Java swings

i have .java file. i need to generate .form file using the java file. when i write a java file then automatically .form file should be created. by using java swings ...

4. reading Jframe attribute and writing its value to an xml file

I writing a java program that will read the content of JFrame and based on the value of that an xml file will be created which will contain the attributes and ...

5. reading images from a word file and display in the jframe

How to read image from a word document file and display in jframe?

6. How do I recreate the NetBeans Matisse form file?

I have swing code that was generated using NetBeans Matisse. Over time, the form file got lost. How do I recreate the Matisse form file?

7. Playing a SWF file in a JFrame using Java Media Framework

Hi, Am trying to see if I can play a flash movie (a .swf ) file in a JFrame using the Java Media Framework. Google does't give any examples and I ...

8. How to link Test.form and (Swing files) in NetBeans 6.7 RC2 ?

Recently We have changed project structure to use maven. Part of that process we have separated swing files (*.form and *.java). Java files are in the src directory and form files ...

9. Make changes in a .form file in swing

Hi, I have to delete an option from a dropdown using java swing. The source code appers blue and cannot be edited.under th design tab that dropdown does not appears .How to I delete the option from the dropdown -Make changes to the .form file . I tried doing this but then the corressponding .java class doesnt show the changes. Please ...

10. Can not edit any GUI jframe files

Today I uninstalled NetBeans 7.0 and installed NetBeans 7.0.1 I have each JFrame as its own file. Now the list of files under the project shows two files: JFrameblahblah.form and In the past versions of NetBeans these two files existed if one looks at the project using Windows Explorer, but within Netbeans only the .java file is visible and one ...

11. Enum of Files (+JFrame)

Hello Everybody! PLEASE HELP ME as I really need this: I'm writing a Java application using Forte IDE, it's a jframe. now I have the following code to : 1. resize the window to a bigger size instead of the tiny window that opens at start. the problem is that it does modify the size of the window, but the button ...

12. JFrame & Jar Files

Hi Folks: problem: i have made an single program application usin works when i run it from aDOS prompt. but i want to make it clickable ie make an icon, so i created a jar file n made the JFrame class as manifest, but it doenst not work and gives an error : i would appreciate ur help. ********************* Exception ...

13. Displaying File contents in awt window

Hi, I am planning to display the contents of file in awt window using Graphics drawString() method. sometimes i cannot display large files because there are no scrollbars. I like to know how we could provide scrollbars dynamically in the window.i.e if the file is larger then the window screen it should have a scrollbar else no. Thanks Regards Chandhrasekar Saravanan ...

14. display contents of a text file in a new window

I get the horizontal bar but visibility is complete (i.e) I don't see the entire line. I can go for setLineWrap but as I am viewing a log file, it doesn't look nice. And gain as this is a log file, it grows and my textarea should be able to handle the situation. The code is as below: File f = ...

15. Enum of Files (+JFrame)

Hello Everybody! PLEASE HELP ME as I really need this: I'm writing a Java application using Forte IDE, it's a jframe. now I have the following code to : 1. resize the window to a bigger size instead of the tiny window that opens at start. the problem is that it does modify the size of the window, but the button ...

16. Add Image on to JFrame in jar file

Hi, ImageIcon imgIco= new ImageIcon("mainbacktest.jpg"); JLabel GUIlbl= new JLabel(imgIco); GUIlbl.setBounds(0, 0, GUIlbl.getIconWidth(), GUIlbl.getIconHeight()); serverMainPanel.add(GUIlbl); I have a jar file. After run it's "source" code I can see the JFrames with images. But if I run it's jar file their are no any image on jframes. my java file and other images are in same directory. how can I make a jar ...

17. How to play Flash File inmy frame?

hello to all i have created swing application. i want to play my flash media file when i start to run the application? In my home frame ,i have only menu bar , i want to play my flash media file in my contentpane of home page? is there any solution or way for my thread?help me.. Thanks a lot for ...

18. Create a form, input some data and save to file

Hi. I have a frame and button in that frame. click on the button opens form (new window) with fields (JTextFields). when the fields are filled click on the form's button stores the data in the file. My doubt is: Which component to use as a form window? Use JFrame or something else? Maybe a stupid question, but I do not ...

19. How to put File Flash (*.swf) in JFrame

20. Save form as .pdf file?

Hey everyone! So I'm new to programming and I'm making a form with NetBeans using Swing and ultimately I want to know if there is any way to save the form as a .pdf file? It can look like an image. I just need it to print it. After i save the fine, I want go back and use it again? ...

21. NonVisualComponents in .form file

Hi, I have a panel which is appearing under the tags in the form file and that panel is not visible under the inspector column on the left hand side in netbeans.The code for the panel is present in the initComponent method but the panel is not showing up? Frame panel1 panel1a panel2 Panel 1a inside panel 1 is not ...

22. Accessing JFrame from seperat file?

import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import javax.swing.*; public class page1 extends JPanel { public page1() { JButton page1BTN = new JButton ("Page 1"); page1BTN.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { page1BTN_Clicked(e); } }); setPreferredSize (new Dimension (234, 175)); setLayout (null); add (page1BTN); page1BTN.setBounds (55, 70, 100, 20); } protected void page1BTN_Clicked(ActionEvent e) { page2 MyPanel2 = new page2(); super.removeAll(); super.add(MyPanel2); super.validate(); ...

23. data from one gui window to another file

24. Is the File object part of JFrame?

25. Read from textfile, output to a JFrame

I want to read from a textfile, and then output it to a JFrame... I did manage to read from the textfile, however I don't know how to write it to a JFrame now.: This is what I'm doing try{ InputStream is = getClass().getResourceAsStream("testCases.txt"); BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(is)); String strLine; //Read File Line By Line while ((strLine = br.readLine()) ...